Wednesday, September 30, 2015

But What Do I DO With It?

You keep track of all my sorrows.
    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.
~Psalm 56:8

November 17, is a date that has become, and continues to be, one of the most painful of my life.  You see, it was on November 17, 1981 that my conversations with my Grampa ended.  God called him home and my life changed that day.  

To say that I was angry would be such an understatement!  I was angry with him for leaving me.  I was angry with everyone who told me that "it was his time" or "your pain will end."  I was angry at those who piously quoted Scripture to me as if that was supposed to remove the pain!  I was especially angry at God for taking my Grampa from me.

I was angry for YEARS and YEARS!  With every single loss I endured, I grew more angry.  Did I talk with anyone about it? Of course not because "men don't talk about feelings."  So what did I do with all that pain? Just kept stuffing it down and, on the outside, pretended everything was okay.
It wasn't until I was almost 45 years old that I heard something that finally broke through the pain and anger.  I don't remember the speaker's name, but what this wise person said was: "Let's say you have a broken arm with the bone protruding.  It hurts like nothing you have ever experienced.  Are you going to sit there and be angry and upset that it's broken?  Not a good idea, because it will get infected and cause you even more problems.  You could dull the pain with alcohol and self medicate, but does that fix your arm? Nope!  Your BEST course of action is to go to the doctor who can fix your arm.  Setting the arm is going to hurt, no doubt!  And it will take a long time before you can use it again.  And you may not be able to use it the same way you did before.  But over time the pain will subside."

It was at that moment that I realized that God was reaching out to me.  My heart was broken and I had spent all these years being angry that it was broken instead of going to the Great Physician who could help.  

Now, have I recovered?  Not completely, but I'm better than I was.  Does it still hurt? Yes, very much.  And each time the pain comes, I run to the Great Physician and pour it all out to Him.  Am I still angry? I have my moments.

God records our every tear.  God records our every pain.  God loves us so much that when we hurt, so does HE!

"In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation." - 1 Peter 5:10
If you are hurting, take your broken heart to the Great Physician.  Show Him your pain! Show Him the broken pieces of your heart!  Show Him the flood of tears your soul has shed!  Let Him comfort you! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

It Starts With You!

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future.
There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
one God and Father of all,
who is over all, in all, and living through all.
~Ephesians 4:2-6 

As you know, I like to think.  Not just think, but contemplate.  Contemplation is exploratory thinking.  You take a thought and you explore it; you look at it from as many possible perspectives as possible; you turn it over and over in your mind; you touch every crevice and edge; you delve into the every corner.  

Well....I started contemplating Morale. And guess what I discovered?  Morale starts with me!  Good morale is MY decision!  Bad morale is MY decision!  I cannot always control my circumstances, but I can control my responses to my circumstances.  

Look at the words Paul writes to us...."Always be HUMBLE and GENTLE."  Does it say always be ticked off and aggravated because I don't think things are being done the way I want?  Absolutely not!  

"Be PATIENT with each other..."  REALLY?  Do we do that? I'm not always so good at doing that, but I am learning and trying.  Be patient..."making allowances for each other's faults."  Will this one punched me in the forehead!  I am not only am supposed to be patient with others, I am supposed to make allowances for them too!  WOW!  

And just when I am ready to punch the Venerable Apostle in the face, "making every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit."  Well now....if we are to be united in the Spirit [of God] then we are to be completely honest with each other.  If you ask my opinion, I should respect you enough to tell you the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear.  If I tell you only what you want to hear then THAT is proof that I have NO respect for you.  We lie to those we have no respect for.

Paul is reminding us that WE are either uniting or dividing.  We are either part of the same body or we are the cancer within the body.  WE must choose which we will be; honest and truthful, even if the truth is inconvenient or dishonest because it will get us what we think we want.

Bottom line: We CHOOSE to our morale!


Monday, September 28, 2015

Let's Talk For A Moment

Always be joyful. 
Never stop praying. 
Be thankful in all circumstances, 
for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Let's talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room, shall we?  When we tell someone that we are praying for them, do we or are we just saying we will OR are we saying it because it's been so long since you actually talked with God that you have forgotten who He is?

Let's start at the top...Paul tells us to be "Joyful."  There is a HUGE difference between being "joyful" and being "happy" and we seem to have them confused.  You see "JOYFUL" is a conscious decision that we make because of, or even in spite of, our circumstances, predicaments, situations, or feelings.  On the other hand "Happy" is momentary, fleeting, situational, and is a feeling which is subject to change at a moment's notice.  Hmmmm......

Next Paul reminds us to "Never stop praying."  This does not mean you quit your job, wander off to some monastic facility in the mountains and live the rest of your life as a hermit talking only to God.  Let's say your best friend calls; you answer the phone without looking at the caller ID; how do you know it's your best friend? Because you know the voice!  And how did they become your best friend? Because you invested yourself into each other's lives, learning to trust each other and keep no secrets from each can talk about anything and everything.  Hmmmm.... When we develop that kind of relationship with God, you have the best possible best friend EVER!  Have I achieved that status? No, but I'm still talking to Him and we have lots of conversations about....well, YOU!

Finally, Paul reminds us to "Be Thankful In ALL Circumstances."  Here's a little tidbit for the mind to chew on today: Circumstances change! Gratitude for who God is doesn't! We make the choice many times every single day: Either we determine to maintain our attitude of gratitude OR we let our circumstances decide for us if we are going to be grateful or ticked off.  

There's a lot going on in these few brief words of today's passage.  Talking with God and developing that relationship that is beyond description should cause us to be eternally grateful REGARDLESS of our circumstances.  But the 800 pound gorilla in the room is this: What will you decide and when are you going to start?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Protect Your Mind!

And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people. 
~Romans 16:17-18

Did you know that there are people who are divisive?  We see it every single day.  The divisive people are usually those who are too cowardly to step into the light of view and debate.  They choose to cast stones from the shadows without regard to who will be hurt by their words. Divisive people stir up trouble and seem to enjoy the chaos, again because they do so from the shadows.  

The Apostle Paul reminds us to be wary of those who seek to be divisive!  Yet over and over we see such people who will mindlessly follow simply because the rhetoric is the latest popular thing, or because they just want to be "part of change," or some other excuse that deflects the responsibility to THINK away from themselves.  Remember the excuse: "Well, every one else is doing it!"  Does that make it right. 

Jesus reminds us "And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak" (Matthew 12:36). Therefore, we must be careful what we say and what we think.  Because for most of us, what's in our mind is going to come out of our mouth (and God WILL hold us accountable).

Solomon wrote in his Proverbs: "Guard your heart [and mind] above all else, for it determines the course of your life" (Proverbs 4:23).  So how do we put a guard on our hearts and minds?  How do we keep from becoming a casualty of the divisive person's bombs?  Allow me to give you some very practical counsel:
     *  If a statement is 99.99999% true and 0.00001% false, it is a LIE!  Don't let the lies into your mind!  If that means you have to stop reading their words or stop listening their words or even remove yourself from them, DO IT!  Better to walk away than become a casualty!
     *  Remember that YOU control what you let into your heart and mind! Be selective!  Be careful!
     *  People will say whatever they want about you for whatever reason they want and there's little you can do to stop them.  BUT....YOU control how you choose to react to them.
Perhaps the best counsel I have found comes from Paul's letter to the Philippian church (Chapter 4 Verse 8):
 Finally, brothers and sisters, 
whatever is true
whatever is worthy of respect
whatever is just
whatever is pure,
 whatever is lovely
whatever is commendable
if something is excellent or praiseworthy

We are bombarded with lots of garbage every day, but WE get to decide what we let into our minds.  If it's not building you up and making you better, then it's not worth your time to think about!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sing In Harmony? Have Your Heart Me Sing?

May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.
~Romans 15:5-7

I like to sing....but only in the car when I am alone and the windows are up.  I like to sing Joe Walton's "Rocky Mountain Way" or "Seven Bridges Road" by the Eagles or "Holiday Road" from the movie 'Vacation'.  And there's a reason I am alone in the car and the windows are up, and it's because I sing very badly.

Have you ever heard a group sing and none of them were singing the same song?  I will be honest, one Sunday morning my bride and I were attending services and there was a lovely young lady seated behind us who was a true delight to talk to, but singing was not among her gifts.  But she would make her joyful noise loudly and with all the gusto her spirit had been filled with. 

Now consider this: Each of us is a part in God's harmony called "creation."  And if we aren't helping join the harmony we are destroying the harmony!  We destroy this harmony with our attitudes, anger, hatred, disrespect of others, and believing that we are the only ones who matter.  But look at what the Apostle Paul says: "ACCEPT each other just as Christ accepted you!"  So it's not about you!  It's about the fact that God has accepted and welcomed you through Christ!  So how can we do differently and call ourselves  Believers?

And just so you know, the Apostle Paul was not the ghastly white six foot Adonis depicted in the stained glass windows.  Paul was Turkish (being from Tarsus) and was considered small (5' - 5'2") even for his time.  Paul was also stooped and almost blind due to his occupation as a tentmaker (very intensely delicate and tedious work).  Would you accept such a person?  Or are looks the only standard of acceptance used?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Complacent, Apathetic or Alert?

We prayed to our God and stationed a guard 
to protect against them both day and night. 
Nehemiah 4:9 
Today's verse was written while Nehemiah and a remnant of the Jewish people had returned to a destroyed Jerusalem in order to rebuild it.  But as they went about rebuilding it, their enemies decided this was not a good idea and would attack the workers and then re-destroy the work that had been done. Lot's of people would have decided that rebuilding the city was just not worth it, and would have gone back into captivity.  But God had told Nehemiah to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and Nehemiah was going to do just that even if he had to do it all by himself.
 When I was in the Army (HOOAH), one of my grunt duties was pulling guard duty.  Most of the time guard duty consisted of hiding in the brush, getting chewed up my bugs and critters, dealing with the weather conditions, just so no one would pass into the camp without permission....pretty much routine boredom broken only when someone came to relieve you.  I even had decided to earn a little extra cash by taking someone else's watch for a small fee.  I did this so often that I had a nice chunk of change and had gotten very complacent.  When my Sergeant found out, he made it a point to enter my perimeter without permission and put an end to my little enterprise.
 Let's think about something for a moment.  Why would they pray to God AND station a guard? So we don't grow complacent!  We have seen this in the news more and more of late, people getting killed in churches, theaters, at gas stations, at grocery stores...the physical threat is very real and we need to be on our guard.  BUT what about the movies we watch, what about "I'm too tired to discipline my kids", what about "If the store gave me too much change, too bad for them", what about "everything's going my way so why pray."  
We, as a society and as Believers, have become complacent!  We have not only let our guard down, we have fired our guard because "it can't happen to me."  And when something bad DOES happen, what do we say? "How could God let this happen to me?"  Hmmmm.....

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Feeling Victorious?

The Lord your God is in your midst;
he is a warrior who can deliver.
He takes great delight in you;
he renews you by his love;
he shouts for joy over you.
Zephaniah 3:17

When will we stop feeling defeated?  With all that is going on in the world today we act as if somehow God has been beaten.  But that simply is not true!  

God is a warrior!  Not only that, but God is OUR warrior!  NOT ONLY THAT, but God is our warrior who cannot be defeated.  And when I say "cannot be defeated" I am not using the "Oh My Goodness that just cannot happen to someone so nice", I am stating that there is NO WAY that God can ever be anything other than victorious!

Read on!  Not only is God THE warrior who can never be defeated, but He takes GREAT DELIGHT IN YOU!  God likes you!  Warts, farts, flaws and all!  God likes you so much that He renews you with His love and SHOUTS FOR JOY over you!  

So when you are feeling defeated or just banged up a bit, remember that God is filling you with His love because He loves you AND He is shouting to all of creation "LOOK!  This is MY child that I love!"  Think about it, if our parents had done that when we were children, we would have been so embarrassed...but when God does that we are strengthened!  

The enemy will whisper that no one can love us because of our pasts and because we aren't perfect.  But GOD, who has the final word, loudly calls that a lie because of Jesus' sacrifice for us!  So remember WHO is proclaiming His love and joy over you to ALL creation and know YOU are a child of the most loving King!

Monday, September 21, 2015


I heard the voice of the sovereign master say, 
“Whom will I send? Who will go on our behalf?” 
I answered, “Here I am, send me!”
Isaiah 6:8

For the longest time I was convinced that nothing I did made a difference or could do any lasting good because I was just one person. And, after all, what can one person accomplish that has any sort of positive lasting impact on society. Looking back at my own life, regardless of what it might look like or what has been said, there were a few bright moments, but for the most part let's just say I was eager to leave the party.

My Grampa was one of those bright spots in my life.  During one visit, I remember sitting on the bumper of his car (1965 Ford Galaxy 500 that I wanted SO badly), and I was just numb.  Grampa came out, lit his pipe (as was his custom) and leaned against the car. And he said, "Ain't seen a face that long since the last time the mule ate saw briers. What hog ate your snake boy?"  So I told him that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't seem to make an impact on anyone.  Grampa's advice? "You're sleeping in the garage tonight boy!"

The next morning at 5am, Grampa came out and told me to get up because breakfast was ready.  I had never slept so little that I could remember....EVER!  On the way into the house, Grampa said: "Still think you don't make an impact on others?"  I mumbled something to the affirmative, and his response floored me like a right hook from a street fighter, "Mosquito wasn't looking to have an impact on anyone either. Mosquito just doin' what God made him to do.  But he impacted your sleep last night, eh?"  I remember looking into Grampa's face with my sleep deprived eyes and he got nose to nose with me and told me, "Ain't YOUR job to make a splash!  It's YOUR job to do what God tells you because all the water you trying to splash is His!"

And you know, I don't need a wall full of plaques and certificates to know that God uses even people as flawed as me to make a difference.  Don't believe it? Have you seen the faces of folks light up with something as small as a Tootsie Roll?  Have you seen people change when you let them know they are appreciated?  Have you heard the stomach of the homeless person stop rumbling because you gave your lunch to them?  It doesn't take a big splash to make a difference, it just takes a heart that is willing when God asks, "Who shall I send?"

And I have to put in this shameless plug.  My bride and I married in 1999.  I gave her my very first BUBBA (Butt Ugly Butt Big Afghan) that took over 2 months to make.  She thought I was weird and possibly certifiably missing a few of the more important synapses, but she accepted it graciously.  After we had been married a few months we sold gave a sofa to a lady who had come from SisterCare, my sweet bride took the BUBBA I had made for her and gave it to this lady.  I can tell you that they hugged and cried and prayed right there in our garage for almost half an hour.  All from a simple gesture of giving one ugly blanket away. AND my bride is now a HUGE part of the BUBBA Project whether she knows it or not.

Do you have an impact?  BEYOND A DOUBT!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Got Your Back!

Praise the Lord, who is my rock.
    He trains my hands for war
    and gives my fingers skill for battle.
He is my loving ally and my fortress,
    my tower of safety, my rescuer.
He is my shield, and I take refuge in him.
    He makes the nations
submit to me.

For many, these two verses are known as the "Warrior's Code" but, as you probably know by now, i like to look at things a bit differently and this is no exception.  

The true warrior is not focused solely on his own safety, rather the True Warrior is focused on protecting hos comrades. If he can protect them then he knows they are protecting him and anything or anyone who attempts to come between such comrades is considered a threat and is dealt with as such.

How strong would our relationships be if we took that same dedication to protecting those we are in relationship with? Can you imagine anything or anyone attempting to divide and conquer such a strong bond? Yet we let our guard down over and over and we get annoyed when our partner tries to bring our focus back on keeping our guard up.

* We work too much and neglect our family time, but that's supposed to be "okay" because you "need the money" instead if cutting expenses.

* The kids play one parent Gainst another (or play parent against step-parent) but that's "okay" because we don't want to appear harsh. Remember, the BIble (you remember the Bible? GOD'S instructions for us.) never says "Train up a child so they will never go."  God's Word emphasizes that children are to be trained so that they WILL go!

* We stop spending time together, but that's "okay" because we just have developed different interests.

Your relationship should NEVER be considered "disposable"...EVER!  NOTHING should ever be allowed to "divide and conquer" your relationship!  NO ONE should ever be allowed to play you against your partner! 

Our relationships are worth fighting for!  Therefore, WE must keep the Warrior's Code as our guide and protect each other so that our relationships are, and will forever be, solid as GOD'S Word!

Life Feel Like You're In A Hamster Wheel?

These are the words of the Teacher, King David’s son, who ruled in Jerusalem.
“Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”
What do people get for all their hard work under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth never changes. The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again. The wind blows south, and then turns north. Around and around it goes, blowing in circles. Rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea. Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content.
Ecclesiastes 1:1-8

Ever feel like no matter what you do, it just doesn't matter?  If you read today's passage at face value, then you get the impression that all our efforts are pointless, we get depressed, we quit trying, and then we wait to die.

BUT....There are 3 words I want you to focus on: "under the sun."  Why is this important?  Very simple, because the world will turn and go through its routine, but we don't work for the world!  True, we are routine driven people.  For centuries we plant, we wait, we harvest, we wait, we plant, and over and over and over.  But no matter what our 'routine' we do not work for the the world under the sun!  If you did exactly the same routine over and over and over, having exactly the same conversations over and over, eating the same thing over and over, would you not get depressed?  

The Apostle Paul reminds us: "Whatever you are doing, work at it with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not for people, because you know that you will receive your inheritance from the Lord as the reward. Serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24)  

For YEARS I have worked jobs and hated every minute of it.  I was so tired of doing the same thing over and over day after day without ever feeling appreciated or a hamster in a wheel.  But when I FINALLY realized that God is my boss, my perspective began to change.  When my perspective changed, so did my career.  God has put me in a position where I get to do what I LOVE to do, with people that I LOVE working with, and I have a boss that I truly admire because he reminds me that my efforts are appreciated.

Stop working the routine and Work for GOD!  You will see a difference!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Beware The Wolf!

They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires.
2 Timothy 3:5-6

Don't you just LOVE "religious" people?  I'm not talking about the true believers, I'm talking about those who know how to "work the rites" for their own gain.  Think about this for a minute:  Jesus' biggest critics were who?  The Religious People (also known as "Church Folk").  Jesus taught the people to beware of these people who ACT holy but are really out to control, gain power (political power is one of the desires I see a LOT of in some "pastors"), get a bigger paycheck, gain prestige, and more trappings of higher offices.  

Needless to say, I am NOT a fan of the "church folk."  The church my family attended when I was in grade school almost had a split over a topic that has since become the norm: The Super Bowl!  The pastor stated that Sunday Services would occur at their regular time on Super Bowl Sunday (Morning AND Evening).  Several of the members took offense that they were expected to actually choose between learning about God's love for them or watching a sporting event (and the pre-pre-pre-pregame show all the way through the post-post-post-postgame commentaries).  The pastor merely told the congregation that it was their choice to attend or not, but services would not be cancelled.  

Do you know what this told me about church?  That it was optional!  It taught me that God was not to be THE priority, but merely someone to learn about if I have the and feel like it.  And guess what?  These "Church Folk" would enthusiastically and very animatedly discuss every play of the game, but when it came time to speak of God or pray they sounded like they bad actors in a very bad play with a very bad script.

The question before you today is simple:  Is God YOUR priority or just another nick-nack you dust off every so often when you feel like it?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Loner's Got To Be Alone

One who has isolated himself seeks his own desires;
he rejects all sound judgment.
Proverbs 18:1

We've all seen them...the "loner" who is portrayed as some hardcore survivalist who can do everything alone and they like it that way.  Nothing bothers them. They don't follow anyone's rules but their own.  They eat when they want (whatever they can find or catch), do what they want, where they want and no one is going to tell them anything! They believe they can live all by themselves without going insane or paranoid.  And yet...

Remember God?  When He created everything He said it was good...until He got to man.  When He breathed life into Adam, God said "It's not good for man to be alone."  Why?  Because God created us to be interactive with each other.  But somewhere along the way, the interactive part became rather cliquish and exclusive.  If you didn't fit into the cliques then you were considered a "loser" and, thus, a loner.  

I admit that I enjoy doing some things alone. When I go for my mandatory walks, I like to go alone because that is my thinking time.  When I write, I like to do that alone because my train of thought doesn't have to make frequent stops due at Chatty Town.  Understand, I am an Introvert!  Very much an Introvert.  In a large gathering, I am perfectly happy to stay on the fringe, quietly watching the people interact with one another (why YES I did notice this is your 4th trip to the buffet line.  Yes, I did note your 3rd trip to the dessert bar. I absolutely noticed how quickly that bottle of wine disappeared.)

But look at today's is reminding us that when we have only our own counsel to listen to, we will eventually spiral into a place where sense makes no sense anymore. When we reach the point where we stop listening because we are such a loner that we know everything (or so we think) we are doomed to ruin.

It might be a bit uncomfortable, but, as a devout Introvert, I can tell you that people really are pretty nice.  Why else would God allow so many of them? 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Strength For Today

As soon as I pray, you answer me;
    you encourage me by giving me strength.
Psalm 138:3

I have noticed a thing or two as I now enter into my 54th year on this spinning marble.  One of the things I have noticed our reaction when things don't go the way we want, even to the point of going horribly wrong.  You see, when things go wrong, we usually take one of two stances: 
     1. We get angry and blame God for everything we think is wrong in our life, questioning His love and even existence; 
     2. We cling to Him because we understand that without Him we wouldn't have the strength to continue on.

Say what you will, but this has been by direct observation over and over and over.  And it all boils down to that "R" word which tends to terrify the timid and worry the proud.  I'm talking about RELATIONSHIP!  When the Sheriff's Department hires new folks, I am allowed time to talk with them and explain who I am and why I do what I do (drink coffee, give out Tootsie Rolls, etc.) and the main thing I tell these new hires is this: "My purpose here is to build relationships with you because, should something happen and you need to help, you aren't likely to want to talk to someone you don't know."

Hmmmmm.......How's your relationship with God?  Do ya'll talk, have a nodding acquaintance in passing, or do you ignore Him?  When (not if) your life takes an unexpected turn, wouldn't it be more comforting being able to talk with someone who you not only have a relationship with, but also is big enough to make a difference and resourceful enough to take care of you and strong enough to carry you?  

Just sayin'

Friday, September 11, 2015

Caution: Old Friends Laughing!

I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
    until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
    I will carry you along and save you.
~Isaiah 46:4 
 I remember listening to stories at family gatherings.  Most of them I didn't understand, but I remember the laughter.  I remember listening to my Grampa talking about his friends and seeing his face light up as he remembered some funny tale of their exploits.  Watching he and his friends together laughing as they reminded each other of the stories of their lives was always priceless to me.  I still didn't get all their jokes, but I liked seeing them laugh.
This week, tomorrow as a matter of fact, I celebrate the fact that God has taken care of me for another year.  Looking back it's hard to believe the years have slipped by so quickly.  Looking back at the antics I had with some of my friends it's hard to believe we are still alive and not in jail.  But I also look at how many of my friends from my youth have already been called home.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of old guys (no, I'm not one of them) sitting together and they were enjoying telling stories of their younger days.  I overheard one of the guys say, "Yep...God's been good to me in spite of me."  When his friend's wife came and took him off, I sat next to this older gentleman and told him I had heard his comment.  He smiled with a twinkle of impishness and said, "You know what Heaven is to me?  Sitting on a bench like this swapping stories and laughter with God."  
He must have noticed how his statement gave me pause to think because he chuckled and said, "The bestest friends you have are the ones you have no secrets.  If you are honest with God, you have no secrets and He is your bestest friend, so you can laugh at your mistakes without shame." 
What a relationship to strive for!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Treadmills are EVIL!!!!

And my God will supply every need of yours 
according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
~Philippians 4:19

While you are reading this, I am having my Nuclear Stress Test (aka, my cardiologist's idea of fun for me).  Last time I had one of these, I admit I was terrified.  The entire night before the test I was anxious, worried, not looking forward to enduring such torture.  I was stressed WAY before the stress test!

But the more I thought about it over the years, I have come to realize that God is the one in control.  And He is in control of EVERYTHING!  So why worry?

Grampa once told me: "What have YOU got to be worried about? God gave you life and it's HIS job to get you through it!" I am letting God do His work with me and I will be grateful when the snack breaks come around.  I need coffee!!!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Money, Money Money, Money!

Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins.
  Jesus called his disciples to him and said, I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.
Mark 12:41-44

I have heard this story many many times throughout my time on this earth.  I have heard it told to support the idea that it's not how much you give to the's about why you give to the church.  I have heard it told to support the idea that giving is not optional (guilt, guilt, guilt).  I have heard it told to support the idea that "We have staff to support, programs to fund, buildings to build/renovate, and so many other projects that need funding."  Then we find out that these well meant funds include a right healthy staff raise, perhaps a new car for the pastor (that is far better than anyone else in the congregation has), and the programs being funded aren't helping anyone locally.

We use this story to suit our own greed.  We use this story to encourage giving. We use this story to do many things.  But the thing I want you to understand is when is Enough truly Enough?  Jesus never said that we were not to give.  Jesus did teach against greed and doing things just for the purpose of being showy (drawing attention to how "holy and righteous" you think you are).

Now, those two copper coins were just enough to buy about one sandwich worth of day old bread.  That was ALL this woman had!  But the truth of this story is not about money!    Do you REALLY think God has any desire for your money?  If God needs something funded, He will provide the money.  

The true meaning of this story is about the heart. God wants us to be so reliant on Him that we do not fear!   He wants us to love and trust Him so much that should we lose EVERYTHING...we will trust Him to provide what we need.  And God usually provides for our needs in such unexpected ways that we can't help but know it was God who provided.  God also wants us to love and trust Him so much that we aren't afraid to be the source of help for someone who is truly in need.  Think about it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Could You Be A Saint?

God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago.  
We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. 
And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. 
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God freely and graciously declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.
Romans 8:21-24
I watched the Bill Murray movie entitled "St. Vincent" over the Labor Day weekend and found it to be, on the whole, rather enjoyable.  The part of the movie that truly stuck out for me was near the end.  If you haven't seen the movie and want to, sorry....spoiler alert!  Bill Murray is excellent at playing the sarcastic, frumpy, grumpy, ne'er do well type of character and this is no exception.  Over and over he tries to do something right and fails miserably...or so we are led to believe.
The ending made me think about the question that was asked of the students at the Catholic School in the movie: "What makes a Saint?"  Oliver, the young boy in the movie, perfectly explains that a Saint is a flawed human being who does things for the good of others through sacrifices.  In this movie, as in life, the true good deeds do not seem to be a significant part of the storyline, but, in fact, they are the entire point of the storyline!  
Saints are not people who are perfect! Because perfection is not something we, as humans, can achieve on this dirtball.  We are flawed!  We are screw-ups!  We are imperfect in every since of the word!  Yet some people seem to stand out for their goodness.  I listened to the speech Oliver gave in the movie over and over and realized there are saints all around us, but we just don't seem to see them.  We take them for granted!  We look right over them and their efforts.  Yet they keep on doing good for others.

I beg you to watch this clip and see if you would qualify to be a saint.  It's never too late to start becoming one.