Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Talking to Myself?

Have you ever found yourself having a conversation with yourself?  Perhaps even an argument with yourself?  It might sound ridiculous to think about arguing with yourself, but have you even engaged in negative self talk?  A memory comes to mind and you suddenly find yourself berating yourself...and where does that lead?

Imagine being King David, beloved of God.  One would think he would have only good things to say to himself. After all, he was God's chosen King of Israel.  He was the one God appointed to face Goliath and win.  God had guided David's life and yet, if you read through the Psalms, you will find that David had some pretty negative conversations with himself.

"My heart pounds in my chest.
 The terror of death assaults me.
Fear and trembling overwhelm me,
    and I can’t stop shaking."  - 
Psalm 55:4-5

Does that sound like a man with his life all together? 

"Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?" - Psalm 42:11a

In just these two verses, and the Psalms are full of such verses, we can almost feel David's palpable dread, fear and uncertainty.  However, as happens so often in the Psalms, if we continue reading, the answer pops out like the sunshine after a storm. 

"Be gracious to me, O Lord,
    for to you do I cry all the day.
Gladden the soul of your servant,
    for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul." - Psalm 86:3-4

Many times we will hear the voice of our enemy whispering into our minds that we are old, worthless, and no longer have value.  We will hear the whispers of all the wrongs we have done, all the times we have tried and failed, all the relationships that have ended badly...because that's what the enemy does, he twists everything to cause us to look at ourselves instead at Abba!

You see, when we focus on Abba and His love for us without limit we take the whispers and negative self-talk and lay them all at His feet.  Guess what He will do?  Shine His love on them and us, and those whispers will burn away like our already defeated enemy. And then, like David wrote in Psalm 103:1 - "Praise the Lord, O my soul. With all that is within me, praise His Holy Name."  

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


May I ask you a question? How truly honest are you when you pray?  In your prayer time, do you tell Abba "nice things" that we think He wants to hear?  Do you tell Him exactly what's on your heart, hiding nothing?  

My turn to make a confession...my prayer time used to be very structured. I would, set a timer, read a devotion (which may or may not have actually been relevant with my life or struggles), then I would "assume the proper pose" and I read a prayer say "amen" and go about my day.  I didn't really get anything out my prayer time, but I knew I was expected to have that ritual every day. But why would Abba be interested in hearing anything I had to say? After all, He has more important things to do, such as running the universe.

It wasn't until years later that I learned the truth. It wasn't that I was taking prayer seriously, because I was. The truth of the matter was that I was taking it TOO seriously.  I thought I had to have a proper position (head bowed, eyes closed, hands folded), and that I had to "sound holy" and use the proper words without my mind wandering to whatever struggles I was enduring.  I had been to prayer retreats, conferences, seminars, filling notebook after notebook on the "Proper Methods of Prayer."  

The truth is found in Hebrews 4:14-16: "Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have a high priest incapable of sympathizing with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way just as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help." Did you catch that? Jesus already understands everything we have, are, and will go through.  He knows!

I realize this is rather lengthy, and I do apologize, but Abba has impressed on my heart that someone needs to hear this, including me.  READ THE PSALMS!  It is a book of human emotions! In the Psalms, there is anger, hatred, doubt, fear, complaint, and worship! And in all this, there is the awareness that Abba is in charge of everything.  Remember when the Disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray?  What did Jesus do? Did He pull out His notes from a prayer conference or seminar? NO.  He simply talked to Abba.

As a matter of fact, Jesus went so far as to tell them (and us): "When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!" What was Jesus' example?  Be honest, Hide nothing, Be genuine.

Here's my challenge for all of us: Talk with Abba! No formulas, no "right way" to pose, just talk! Tell Him everything that's on your mind, the good, the bad, the scary, to happy...everything!


Friday, June 18, 2021

Pick Your Crop!

When was the last time you planted flowers and got a herd of cattle instead? Okay, perhaps that might be a little far-fetched. Try this one: Have you ever planted herbs and what actually grew were peanuts?

 I know, you are thinking that I've lost my mind. But I assure you my questions are based on my own mistakes and some pretty astute observations. Have you ever been crabby and wondered why people avoided you? Ever slacked off at work and then wonder why the boss was none too happy? Ever not listen and then wonder why you don't understand the instructions?

 We do this type of thinking all the time. We gossip and wonder why no one trusts us. We are false friends and wonder why we end up getting stabbed in the back. Some will call it "karma" because, after all, Karma is a.....well not very nice. We can fool other people for a time, but God isn't fooled. 

 1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us, "God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" 

 If you want to reap a different future, change the crops you are sowing now!


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Think About It

"One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them."
Matthew 5:1-2

Have you ever thought about the method Jesus used to teach and preach?  I have.  Quite a bit of His teaching was done as He and the Disciples were walking from one place to another.  His sermons were spoken so everyone could understand them and learn.  You see, Jesus didn't use "Seminary Words" or cliches.  He spoke to those who needed to hear His message.

Several years ago I visited a church that I had heard a lot of good things about.  I was ready to learn...until the service began.  The music was so loud that I could, quite literally, feel it pounding inside me.  It was as if I had returned to my college years going to concerts.  This church had lots of "satellites" where one could watch the service on a theater screen.  When it was time for the sermon, I was rather taken aback that the pastor never used Scripture, instead it was a "feel good" talk.  By the time the service was over, the persistent ringing in my ears were driving me nuts, I felt as though I had just wasted my time.  

Think about this: 

When did Jesus ever have a rock concert when He preached?  

When did He "entertain" the people who came to listen and learn?

How did Jesus get His message across to people?  He talked to them! He didn't browbeat them. He didn't yell and holler and condemn them.  He talked to them and loved them. He was genuine. He was simply engaging.  Shouldn't we do the same? 

Each person has a testimony to share.  Let me share something I am still learning, when you talk with people...talk to them like a normal human being.  No need to be all Pius and 'Holy' because until you are actually in Heaven, we are just a beggar who needs to tell others where to find bread.  Be open and honest about your struggles and your failures and what you have learned from them.  He genuine!  

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Well Do We Wait?

Let me ask you a question: How well do you wait?  I openly admit that I am impatient and don't like waiting (ask my Bride).  I'm that guy who gets behind the one person in line who has a million questions or simply wants to chat.  If I have an appointment, I will show up early simply because that's how I was brought up ("better early than late, especially for dinner").  Having said all that, I will say that I am still learning.  

We don't like to wait, do we?  There's something about the whole process of waiting that grates on our nerves.  And guess what? Our impatience is a trick of the enemy into focusing on us and our time, instead of making good use of that time.  One of the things I am learning to do when waiting is reading.  Everyone has a cellphone and if you have the Kindle app on your phone you can read books that will increase your knowledge.  One of the books I am re-reading is called "Three Free Sins" by Steve Brown.

Speaking of waiting, did you know that Jesus spent "40 days and 40 nights" before He began the ministry assigned Him by Abba.  Now the actual phrase "40 days and 40 nights" quite literally means "as long as it takes." Jesus stayed in the wilderness for as long as it took for Him to be truly prepared for His ministry.

The Apostle Paul spent three years in the Arabian desert preparing for the ministry Abba has given him. That's quite a long time!

In Acts 1:4-5, after Jesus was crucified, He appeared to the Disciples and told them:
[Jesus] commanded them, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” They had to wait until Abba sent His Holy Spirit to them.  Why? Because Jesus knew if their ministry was not led by Abba's Holy Spirit it would be a powerless effort and would fail because it would be of the flesh instead of the Holy Spirit.

Here's a lesson I got out of reading and contemplating on the passage...We need to meet with Jesus and we need to be quiet and we need to wait!  We need to be still to see where the Spirit is leading.  The best way I am learning to be still and quiet is by studying, reading, writing, learning.  As we wait, we need to talk with Abba.  Tell Him exactly what's on our heart. Be frank and blunt with Him.  Waiting shouldn't be a boring waste of time, it should be time where we are actively preparing our minds and hearts before Abba.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Loved Beyond Measure

Ever been told you're not good enough? Me too.

Ever been told you don't fit in? Me too.

Ever been told you are worthless? Me too.

Ever been told you'll never amount to anything? Yep, me too.

And the people who tell us this stuff are LYING!!

Why do we do this to each other?  Believe it or not, every person every to take a breath has a purpose that Abba has designed specifically for them.  No one is worthless. No one!  There are those with whom we'd rather not associate, for whatever reason, but they still have purpose in the plans of Abba.  They are stilled loved by Abba.

Think about this, John 3:16 say "God loved the world (no exceptions) SO much that He sent His only Son." 

Did you catch that? Abba loves us NO EXCEPTIONS! Which means YOU are loved, worthwhile and good enough because you are loved by the very being of love in Abba.  Therefore, take heart, my friend. Talk with Abba about your purpose and let Him love you!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Good Deeds...Why Do We Do Them?

"In the same way, the good deeds of some people are obvious. And the good deeds done in secret will someday come to light" (1 Timothy 5:25). 

Why do we do good deeds?  Because they need to be done to help others, of course. But what is our true intent?  Giving to the church is a good deed, but bringing attention to the gift defeats that good deed because it, then, becomes a show!  Remember when Jesus and the Disciples were in the temple watching the people bring their offerings?  The wealthy dropped in huge amounts, which made a LOT of noise, so everyone would know their contribution was sizable. But who did Jesus say gave the most?

When we do good things for others, we are specifically instructed NOT to bring attention to it.  When we do a good job, we are specifically instructed NOT to bring attention to it.  Why? because that turns the good into a dramatic show of "LOOK AT ME! SEE HOW AMAZING AND AWESOME I AM?"  In fact, Jesus made it a point to tell us, "When you do good for others, do not even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" (Matthew 6:3).  

Don't get discouraged when you do good things and no one seems to notice. You see, Abba is the one who sees and knows.  And guess what? He's the ONLY one who truly matters and will reward accordingly.  When we draw attention to our good deeds, the accolades we garner will be our only reward. 


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Time is an Illusion

"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?"
Matthew 6:27

 How many of us are worried about the events currently being presented by the news?  How many are worried about health concerns?  How many are worried about the economy?  How many are worried about finances?  How many are just worried?

Let me ask you this, how has all that worrying helped you?  Or has it?

I'm going to be completely and openly honest, I was a worrier.  I worried about everything!  I worried about worrying because of today's verse.  And you know what? I was miserable and my health began to decline. Not only that, my mood turned dark and I began to snap at people and generally just be an irritable porcupine.

That began to change when I heard a sermon on "Time" where the pastor referenced two verses: "You have decided the length of our lives.  You know how many months we will live,    and we are not given a minute longer." - Job 14:3.  It was at that moment that I began to realize that Abba has already decided how long I will dwell on His Earth before being called home. AND there is nothing I can do to add or subtract a single breath.  Each one of us, like it or not, have been allotted our time and purpose on this Earth by Abba.  Therefore, we are to ask Abba: "So teach us to consider how brief our lives are, teach us to count minutes instead of hours or days, so that we might live wisely." - Psalm 90:12

Worry solves nothing, instead it causes damage. Worry is a weapon of the devil to take our eyes and trust off of Abba.  When we learn that He already has ever part of His plan for us working, we can let go of worry and learn to celebrate each moment and share His love with others.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

"OH...Yeah, He Knows!"

Then the devil led Jesus to the holy city of Jerusalem and put him on a high place of the Temple. The devil said, “If you are the Son of God, jump down, because it is written in the Scriptures:

‘He has put his angels in charge of you.
    They will catch you in their hands
so that you will not hit your foot on a rock.’” Psalm 91:11–12

Jesus answered him, “It also says in the Scriptures, ‘Do not test the Lord your God.’”
Did you know that Satan is very crafty and cunning?  He does come to us in the horribly disfigured red hideous creature that we have been led to believe.  If he did, would we be willing to talk with him?  Satan is cunning, clever and comes to us in ways we will willingly listen.  Sometimes pretending to be a close and caring friend ("I'm sorry your marriage isn't working out, but I have a friend who would love to meet you.  It's okay because you're SO miserable." Or "It's okay to take stuff. After all, this is a HUGE company with gazillions of dollars, so who's going to know?")
We must be diligent and we must always be prepared. He will come to us as an angel of light but that veneer will quickly fade when we can also remind him what Abba's Word says. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Corinthians 11:14, "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."  We MUST be strong, prepared and armed to the teeth with Scripture!  Not just the words of Scripture but with the strength of knowing it is Abba's words to us.