Friday, May 29, 2020

Have We Forgotten To Remember

Remember today what you have learned about the Lord through your experiences with him.
Deuteronomy 11:2

Remember Calculus?  Do you remember your 12th kiss?  How about the color the 3rd Refrigerator?  Do you remember the barber's name who cut your hair when you were 3? Me either. I am willing to wager that there is quite a lot I have learned during my lifetime that I have forgotten.  Why?  I didn't find it worth remembering.

Why is it we can sing the lyrics to our favorite songs, yet struggle to remember a Bible verse?  Why can we recite the lines to our favorite movie but we cannot seem to remember how God has guided us through an extremely difficult time?  Because we have determined what is important enough for us to remember!

One of the things I teach new Law Enforcement Officers is the fact that THEY are in charge of what enters their mind and what stays in their mind.  We have to be alert and careful guardians of the information we want to remember.  I'll be honest, my mind is full of useless information because one of my favorite things to do is watch Cash Cab and try to answer the trivia questions.  But something I am working on remembering are all the ways God has helped me, protected me, taught me, guided me, loved writing them down!

Join me please in this adventure!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

"Do You Have Permission To Give Up?"

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.
1 Peter 1:6

It was the middle fire watch in our Basic Training Barracks, when my Squad mate began to cry quietly.  I asked him what was wrong.  I guess every platoon has a guy like this, who managed to drop his rifle during the Colonel's Inspection, put Future Floor Wax on the toes of his boots because it was easier than polishing them which had cracked by the time the Colonel made it around to him.  He was that guy who actually tried harder than almost everyone else in the platoon to do a good job, but always managed to miss the mark.

As we sat in the reception area between rounds, I did my best to bring him some comfort but had know idea what to say.  He finally got angry with my efforts and said, "Look, I'm a lost cause!  I have had enough! I can't go ANY further!"  It was at this moment that I noticed our Senior Drill Instructor walking up to check to make sure we weren't sleeping.  He had overheard our discussion, which we did not know until now, and came to share "a few words" with my buddy.

His name was Sergeant First Class Oliver Wendell Taylor.  He stood 6'8" and was built like a tank. He locked Brian in his glare, pulled up a chair (without looking), sat down nose to nose with Brian and just stared into his soul.

SFC Taylor: "Did I just hear you say 'I can't go ANY further'?"
PV1 Birnabei: (shaking so much that his flashlight beam looked more like a strobe light) "Y-y-y-yes Drill Sergeant."
SFC Taylor: (Poked Brian in the chest with the tree branch that was his finger) "Tell me, is your heart still pumping?"
PV1 Birnabei: (sweating profusely) "Y-y-y-y-yes Drill Sergeant."
SFC Taylor: "Iz you dayad?" (he hissed).
PV1 Birnabei: "No Drill Sergeant."
SFC Taylor: "Iz your heart still pumpin'?"
PV1 Birnabei: "Y-y-y-y-yes Drill Sergeant."
SFC Taylor:  "What's the worst day you have had in Basic so far?"
PV1 Birnabei: "Colonel's Inspection."
SFC Taylor: "Go to your bunk and bring back that Bible I've seen you reading."

Brian literally ran to his bunk grabbed his Bible and ran back in less than 15 seconds.

SFC Taylor: "You believe what this book says?"
PV1 Birnabei: "Yes Drill Sergeant."
SFC Taylor: "Open that Bible to 1 Peter 1:6 and read it to me."
PV1 Birnabei: "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials."
SFC Taylor: "And YOU believe what this book says?"
PV1 Birnabei: "Yes Drill Sergeant!"

SFC Taylor: "Hear me and hear me well Soldier...You WILL go through a lot of things you won't like.  You WILL endure things you have never had to deal with before. I have been a Drill Sergeant for 4 years now. This is my last tour.  God has put you in my care just like He did with all my other recruits.  God has not let any of them leave, instead He has pushed them even harder.  God did not give YOU permission to give up!  God did NOT give ME permission to give up on you!  YOU are GOING to make it through this and I am going to do whatever I gots ta do to make that happen!  Now, your Fire Watch is over, go to bed, and it might behoove you to talk to God before you shut yo eyez."

Brian and I walked back to our area, crawled into our bunks, and I heard Brian praying from the top bunk.  I prayed for Brian and told God how He had surprised us both with SFC Taylor.  For the next 3 weeks, Brian had become a different kind of soldier.  This "washout" that so many were willing to give up on, had turned around and outdone all of us.  God doesn't give us permission to give up, wandering through life miserable, angry, or begrudging others.  He has given us permission to lean on Him, come to Him in bold faith, and remember that He will be with us ALWAYS!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Walk Together!

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:4-5

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt "There is NO WAY I can make it through this"?  I can remember playing Intramural softball,  I got a great hit, the ball went into the outfield, I touched first base, made the turn and felt "POP" in my ankle.  It was when I felt myself falling to the ground that I because aware that I was not the only one who heard it.  By the time I hit the ground, and the pain flooded my body, the opposing team's first baseman was already working to get me on my feet so we could get to the medic (who also served as the undertaker and part time veterinarian in this small town).  This first baseman got my arm around his shoulder and kept telling me "Just lean on me.  We're going to get there." 

Think about it, isn't that what God does for us?  He provides someone, in our time of need, who probably doesn't know exactly how we feel, but understands how THEY felt when they endured a similar situation.  As a matter of fact, it's as if God has a list of people who have endured and are now willing to help. 

Think about everything you have faced and come through.  Have you noticed that God will bring people into your life who are going through something similar?  God doesn't comfort us just so we will be "comfortable."  God comforts us in order that we can be His comforter to others.  As a matter of fact, The Apostle reminds us in Galatians 6:10, "Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith."

When God brings someone into our life that is in need of help that we can provide, they should hear from us, "Lean on me."

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Stepping On Toes

"Treat others the way you want to be treated."
Luke 6:31

"We used to be friends. Now it's like we hate each other."  I have heard this statement more times than I can count during my time in ministry.  I didn't really understand the gravity of such situations until it happened to me and I was left saying the same thing.

I was confiding in a ministerial friend whom I find strength and MUCH wisdom, and God stepped on my toes through her. "Where in Scripture does it say we should only treat people who like us like we want to be treated?"  POKE!!!  Right between the eyes!  "And", she continued, "Does Jesus tell us to be selective in how we treat others, or does He simply say 'Treat others' as in ALL others?"  THUMP!! Right to my heart!  She concluded by reminding me that it is MY responsibility to treat EVERYONE the way I want to be treated because I can only control how I respond to people.  If someone treats me badly, turn them over to God, let go of my hurt, and every time I have contact with that person, keep treating them as I want to be treated.

I don't know about you, but I don't like being treated badly.  I don't like having my toes stepped on either, but God has a way of making His point and quite the impression.

Thank You for those who help me understand when I am blinded by my own feelings.  Remind me to turn EVERYTHING and EVERYONE over to You!  Most of all, thank YOU for loving me so much that You are so willing to teach me, even if I don't like it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Don't Quit! Don't Hide!

Ask yourself:  if you were sick, would you avoid going to the doctor?  If you needed an operation, would you stay away from the hospital?  If you were feeling overwhelmed, would you hide from the world? 

Our lives in this world have been altered.  We have been hit with so much information, disinformation, false information, partial information, that many of have decided that it's just too much to take in.  They have decided they would rather hide than trust.  They're not sure who to believe. 

Let me tell you, this is NOT the time to become a hermit! THIS is the time to PRAY!  THIS is the time to lean on God's people!  THIS is the time to  remember that God has NEVER lied or told a half-truth!  THIS is the time that we need to join our hearts, voices, and spirits in prayer and praise reminding each other that no matter what we might see happening, God reigns supreme!  We can do this over the phone.  We can do this through email.  We can do this through text.  We can do this 6 feet apart.  But NOW is the time to give God ALL of our doubts...ALL of our fears....ALL of our insecurities...ALL of our praise.  NOW is the time to give God ALL that is within us.  NOW is the time to unite our voices to Him!

"Where two or three are gathered in MY Name..." God never said we had to be in the same car, or the same room, or the same country or the same state.  Where TWO or THREE are gathered in God's Name, God promises that He is in our midst!  Genesis 28:15 stands true even now, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go!"  God is with us!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Wiley or Wise?

For the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. As the Scriptures say,

“He traps the wise
    in the snare of their own cleverness.”

1 Corinthians 3:19

I remember watching the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show on Saturday mornings.  I would go bouncing into my parents bedroom around 6:00 am and ask if I could watch cartoons.  Dad would grunt something (which I understood to be "Sure Son, go ahead.") and off I'd go.  In reality the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show was 3 hours of wonderfulness!

If you remember, Wile E Coyote tried all sorts of schemes to catch the Road Runner and failed every single time.  He would diagram his plans and kept Acme Supplies in business. On paper, they were the epitome of ingenious....however, in reality, they always failed.  Yet he kept on planning and trying.

WE are like Wile E. Coyote!  Believing we are wise and intelligent, we make our plans, which at first glance seem perfect!  Think about this: We will go to school, graduate, find a nice spouse, get an amazing job where everyone likes me, buy a big house and bigger car, have a couple of kids, and live happily ever after.  Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?  How often does that work out according to plan?

I had plans like that.  I did everything I could to make that plan become a reality.  However...God had HIS plans for me and they weren't what I had planned so perfectly.  I would get SO frustrated with God because MY plans didn't work out the way I wanted.  But God's plans, I ultimately had to acknowledge, were and are MUCH better than anything I could ever have dreamed.

Therefore, permit me to introduce myself...My name was Wile E. Coyote before I admitted that God's plans are always the best.  Now I am Paul, child of God.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Closer Than You Think

"...He is not far from any of us."
Acts 17:27

Has there ever been a time when you felt as if God had gone off to another universe and left you?  Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you could identify with Joseph being tossed into a hole not knowing what awaited him?  Have you ever poured out your heart in prayer and when you were exhausted you wondered if God even knew you were hurting?

I have.  It's not a good feeling.  There have been times, like David, where I let God know exactly how angry I was that He didn't seem to hear me or care.  And when I finished unloading on Him......I found out exactly where He had been.  God told Job to put on his big boy pants because God was going to ask the questions and Job was going to answer them.  And when God does that, my anger toward Him deflates quite quickly. 

You see, the question I kept wanting an answered was "WHY?"  Why did I have to endure this situation?  Why did You let this happen?  Why?  Why?  Why?  And guess what God asked me?  "Why does it matter 'Why'? I brought you through and you have learned. I have NEVER been away from you!  I am the one who put limits on what happened to you!  Because I LOVE you.  Trust me that I am with you and will protect you."

I felt more ashamed for my selfishness in looking only at the situation, but when God reminded me that He loves me enough to set boundaries to protect me, my shame turned to celebration and gratitude.  If you need a reminder, read Job 38.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Contentment...Myth or Truth!

I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything.
I have learned the secret of living in every situation,
whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
Philippians 4:12

How much is "enough"?  J. Paul Getty was asked this question about his wealth.  His answer? "Just one more dollar."  So, let me ask you again, how much is "enough"?  Will you be "happy" with more time? Bigger house? Bigger paycheck? A more prestigious position? A newer car?  What does it take for us to he "happy"?

This thing we call "Happiness" is a fleeting, unobtainable dream.  When we base our feelings of happiness on things, our life will be one of constant turmoil, always seeking to find "that one thing" that will make me permanently happy. 

Look at what Paul is saying.  Contentment, not happiness, is our true goal....or should be.  Paul makes a clear point: I don't chase after the fleeting and ever elusive "happiness."  Instead, I accept whatever situation I find myself and trust God to provide.  Contentment is not a myth!  Contentment means: "In whatever circumstances I find myself...I'm good with it because God is with me."

Think about that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Seek Wisdom or Intelligence?

Have you ever thought about the difference between Wisdom and Intelligence?  IS there a difference?  Why should we seek either?

Think about this for a minute:
  • When Solomon became the king over Israel, God offered him any gift he wanted. 
  • Solomon could have asked God to make him the richest ruler ever...but he didn't. 
  • Solomon could have asked to be the most powerful ruler on Earth...but he didn't. 
  • Solomon could have asked for the biggest kingdom on Earth...but he didn't.
  • Solomon could have asked for the people of Israel to worship him...but he didn't.
  • Solomon could have asked God to make him the smartest person ever...but he didn't.
Solomon wanted what God had....Wisdom! God granted Solomon the gift of wisdom, and expanded his kingdom, increased his wealth and influence and made him one of the most powerful rulers of Israel.

Intelligence tells us how to use people.  Wisdom tells us how to treat people.  Intelligence knows how to start a fire.  Wisdom knows how to contain the fire for the benefit of others.

Given the choice, pursue Wisdom!

Friday, May 8, 2020

This Child

I am working on my 58th year of life, and I still have a LOT of questions.  My mind has always been inquisitive, but not always able to figure out the reasons why certain things happen.  For example, why is it some people like vegetables and others...not so much (I am in the "not-so-much" category)?  Why do some people have natural athletic abilities while others, like me, can barely stand upright? 

My most burning question, however, is this: Why would God choose someone like me to be His child?  Could it be that God felt sorry for me?  Nope.  Could it be that He found me humorous? Hardly.  Could it be the ONLY reason that is plausible...BECAUSE HE WANTED TO?  BINGO!!!

No matter what is going on in your life; No matter what struggles you are working through; No matter what ANYONE tells you...remember this:

  • YOU are God's CHOSEN child!
  • NOTHING can EVER change His love for you!
  • God didn't just choose you, He planned a mission for you.  He also put all the pieces in order so His mission for you would be completed.
  • God didn't just choose you, He chose you ON PURPOSE!!!
  • His love for YOU put His Son on the cross to pay for your sins.
So....ALWAYS remember, when your world seems like it's crumbling...quiet your mind and listen for God's voice tell the Universe: "This child is MINE!"

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Just For YOU!

"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24

Did you get it? TODAY....This VERY day...was made BY GOD just for YOU, and you get to enjoy it!!!

Was yesterday a rough day? Mine was.  It was one of those "Murphy's Law" kind of days.  I left for work at way-too-dark-thirty, got half way to work and realized I had left my wallet, lunch, and phone at home.  Had to turn around go all the way back home, then back to work. That was just the did not get much better.  

But that was yesterday! God made THIS day and I get to live in it! Things may happen today that I don't like. Things may not go my way today. I will make mistakes today. But GOD didn't! God still made today to remind me that HE is the one in control! Today is HIS gift to me! TODAY is God's gift to YOU!

  Think about this, God made this day for me, but not ABOUT me! In fact, everything about today direct me to Him! He has everything (and I mean EVERY SINGLE THING) under control, whether I like it or not. God never promised we would like everything, but He did promise that He loves us, cares for us, and nothing happens to us that surprises Him.

Rejoice that you get to spend this very day in God's gift! Bask in the fact that YOU are HIS child. Remember that HE loves YOU so much that He has even numbered your hairs!

God's pretty amazing when you think about it. What's stopping you from thinking about it?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Patiently Waiting or Impatiently Waiting

Wait on the LORD!
Be strong and let your heart be confident.
Rely on the LORD!
Psalm 27:14
Let me ask you a question...How good are you at waiting?  I'll be honest, I don't like waiting. I tend to get  a bit "antsy" when I am behind someone at the Pharmacy who wants to have a nice long chat with the Pharmacist while the ten people behind them are waiting to pick up their prescriptions. I tend to get a bit vocal when the light turns green and the person at the front of the line is too busy looking at their phone. When I was in Seminary, I absolutely hated turning in my assignments and having to wait for the professor to return them with a grade and comments.   
Let's be honest, we don't like waiting.  But waiting is part of God's plans for us.  Why?  Because has to prepare us...make us ready...for our scars to heal.  Yet we are so anxious to get going and performing that we try to push God's plans along, and we fail miserably, then we get angry with God because OUR plan to move God along failed.  
What if you decided that God had called you to be a police officer.  Would you expect to be handed a weapon and radio with no training and preparation?  What if you figured God had called you to be a surgeon.  Would you roll up your sleeves and start cutting with no knowledge of anatomy?  God's plans always have steps.  God doesn't just tell us His plans for us and then turn us loose on the world.  God takes His time to get us ready. 
If you are struggling, as I do, with waiting patiently as God prepares you for His plans, Pray immediately for God to calm your fears, sooth your anxieties, and prepare your heart and mind.  God is patient, but never slow!! 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Rest In God!

 God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 
There was a time when I was quite the worrier.  I kept a "nervous" stomach which didn't exactly help my digestion.  I didn't sleep very well.  In fact, I was miserable!  It wasn't just one situation that I let cause me worry, it was my entire life.  Finally, I decided to talk with a pastor friend.  
After listening to me unload all that I could manage, he said "That quite a load you're carrying.  Let's play a game."  I remember saying out loud, "Dude, I JUST dumped my life out and you want to play a game?  Where did you go to Seminary?  Is THAT what they taught you?"  He just smiled and said, "This game will help you with all you are carrying."
He began by taking my issues one by one and asking me "What is the worst that can happen?"  I would answer, and ultimately reach the conclusion that the very worst that could happen is that I would die before resolving the situation.  When we had worked through my list of issues, he said "One last you believe that God is in control? Do you believe that He will work out His plan in your life?"  I said, "Yes."  
His response stunned me: "If you REALLY believe that, then what have you got to worry about?  Stop letting the enemy get you to do God's job!  Let God do His job and you to your job of trusting Him!"   When we worry, when we let a situation bother us, when we let ANYTHING take our focus off of Him, we are trying to do God's job!   STOP IT!!


Friday, May 1, 2020

Promises, Promises

I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.
Genesis 9:13
 As a child, when I was asked if I promised to do something I didn't want to do, I would put my hands in my pockets and cross my fingers.  In my young mind, having my fingers crossed when making a promise meant the promise didn't count.  As I got older, I stopped crossing my fingers when I made a promise I didn't want to keep, I just broke my promise. 
How many times have we broken our promises?  We don't always say "I promise" when we say we will do something, but when we say we's a promise. And here's the flip-side of that, we are very quick to point out when someone breaks THEIR word to us, aren't we?
God promised Noah and the rest of the generations that followed, that the Earth would never again be destroyed by a global flood.  And to remind us of His promise, God put a rainbow in the sky when it rains.  We expect God to keep His promises...right?  Do you think God expects us to keep OUR promises?
Think about it...God never promised us a live of ease, comfort, and convenience.  He DID promise that He will forever be with us, love us, and take care of us.  God never promised that everyone would like us and shower us with gifts to show their appreciation of us, but He did promise us that WHEN we give Him the situation He would give us indescribable peace and a resolution we that might even surprise us.
I've been told that it is a good idea to remind God of His promises when we talk with Him.  Why?  Doesn't God remember His own promises?  Yep!  It's to remind US of His promises!