Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Grateful and Thankful

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
    His faithful love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1 

Have you ever had someone tell you "Thank You!  I really appreciate You"?  How did you feel?  Let me ask you this, have you ever told someone how much you appreciate them?

It's simple to say "Thank You".  After all, it's only two words, but when expressed genuinely and sincerely have a HUGE impact!  Let's practice gratitude every single day.  And start with God, who has given to you everything!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Remind us of all You have done for us, that we will be grateful.
Remind us of all You will do for us, that we can be grateful.
Remind us of all the people You have brought into our lives, that we may be grateful.
Remind us that even the people You allow into our lives who challenge us, we are to be grateful because they help us remember that You are our protector.
Remind us to be thankful and grateful every day You give us life.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
    Worship the Lord with gladness.
    Come before Him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
    He made us, and we are His.
    We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving;
    go into His courts with praise.
    Give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good.
    His unfailing love continues forever,
    and His faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100

As a youngster, I had to memorize Psalm 100 for Sunday School.  I learned to recite it back in a robotic way merely parroting the words I had learned and, in so doing, this passage meant nothing to me except I was rewarded for memorizing it.  Years later, I re-read this passage and saw it with new, hopefully more learned, eyes and I realized that this is meant to inspire us!  It is meant to draw us closer to God with our thanksgiving and praise!  When we truly begin to acknowledge and are thankful to Him for who He is, our spirits will soar!  We don't praise and thank God for His benefit....we do it for our benefit.  


Thank you for reminding us to be grateful and thankful for who You are, all You do, and for loving us.  Forgive us when we forget to acknowledge You.  Teach us how to be truly Thankful.  Teach us how we can show gratitude to others.  Teach us, Abba, so we will learn.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

"Oh Peter..."

Finally, all of you should be in agreement, understanding each other, loving each other as family, being kind and humble.
1 Peter 3:8 
One of my favorite people in the Bible is Peter.  Somehow, I can see Jesus rolling His eyes and probably having more than a chuckle or two because of Peter.  Peter was that guy who tried, I mean he REALLY tried, and yet he wasn't perfect.  He always seemed to have the best of intentions, but his execution was always just not there.
And here is Peter telling us that we should be in agreement.  REALLY?  Agreement? 
"Have you met the people with whom I am to be in 'agreement'?"
"Have you heard the way they talk about everyone"
"Have you seen the things they do?"
Think about this, what was the core message of Jesus' teaching?  To love each other!  Sometimes that will mean admitting when we're wrong.  Sometimes that will mean agreeing to disagree.  Sometimes that will mean we may need to change our perspective.
Then Peter tells us that we are to be understanding of each other.  WHAT?  I need to actually understand other people?  Yes!  When we understand what's going on in the lives of others, we will be better able to love them and help them.  Think about your own life, how does it feel when someone actually understands what you are having to endure?
Peter also tells us that we are to treat each other like family.  Consider this, when we get to Heaven, we are going to be spending the rest of eternity together, so we might as well start getting used to each other now.
Finally, Peter tells us that we are to be kind and humble.  This from the man who told Jesus that He couldn't wash his feet.  This from the man who stepped out of the boat to walk on water and then sank because of his lack of belief.  This from the man who cut off the ear of the servant of Malchus.  Kind?  Humble?  How do YOU want to be treated?  With kindness and humbleness.
Think about that.  
Help us to become humble. Take away our pride, and remind us that we are not here just for our on glorification, but You have put us here in order to reach out to others.  Help us to love others, not just in words but in our actions and our attitudes.  Help us care about and for each other.  Remind us that we are family....we are YOUR children.  Teach us to be thankful and grateful for every moment of every day.
In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Childlike or Childish?

Jesus called a little child to him and stood the child before his followers. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you must become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." 
Matthew 18:2-3
Jesus tells us that we must become like little children.  Have you ever seen little children interact with each other?  Guess what?  Little children will play together because they are with other children.  No prejudice. No anger. No hate. No drama. Just playing together.  Children are also so curious about almost everything!  They are hungry to learn and know.
Have you ever heard a child talk to their Parent?  They talk about everything and hold nothing back.   
When do we decide that we need to be childish?  We are prejudiced.  We are angry. We decide to hate. And SO much drama!  And we stop learning, stop being curious simply for the sake of learning.  Jesus reminds us that we need to stop being childish and become like a child.  A child is carefree, full of joy, playful, trusting, curious.  A child trusts more. A child talks with their parents freely.
When we pray, we should be trusting and open as a child.  You see, the REAL power of prayer depends on the One who hears our open and honest prayer!  No formulas, no repetition, just open and honest talking with your Father. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

"Got a Minute?"

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 
Thanksgiving Day is just next week...Let me ask you, What are YOU truly thankful for?  Honestly, I am thankful for everything!  I have a place to sleep. I have clothes to wear. I am breathing. I can think. I can speak. I can laugh. I have stretchy pants for Thanksgiving Dinner.  Then there are the friends and family and Woody Bear who teaches me how to love unconditionally.  My Dear LONGSUFFERING Bride who laughs at my bad jokes and puns, who loves me in spite of myself, who encourages me when I feel unworthy, who shows me just how awesome God is because He brought us together.
With all that we have to be thankful for, I am issuing a challenge: Every single day from today until the Day after Thanksgiving, I challenge you to talk with God.  Have a conversation with Him (which includes listening as well as talking).
Abba, do You have a minute?

Help me see You as the true father who is close to His child. Help me realize that You really do understand my struggles, challenges, and temptations.  Whisper to my spirit the love You have for me and remind me of your Presence.
There are so many friends who need Your love, strength, healing, and guidance as they face the struggles that life on this Earth brings us.  Show each of them You are right there with them, loving them, protecting them, helping them, guiding them.
Thank You for hearing my prayers and listening to me even when I complain and whine.  Thank You for Your gift of love and mercy and grace.  In Jesus' Name, Abba, Amen. 

What Are YOU Looking For?

If your goals are good, you will be respected, 
but if you are looking for trouble, that is what you will get.
Proverbs 11:27 
I honestly cannot remember who said it, but I was told "Make sure your goals are worth pursuing."  Let's face it, we all have goals and we strive to achieve them.  
In John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy."  That is his goal to steal, to kill, and to destroy.  He will pursue that goal with all that is within him, because that is the goal he has chosen.
You see, our goals are something we seriously CHOOSE.  They don't just happen...we choose them.  John 10:10b gives us the true goal we should pursue: "I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly."  Jesus' goal is to give us abundant life!  Our goal should be to pursue Jesus with all that is within us! 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Are You A Bee Or A Bear?

What is it about encouraging words that lifts our spirits and brings us a sense of happiness?  What is it about someone appreciating you that makes you blush and stammer because you feel so good?  

Let me ask you something...are you a bee or a bear?  You see, bees make the honey.  They create this wonderful elixir which is to tasty and so good for you.  The bear only takes the honey, no asking, not waiting until it is offered.  In fact the bear will, quite literally, destroy the bees' hive just so he can devour the honey.  So let me ask you again, are you the bee (who creates goodness) or the Bear (who destroys and steals)?

When we encourage others and are appreciative of them, that gift is like honey.  People will respond positively.  When we refuse to be appreciative and encouraging, we are, quite literally, destroying the spirit of the others.

Be a BEE!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Are You Willing?

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send as a messenger to my people? Who will go?”And I said, “Lord, I’ll go! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 

I discovered, VERY early in Basic Training, when you Drill Sergeant asks for a volunteer it's best to volunteer or else you will be dropped for push-ups and THEN you will be voluntold.  I was reminiscing with a friend about those days, all we learned, all we endured, all the pranks, all the punishments, and then Joe asked me, "Why did you volunteer? Is sure wasn't for the money or the glamor, and there was no fame, so why did you volunteer?'  I thought about it because it had been a few years (ahem, ahem), and I said, "Because I wanted to become a better person."  Joe looked a bit stunned and said, "No, you bonehead, why did you volunteer for ministry?"

My first thought was, "You think I volunteered for ministry?" But I figured that would be the wrong approach.  I explained that ministry is something I knew, deep within me, that God has been preparing me for.  I told him that I was terrified and felt (still feel) terribly under qualified, but I trust and am still learning to trust God.

There is an adage which says, "God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called."  And it is true.  When God called Saul to ministry, Saul was not even remotely qualified.  He spent 3 years in the wilderness learning from God.  You see, God doesn't expect us to be perfect.  He knows quite well that we don't have all the answers or the ability or the courage or even a detailed diagram of His plan for us.  All God wants is for us to step up and say, "Here I am, I'll go."  Then God will take care of the rest.  We all have a mission.  We all have a ministry.  God has that planned for each of us, we need to be available.   

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Incredible Joy

Have you ever wondered if God knows what He's doing?  The situation is so painful that you wonder if God even knows how you feel? Let me reassure you that no matter what you are enduring, God knows how you feel and He's going to get you through it!  

My first week of Basic Training made me wonder why I ever thought enlisting was a good idea.  However, when our Chaplain came around to talk with us (which he did weekly) he reminded us of one thing: You can endure pretty much anything when you keep in mind that "this, too, shall pass."  Let me tell you something, each morning I woke up was time I thanked God for another day.  Every morning when we were sweating as we endured physical training (rain or shine), I thanked God for the inspiration to have that time to think while I ached in ways I never imagined.  Celebrating each achievement brought joy. 

When the day came to graduate from Basic Training, the joy was incredible!  

Whatever you are going through, don't give up! The joy that God gives us is SO awesome!  And I guarantee, the pain now may be deep and seem to never end, but turn it over to Him every single time you feel it, as long as you feel it, and there WILL come a day when you will feel joy again.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What Instrument Are You?

Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.
Exodus 3:10 
Moses....WOW....started out with so much in his corner and yet he ended up running away to the desert for 40 years believing his worth and usefulness to God had vanished faster than water hitting the desert sand.  He had tried to do what he believed God had planned for him.  He was, after all, a Prince of Egypt with power and influence.  Yet that was all gone now. He had nothing left to offer...or so he thought.
I'm going to be honest, I've thought like Moses too.  I believed that I had so mucked up my life that I had nothing left to offer God.  I believed my usefulness to God had dried up.  And I felt angry, depressed, and frustrated for it.  And, like Moses, I felt I had nothing left to offer.
When God came to talk with Moses through the burning bush, He spoke to Moses in a way he could understand.  He told Moses that He had a mission for him and it would the plan was easy to grasp: First, God told Moses, "I am sending you to Pharaoh."  Second, God told Moses, "You must lead My people Israel out of Egypt."  Notice God didn't say, "Moses, if you have some available time and would like to do Me a favor, would you mind terribly going to Egypt and talk with Pharaoh and bring My people out?"  
When I was growing up, when my Mom would tell me to do something and I told her I didn't want to (especially when it was along the lines of "Clean up this room"), her response was almost always, "I'm sorry, did I ASK if you would?"  She had a point.  God didn't ask Moses either.  You see, when God gives us His plan, we are to become His willing instrument, while God performs this task through us.  Most of the time, God has to get us to the point where we have nothing left to offer Him because it is then that we are more willing to let Him work through us.  After all, it's God's plan and His responsibility to see it completed, and it is our place to be available for Him to use.

Friday, November 8, 2019

That Thing You Do

Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:16
What stops us from doing good deeds?  Is it a lack of recognition?  Is it because we're too busy?  Is it because we just don't care? Whatever our excuse (and excuse is the right word), Jesus instructs us to not only DO good deeds, we are to let our good deeds be an example for others.
Imagine the changes that can begin with just a good deed!  And here's the best part, we may THINK no one pays attention or even cares, but God does and will use every good deed to inspire someone else!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Comforting Thought

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 
I've noticed that many of us seem to be fearful of what might happen or discouraged by the way things are going.  Yes, I am speaking to my own mind as well.  We look all that's going on in this world and...fear and discouragement set in. Once they set in, it's difficult to get evict them, at least it is for me.
A friend of mine told me, "Above the storms, the sun still shines."  THAT reminded me that no matter what my eyes may see, no matter what my mind may think, God is in control!  Nothing happens that can ever defeat His plans for us.  No one can change His plans for us.  When I look at all that is going on in this world, that is the time to pray! 
"Abba, I don't understand, but that's not my job.  Help me trust YOU!  Let my eyes see YOU!  Let my mind focus on YOU! Let my spirit be filled with YOU and let me celebrate because YOU are God!" 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Want A REAL Blessing?

“Happier is the one who gives rather than receives.”
Acts 20:35

I remember hearing this verse used a LOT in church when it came time for Stewardship Sunday.  I agree that we should give to the church, but I heard a sermon several years ago on Stewardship Sunday that used this verse differently.  The pastor stood up and said, “You know we need to keep the lights on and the building in good repair.  You know we have missions we support.  You know the staff likes to receive a paycheck.  So I’m not going to stand up here and tell you that the church needs your offerings.  What I am going to remind you of, is the fact that you’ll be much happier when you give of yourself.”

I thought about that for a long time.  It’s true! When I give of myself to others, then I am MUCH happier!  Some of you know that I crochet afghans as a way of relaxing.  When the afghan is finished, I give it away (the afghan “adopts” someone).  Doing this makes me happier and I want to do it again, and again, and again.  Give of yourself!  Maybe you can listen to someone who is hurting.  Perhaps you can share smiles with those you meet. Maybe you can pray for and/or with someone. Maybe you can send a note to someone.  When we give of ourselves…THAT is when happiness happens, because God notices and rewards.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"My Child, You Are Loved"

I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies;
    I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved.
In the place where they yelled out, “You’re nobody!”
    they’re calling you “God’s living children.”
Romans 9:25 

Have you ever been somewhere that you felt out of place?  I have.  I can remember being "the new kid" in school and felt as though I just crashed someone else's Christmas Dinner.  It's not a good feeling.  Throughout our lives, we will experience situations where we feel out of place, as though we don't belong (and might even be told that we don't belong), but there is one place we will ALWAYS belong and we are ALWAYS welcome, no matter who you are and what you've done.  We are ALWAYS welcomed by Jesus!  Not only welcomed but we are loved!

Monday, November 4, 2019

"Do I HAVE To?

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
John 13:34 
Have you ever wanted a Porcupine as a pet?  Probably not.  They aren't noted for being a critter you'd want in your lap.  People can be porcupine-ish as well.  Ever tried to love someone who was cranky, stubborn, selfish, cruel, and just mean?  Yet, Jesus tells us that we are to love each other like He loves us.  
Let me ask you something...have you let God love you?  You see, we can only love to the degree we have been loved!  So if we have let God love us, then we are able to love others!  So let me ask you again, have you let God love you?  Have you let God love THROUGH you?

Friday, November 1, 2019

What You Can!

“An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds,” they answered. “And then he drew water for us and watered our flocks.”
Exodus 2:19 

Moses was a Prince of Egypt and figured it would be a rather easy task to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  When he saw an overseer beating an Israelite, he killed the overseer and expected the Israelites would flock to him and declare him a hero.  They didn't.  In fact, when Pharoah found out what he had done, Moses had to get out of Dodge in a hurry.  

Let me ask you something, have you ever had a dream that didn't pan out?  Maybe, like Moses, your dream came crashing down before it ever got its first breath.  It's disappointing, depressing, humiliating, and very humbling to fail.  Moses ran all the way to the land of Midian where he sat down at a well.  After a bit, 7 women came to get water from the well but were chased away by some shepherds.  Moses could have merely watched, maybe even chuckled as these women were chased away from the well.  He could have just sat there stewing in his disappointment and depression.  But he didn't!  Not only did he chase the shepherds away, he also drew water for the women's flocks, not only that...he drew water for the women to take back with them.

Chuck Swindoll said it best "If you can't do the good you would, do the good you can."  God puts us in the places He wants us so we can do the good we can where we are.