Friday, May 31, 2019


Learning your words gives wisdom
    and understanding for the foolish.
Psalm 119:130 
Remember the movie, The Karate Kid?  The original one?  The handyman, Mr. Miyagi, was a humble and quiet man who chose to mentor Daniel-san in the ways of Karate.  Daniel was ready to learn how to beat up his bully, but Miyagi wanted Daniel to learn the true was of karate so Daniel had to do seemingly pointless (and endless) chores.  Finally, Daniel was shown what he had unwittingly learned from Miyagi's methods and went on to become quite the student.
Mentors have a way of teaching without being obvious.  They teach by letting the student discover the truth with only a little prompting.  Mentors have a way that keeps learning interesting and instills a desire to learn more.  However, true mentors have become a rarity it seems.
I had a professor in college who informed our class that he would be happy to mentor any of us throughout the term.  I was intrigued and met with him after class.  His idea of mentoring?  Reading five chapters each day from the King James Bible and write an essay explaining what it said.  Not only did I find that burdensome, but had no desire to learn anything from him.  Oh, I did try. I spent hours in the library trying my best to interpret the archaic dialect.  By chance, one of the theology teaching assistants happened to be at the next table and saw me struggling.  He came over and asked me, "Do you have any idea what this is saying?"  I closed the tome and told him, "Not a clue.  It just doesn't make sense to me."  To which this teaching assistant told me something I have never forgotten: "In Jesus' time, He talked to people in ways THEY could understand.  We have complicated that message over the centuries until it is almost indiscernible. So let's try something, try reading that passage from this version."  He handed me his copy of the New Living Translation, and suddenly things began to make sense.  He became my mentor!
One of the other things he taught me was history, because "The scripture doesn't REALLY make sense until you understand the context of what's going on in the area at the time, the customs of the time, and how it all fits together."  The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn!  THAT is the mark of a true mentor!
Do you have a mentor?  Doesn't have to be a Bible mentor, how about a mentor in your job?  A mentor who helps with the issues you run into in your daily life?  How about becoming a mentor to someone? 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Real Deal!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.
Colossians 3:16 
We have gone to GREAT lengths to improve our currency in order to make it much more difficult to counterfeit.  Designers also go to great lengths to make their products difficult to counterfeit.  Yet the sad thing is the fact that many designer goods are simply to expensive for the average consumer, so the counterfeiters make lots of money with their "knock-offs."
What's the best way to tell if something is real or fake?  Study what is real!  Ruth Graham once said to a Scotland Yard Investigator, "You must have to study the counterfeits endlessly to make sure you catch them."  The Investigator replied, "No Ma'am, we only study every single detail of the genuine so that when a counterfeit comes in, we can pick it out immediately."
Now think for a minute, if we take that Investigators counsel and apply it to our lives in Christ, would the results be the same?  If we are so ingrained in Scripture that we know the truth, shouldn't we be able to pick out the false teachers?  Yes!  But are we willing to study the Scriptures for ourselves or are we willing to just believe whatever sounds right?
Just as counterfeiters can make their knock-offs just good enough to fool some people, counterfeit preachers and teachers can do the same thing with Scripture, and too many people fall for it.  How about you?  Do you want the genuine message of Christ, or what someone tells you is the "truth"?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Chuck Norris Walks The Talk

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
James 1:22-24

I admit it, you do NOT want me as your navigator!  I am horrible about following a map.  Which is why I was SO grateful for turn by turn GPS!  I have also learned not to leave my phone unlocked on the squad room table for ANY length of time.....last time, the voice on my GPS was changed from Australian to Indian.  Threw me for a loop there.  

Think about this, God has given us a map to follow.  We can read it and say, "Wow, that's a pretty good way, but I like my own way better" or we can read it and say, "Wow, I need to keep reading this and following the directions so I don't lose my way."

I was attending a Bible Study when we read a passage, the leader asked "What does this passage say?"  Guess what?  The first person who answered merely re-read the passage to the group.  Then the Leader said, "Okay, you know how to talk the talk, but how do we apply this so that we also walk the walk."

No one cares what you say if your actions don't prove your words.  Don't just Talk the Talk!  Walk the Walk!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Faith Is Supposed To Be SIMPLE?

The Lord has told you, human, what is good;
    he has told you what he wants from you:
to do what is right to other people,
    love being kind to others,
    and live humbly, obeying your God.
Micah 6:8
I like simple things.  And I like things to be simple.  I get lost when things get complicated.  There's a reason I am not an engineer or a chef or a physicist or a Geometry teacher...because none of that makes sense and that means it's not simple.  Honestly, I truly envy those people who can set up a meal plan, prepare their meals a week at a time, and can spout off the Carbs, Sugar, Proteins, until my mind goes numb.  You see, there are things that are simple to me and then there's the stuff that is so complicated to me that I try to avoid it at all costs.
Look at today's verse.  God has told us what He wants from us, and it is SIMPLE!!  He wants us to do what is right to other people (treat them as you want to be treated by them), Love being kind to others (Love one another), Obeying your God (Listen to Him and do what you know is right).  Why do we seem to want to complicate this with lots of rituals, recitations, incantations, posturing, pretense?  God made it simple so that the simple (like me) could understand it.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Remember And Honor!

May we always be grateful to those
who served with honor
and have paid the ultimate price.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Don't Harsh My Happy!

Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”
Luke 11:28 
Have you ever heard someone say, "The Bible is nothing but a buzzkill!"?  I have.  People seem to have this idea that sinning is fun.  And, it's true, sinning IS fun.....for a while.  That is, until the consequences and repercussions start finding their way to us.  
When I as child, I would go with my Mom to the grocery store, and would beg her for some candy when we got to the checkout.  Finally, Mom gave in and got a roll of Lifesavers for me, and a roll for my brother. roll didn't make it home because I ate them.  Later, I was playing in the back yard with our dachshund, and remembered there was another roll of Lifesavers on the counter for my brother, who had not come home from basketball practice yet.  So, the dog and I went into the house and got the Lifesavers and promptly went to our treehouse to eat them.
Everything was great until after dinner when Mom asked me if I had given my brother his Lifesavers.  The expression on my brother's face confirmed to Mom the truth, that I had not.  Needless to say, the consequences were swift and severe.  And when Dad got home, the repercussions got more made my sitting down quite painful for a while.  The sin of stealing the candy was fun...for a while.
Let's put it in more adult affair might be exciting and fun for a while...but lawyers will make sure the repercussions and consequences are severe.  Want another one, try abusing drugs....the high might be fun for a while, but there will be LONG term effects that will show up in your organs, not to mention the cravings your body will have and you will do more sinful things to get more.
Jesus reminds us that those who hear (listen and comprehend) the word of God and put it into practice are blessed.  Which is the better option?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What Does It Take?

God blesses those who are merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Matthew 5:7 
In 1187, Saladin and his army of Saracens captured Jerusalem from the Crusaders after a long and bitter siege.  Now, you have to understand, the Crusaders had a reputation and habit of killing their Saracen captives, while the Saracens, for the most part, were hospitable toward their captives. As the victor, Saladin had every right to do whatever he wished to his captives, especially the Crusaders.  The people of Jerusalem figured they would be killed.  However, they were astounded and amazed when Saladin allowed them to leave unharmed.  As a matter of fact, he provided an escort for them to safety.  Saladin showed that undeserved compassion and care, neither demanding or expecting anything in return.
How often do we do good things for others, secretly hoping there will be some reward?  Do we openly do good so we can be seen?  Do we do good only to those who will sing our praises to others?  Why?  Jesus tells us that God blesses those who are merciful and will show mercy to them.  What does that mean?  Think about this, God blesses us each day by allowing us to be part of it, and He does it because He WANTS to do it.  Does He have to do it? NOPE!  Is there ANYTHING we can do to repay Him for being merciful? NOPE!  God shows us mercy knowing full well we have no way to return the mercy.
I admire Rescue Groups who make it their mission to rescue animals that have been injured, abused, mistreated, or abandoned.  Why do they do it?  Because it's a good thing to be merciful to these animals.  What do they get in return?  Most times, getting to see the animal placed into a loving home.  But more than that, they receive the gratitude from the animal who has no other way to repay than with their love.  God is merciful to us, shouldn't we at least show Him our love and gratitude?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Don't Drink The Poison

Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you your sins.
Mark 11:25
Have you ever tried to pray when you were angry with someone?  They did something to you that you found offensive.  Perhaps, they said something about you that hurt your feelings or your reputation.  The harder you try to pray, the more the enemy keeps reminding you of the reason you are angry and resent that other person.  After a while, you just give up trying to pray instead of seeking resolution for your resentment.
I found a quote from Max Lucado that I thought appropriate: "Resentment is the cocaine of the emotions, causing our blood to pump. And our energy level to rise. There is a dangerous point at which our anger ceases to be an emotion and becomes a driving force.  That's why bitter people complain to anyone who will listen.  And, like cocaine, resentment can kill. Physically - with high blood pressure and other conditions.  Emotionally - with anxiety and depression. Spiritually - as it shrivels the soul."
When we come to pray, God expects us to be ready to talk with Him.  Resentment steals our focus and sends God the message that He is not as important to you as your anger.  Guess what?  When you resent someone, they OWN you!!  BUT one of the most incredible feelings in the world is the freedom you receive by making peace with the other person.  Even if you just have to agree to disagree. Make peace!  Don't drink the poison of resentment.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Harmony....Have You HEARD Me Sing?

May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:5-6 

We ask God for so much, don't we?  We ask for health, protection, peace, happiness, help, guidance, wisdom, encouragement, patience...but have we asked Him to show us how to live in harmony with each other?  

There are those who seem to believe that living in harmony means everyone believes the same, has the same ideas, lives the same way...  Let me ask you something, would you listen to an orchestra where everyone played the same part on the same instrument?  Would you visit a zoo where every animal was the same?  Would you dine in a restaurant that only served one food? Would you shop in a store that only sold the same item?  Of course not!  

In music, harmony is defined as: "the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect."  When we live in harmony with each other, our differences work together to achieve a pleasing effect as well.  So if harmony results in a pleasing effect, why do we need to ask God to help us with it?  Shouldn't we already be living like that?  

Take just a moment and ask God to help you live in harmony with others. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Grass Is Always Greener Over The Septic Tank

But I realized they were plotting to harm me, so I replied by sending this message to them: "I am engaged in a great work, so I can't come. Why should I stop working to come and meet with you?"
Nehemiah 6:2-3

God had told Nehemiah to rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem, and put all the pieces in place to make that happen.  However, as the wall was being built, two troublemakers didn't like what was going on and decided to put a stop to it.  So they sent Nehemiah a message asking him to come meet with them to discuss the wall.  Nehemiah refused them because he knew they really wanted to kill him so they could attack Jerusalem.  These two troublemakers were persistent and sent four more messages to Nehemiah, and he gave them the same response every time.

Now that you have the context, let's discuss the point. Just like Nehemiah, God has given each of us a great work to do.  While we may not think it is a great work, it really is because God has given it to us.  It might be the work as a clerk, perhaps a custodian, maybe it's a cop, or maybe trash collector or a dump truck driver; every work God has given us is HIS assignment for us.  When everything is in place for the next phase of God's work for us, He will move us.

I couldn't understand why I had gotten passed over for promotion to manager.  True, I had some things I needed to improve on as the Administrator, and, yes, I had made it clear that I felt underutilized, but I still couldn't understand why I had been passed over.  So I made an appointment with the Division Director to discuss the issue.  My Director listened to me lay out my case.  When I had finished what I believed to be a brilliant position, my Director looked me square in the eye and said, "You didn't get the promotion because you weren't ready.  Instead of whining, yes I said whining, about how you are underutilized, work on doing your current job to the best of your ability and with the best attitude!"

Well, that was a bit of a gut punch.  I fumed about that meeting for the rest of the day, and when I went to Bible Study that night I was still fuming.  After our study, one of the members pulled me aside and asked why I was giving into the temptation to push God's plan for me into MY timetable.  I was stunned, to say the least.  I hadn't thought about that.  He went on to remind me that our enemy, much like the troublemakers that tried to lure Nehemiah away from the work God had given him, by giving into the tempting desire of being promoted I had been pulled away from doing the work God had given me.  Guess what?  The very next day, my attitude changed and I focused on doing my best where God had put me.

Let me tell you something, you may not be in the position you think you want; you may not be doing what you believe you have been called to do, but the fact remains you are where God has put you in preparation for the next phase of His plan for you.  Therefore, do your best wherever you find yourself, and do it with your best attitude.  It's God's job to get you where He's planned for you to be, so relax and do your best.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Way I See It

But stay away from those who have foolish arguments and talk about useless family histories and argue and quarrel about the law. Those things are worth nothing and will not help anyone. 
Titus 3:9 
I've let it be known before that I am NOT a fan of politics. You see, my ideas are the result of my own experiences, prejudices, studies and observation. I have my own ideas of how things should be done, but that doesn't mean the way I think is the right or best idea. When I have expressed my disdain for politics, especially the "church folk" politics, I usually receive a weary sigh with the noncommittal comment, "There's always going to be politics." Which is a very sad commentary about us.
Think about this, we live in a place called the UNITED STATES, yet there is so much bickering that an outsider looking in would wonder why we call ourselves "United." Be that as if may, the politics that really crinkle my crunkle are the politics of the church.  
Didn't Jesus give us the example of how things are supposed to be done?  He taught us to LOVE each other, regardless (that means ya'll have to love me, regardless).  He taught us to change our way of thinking!  He taught us to not be judgemental.  He taught us that we are to forgive.  He taught us to focus on the important (which would be loving others as we love ourselves).  He exampled loving those most would consider unlovable (remember the lepers, the paralyzed man, the adulterous woman, the woman at the well?).
The way I see it, isn't it about time we start heading back to the teachings of Christ? 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

What Are Your Thoughts?

Those who live following their sinful selves think only about things that their sinful selves want. But those who live following the Spirit are thinking about the things the Spirit wants them to do.
Romans 8:5 
The mind is an amazing thing, isn't it?  Just consider some of the things minds have done: Created the airplane, designed skyscrapers, decided that snails were tasty, found that peanut bitter makes everything better, decided that adding cheese to a hamburger patty was a good thing, figured out how to make indoor plumbing a reality, painted the Sistine Chapel, carved David from a block of marble...the list is endless.  But there are other things our minds have come up with: Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and far too many others to contemplate.
Guess what makes these two creations different?  The focus of our minds!  I am one of those weird people who believe that our minds take the information we feed it, and processes it into actions.  Therefore, we have to be EXTREMELY careful what we allow into our minds!  Where your mind is, your actions will follow!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

One Time Offer

A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness.
John 10:10 
Robert Frost is credited for this quote: "I can sum up life in three goes on."
Life goes on with or without our participation.  You read that correctly, Life goes on with or without our participation!  I have been one of those people who did not want to participate in life because I felt dead inside, therefore I merely went through the motions of existing.
There was a song way back in 1982 that had the line: "Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone."  I have known, and still know, people who have lost their thrill of living.  I get it, I really do get it.  When things happen that suck the very life out of us, we have the tendency to turn inward and just exist. There is a thief who would love to steal our joy of life and keep us ineffective zombies who are just trudging through our existence 
Here's a little factoid nugget:  God has given us this one life on this rock, and He has given us a limited number of days, and this one time deal is up to us to live or exist.  Jesus said He came to give life in all its fullness.  The word used for "life" literally means: "life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God, blessed, in the portion even in this world of those who put their trust in Christ."
We cannot relive yesterday.  We cannot pre-live tomorrow.  We can only live today and how we live is up to us.  Either we let the thief steal our joy and leave us a zombie, or we can chose to accept the gift Jesus offers of a life in the fullest.  If you chose life in the fullest, then live it: laugh, sing, be weird, share yourself with others, go out of your way to brighten someone's day, have coffee with a friend, spend your day making positive memories!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I Have A Purpose?

I cry out to God Most High,
    to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
Psalm 57:2 
I was born a worrier.  I was always concerned about doing the right thing so I could find out the purpose God had for me.  I knew, from church, that God has a purpose for each of us and the sooner we were able to discern that purpose the better our life would be.  And so, I struggled trying to figure out how I could discern God's purpose for me.
Eventually, I just gave up and quit trying.  In fact, that's when my life became much less stressful because I quit caring.  I figured that if God actually had a purpose for me, He would have let me know so I wouldn't have wasted so many years messing up.  So I quit trying and quit caring.  Well, THAT didn't help me find my purpose either.
I figured God's purpose for me would be bringing HUGE numbers of people to Christ like Billy Graham.  Or perhaps pastoring one of those Mega Churches who have multiple "Campuses" and the sermon is broadcast to them.  I just KNEW God's purpose for me was going to make a giant difference!  Then I had a talk with one of my mentors, who loved me enough to be completely and brutally honest with me.  He reminded me that I am an introvert and that my personality was one of caring and empathy rather than outgoing and gregarious.  Honestly, that stung like a hive full of bees had been dropped on my head!
Then he took me to his shop and asked me to help him put his lawnmower engine back together.  Still steaming, I followed.  When we finished putting the engine back together, I noticed that we had one rubber gasket left over.  I told him about it and said it probably didn't matter if we left it out.  Then when he cranked up the motor, it didn't take long to realize that the one small gasket we had left out kept the oil from leaking out.
I love it when I can learn from the things of daily life.  My mentor told me that, though I may think of myself as just a small gasket, God still has an important part for me to play.  Then he reminded me that a single grain of sand that irritates and aggravates an oyster is turned into a beautiful pearl.  God may have a HUGELY public purpose for you, but His purpose for me is much more subtle.  God's purpose for me is to care, listen, love, and share....and to be honest, that's the perfect niche for me.  Ask God about your purpose!  You DO have a purpose, you know. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

I Just Can't Do It Anymore!

I had gotten home, undressed, and was sitting in my recliner when the phone rang.  It had already been one of the most draining days I've ever experienced, and I was mentally, physically and spiritually on EMPTY.  The last thing I wanted to do was talk to anyone else for a while.  I looked at the number and saw it was someone I had been counseling for several years.  With a quick "Jesus, please give me strength and wisdom for this" I answered the phone, "Hey Padre, you got a minute?"  Please don't get me wrong, I love helping people!  I love seeing that "Ah HA" moment when the pieces begin to make sense.

On this particular occasion, I felt weak and washed out, but I knew if I told the caller that I was just to empty to talk, I would most likely undo all of our counseling and my reputation would take a huge hit.  So I asked the caller to give me just a second so I could get to my office (at home).  Again, I silently begged God for the strength and wisdom to give my best to this caller.  I got to my office, closed the door, and for the next two hours had one of the most energizing conversations ever.  We had a great heart to heart deep conversation, and the longer we talked I realized that my weariness had turned into energy.  And, to be honest, some of the answers I provided to the caller's questions, I have NO idea where they came from except God had provided.

Afterwards, God reminded me of how my Pastoral Counseling Professor began each class by telling us "What you do on your own power will exhaust you and leave you feeling defeated.  What you do because you have asked God for help, insight, strength, courage to speak the truth in love, will leave you energized beyond comprehension."  And it's true!  Because when I am at my weakest, the only One I can rely on is God.

Friday, May 10, 2019

What Must I Do?

Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 18:3 
A young man approached Jesus.  It was easy to see this young man had done very well for himself and could most likely be able to buy whatever he wanted without really noticing the expense.  This young man had heard Jesus teach on the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life.  And that is exactly what he wanted.  Imagine living forever with all the wealth you could ever need!  That sounded like a wonderful business investment.  So he came to Jesus and asked, "What must I do to receive this eternal life?" Jesus told the young man that he knew the commandments, and the young man said he had kept them since he was a child.  Then Jesus said, "One thing you lack, go see all you have and give the money to the poor, then come follow me."
I admit, there's a part of me that still struggles with Jesus telling this guy to go and sell all he has and give the money to the poor.  I mean, if you have THAT much wealth at your disposal, just think how Jesus' ministry could have grown.  Jesus could have started His own mega-church with campuses in every town and village, He could stop this walking from place to place because He could be carried on a litter from town to town, He could wear those expensive attention-getting robes, eat the fine foods, the whole gamut.  But Jesus knew that temptation, and Jesus knew this young man was wanting something tangible he could buy or some deed so he could have eternal life AND keep all his stuff.
Jesus wants our willingness to become childlike in our faith, without the cynicism, without the judgmentalism, without the grudges, without the arguing, without folks vying for power.  Jesus has been the epitome of love, pure and simple, and that is what attracts people to Him.  And that is what we receive to share from Him. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Permission To Speak!

Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips.
Psalm 141:3 
I remember it as if it were yesterday, standing at attention in front of my assigned bunk, stomach churning, and here came our senior Drill Instructor with his clipboard.  He walked in front of each of us, checking our names against his clipboard.  And for some reason, he chose to stop in front of me, tapping his clipboard.  "St. John....what kind of name is that?  Do you think you are holy or something?"  The split second I opened my mouth to answer, the clipboard was thrown on the floor and the screaming started, reminding me that in HIS Platoon no flea bitten, brain dead, wannabe was to EVER speak without expressed specific permission!  And did I know understand? Fearing to speak again, I nodded, and the barrage began in earnest.  After 10 minutes or so of this onslaught, I was asked, once again, if I understood.  This time, I answered with, "Permission to speak Drill Sergeant!"  and was granted permission to answer.
Now, years on, I began thinking about that incident and how there are times I am afraid to tell God what's on my heart and mind because it's not what I figure He wants to hear.  My fear is that He will laugh at me, tell me how ridiculous I am being, or some other punishment.  Take this morning for example, when my alarm sounded, I turned it off and really did NOT want to get out of bed.  I did not want to do anything today except relax.  The last several weeks had been draining for me, and I wanted to just take time to rest and let my mind wander.  I, foolishly, believed that God didn't know what I wasn't saying, but He quickly reminded me that I did need to get up and get moving because He had plans for me.
God is not like my Drill Sergeant who was determined to yell and scream in order to make a point.  God works in more subtle ways.  As a matter of fact, because I followed God's prompting to get up and get moving, I was given a free breakfast when some unknown person picked of my tab, I got to work and got to have some great conversations, and the check engine light on my work car finally went out.  All in all, a pretty good day for not wanting to get up.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Too Busy?

One day as he saw the crowds following, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down.
Matthew 5:1
Jesus did a lot of His teaching while He was walking from place to place.  People would come follow for a while and listen, then they would return to what they were doing and Jesus kept walking.  This is what was happening in today's passage.  Jesus was walking and teaching, as usual, when He noticed a crowd following Him.  Instead of telling them to "Keep Up" Jesus went up onto a hillside and sat down to teach them. 
The acoustics from the hillside would help carry His voice without His having to yell.  It also provided a place where the people could sit and hear, rather than having to constantly ask someone in front of them, "What'd He Say?"
Now let's think about this for a minute, these people who had lives of their own, responsibilities, tasks to accomplish, etc. took the time to follow Jesus and listen to Him.  Jesus took His time to sit down and talk with them.  So, think about this, are you too busy to take a few minutes to talk with Jesus and listen to Him?  Or do we use "busy" as an excuse?  

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
James 5:16 
Let's be honest, how many of us would rather cut off our nose than give a sincere apology?  How many of us would rather have all their teeth removed than to confess a wrong done to someone, especially when they may not even be aware of it?  
When we confess our wrongs to the person we have wronged and ask for their forgiveness, that is not done for their benefit!  It is for OUR benefit!  Think about it, if I confess to you that I was the one who took a bite out of your sandwich and asked your forgiveness, then it becomes YOUR responsibility how you deal with that confession.  While you are deciding on what to do, my conscience is clear because I have put the ball squarely in YOUR court!  If you refuse to forgive, NOT MY PROBLEM!  Why?  Because your decisions are NOT my responsibility.  HOWEVER, if I refuse to confess, whether you know what I did or not, then you are in the clear whilst I am the one bearing the weight of responsibility! 
Now, I have yet to find in Scripture where I am required or expected to confess all my sins to someone against whom I have not sinned.  I can't confess to you that I drew the beard on the photo of the Queen, and expect to be forgiven.  Why?  Because YOU aren't the one I have wronged.
Confess to the other only the sins which you have committed against the other!  THAT is a true mark of love, to be honest with each other!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Where's Your Source of Hope?

Let me ask you something...where is your source of hope?  Somewhere along the way, we have decided that the word "hope" is very similar to "wish" because both words imply doubt.  "I hope I do well on my oral boards today."  "I wish I was good at taking oral boards."  Where is the confidence?  That concrete confidence whereby we are assured of success without a doubt!

The word translated as "Hope" in today's passage is the Greek word "pilas" which quite literally means: "joyful and confident expectation."  Does that sound like there's any doubt or wondering?

Look again what Paul is saying, 'I pray that God [who is] THE Source of Hope [joyful and confident expectation] will fill you [to overflowing] completely with joy..."  Paul knows that God is the only source of hope for us, and he knows that God willingly offers to fill us with with joy.  We have NO reason to doubt because God has NOT failed EVER!  And when you have hope, there is a peace and joy that floods us because we know everything is going to be okay.

Where is YOUR source of hope?

Friday, May 3, 2019

When Will It Get Better?

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Believe it or not, the question I get asked MOST often is "When Does Life Get Better?"  I hear this from people who are struggling with situations which are overwhelming or seem daunting or that they have been struggling with for a LONG time.  I get it!  I have had many a year being angry with God, Screaming out my prayers to Him even using the military vocabulary, Begging Him to make it better.  Yet, God seemed to remain silent.  It was as if He enjoyed seeing me struggle and fall over and over.  As a matter of fact, I would hang my head in complete exhaustion and ask God, "Can this possibly get any worse?"  And guess what?  The deceiver LOVES that challenge, because things got worse.

I was absolutely certain that God had decided I wasn't worth His time.  And then He proved me completely wrong.  Was it because things suddenly got better?  Nope!  Was it because things suddenly began to fall into place? Not a chance.  God proved me wrong by reminding me that sometimes His plans require waiting.  You see God is the one with the plan and He knows where all the components of His need to be for my part of His plan to move forward.   
When a baby is born, they cry when they're hungry, they cry when they're tired, they cry when they're soiled, they cry when they don't feel good...WHY?  Because they aren't ready to speak and tell us what's making them cry!  If babies could talk, not only would we be stunned, but it would take quite a lot out of the bonding process!  Think about it, if your newborn said, "Oh Mother, I'm feeling a tad peckish at present. Perhaps a bit of nourishment would just hit the spot"  what would your reaction be?  The truth is, we have to wait for them to develop enough to accommodate speech.  (Then we spend the next 18 years wondering when the talking will slow down.)
Look at the verse for today, Yet God has [already] made everything beautiful for its own time!  God's plans are ALREADY in place and in play.
Instead of wondering, perhaps we need to learn how to wait.


Thursday, May 2, 2019

National Day of Prayer

And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.
1 John 5:14-15 
Today is the National Day of Prayer.  If you focus on the news, it seems we live in a world gone mad.  And it's true, the deceiver would have us focus on the negative that is all around us.  However, believers know that this world is temporary and the deceiver has already been defeated.  Yet that doesn't change the fact that we live in a world of chaos.
I am asking you to join with me in praying that God will help us learn to trust Him in ALL things; that we turn every situation over to Him; that we learn to trust Him instead of our feelings; that He will strengthen our resolve to live differently from this world.
This world is full of hatred.  Please join me today inviting God to flood this Earth with His love and provide us opportunities to share the love for others He has instilled in us.  We become what we choose to focus on, therefore let us focus on the love God has for His children. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hello, My Name Is Inigo Montoya...

You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.
Matthew 5:43-47 
I admit it, all these killings of late have made me extremely ticked off!  Why is it so intolerable for someone to want to destroy so many lives of worshipers?  Is it because they disagree with one groups ideology?  Is it because they simply have been taught to hate others because of their beliefs?  The more I thought about it, the angrier I became!  Then...I realized that I was so angry that I could not pray for anything other than revenge, because my hatred for the perpetrators of these crimes had become my focus.  Because they had become my focus, I had taken my focus off of God and replaced Him with blind anger and rage and desire for revenge.
When we focus on anything more than we focus on God, then we can no longer worship Him because we have replaced Him.  I had to spend a lot of time praying for God to cleanse me and forgive me for my anger and for replacing Him with my rage.  I had given these killers the position in my heart and soul they did not deserve!  I had allowed them to own my thoughts and they didn't deserve that!  
Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies and those who hurt us.  That sounds good when you are just reading it from a distance of the hurt.  But when you are in the midst of the hurt and anger, that becomes a daunting action.  Yet, God is the one who will judge, He didn't give me that position.  Hatred and anger and desiring revenge will only escalate the situations.  I am still bothered by the senseless violence, but I am learning to turn it over to God.  My time on this rock is temporary, I must focus on the eternal.