Friday, September 28, 2018

Let Him Who Has Ears...

He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Matthew 11:15 
This past Monday held a surprise.  I wandered into the squadroom to see several deputies interacting with an individual, yet they seemed to be having a little difficulty.  At first, I thought the person did not speak English, which would explain the communication difficulty.  Then it became apparent to my sludge filled brain that the difficulty was due to the fact this person was deaf.
Now....truth be known, both of my parents have been Missionaries to the Deaf for over 50 years.  My brother and I grew up with sign language in our home, and we learned enough to know what we would be getting for Christmas, for birthdays, and who was in trouble and how much trouble.  It had been a number of years since I actually got to use my rusty sign language skills, yet I was able to communicate with the person enough to know that this person knew my parents, along with a few other pleasantries.  The thing that struck me, is that this individual was teaching the others in the squadroom a few signs, and was very happy when someone signed back to him.
All of this brought to mind today's verse.  And here's the point I want to make, people of all kinds respond to actions!  For example, I have been conducting an almost 30 year research project where I see if people respond to non-verbal interactions.  If I smile, is my smile returned.  If I hold a door open, is it accepted.  You see, Jesus was able to communicate with people in every spectrum of society whether they were deaf, blind, leper, even dead (remember Lazarus?).  The message of Christ?  Love God with all of you and love each other as you love yourself.  Love really needs no words because Love is action! 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sound of Silence

Even a fool who remains silent is considered wise,
and the one who holds his tongue is deemed discerning.
Proverbs 17:28 
Several years ago, there was a song by Harry Nilsson called, "Everybody's Talkin'" which began with "Everybody's talkin' at me, can't hear a word they're sayin'..."  Have you ever been in a group of people with everyone talking and you try to hear what one person is trying to say?  It's rather difficult.  And the older I get, the more difficult it becomes.  Then again, there's the fact that I am easily distracted which makes focusing on a single person talking in a loud group even more of a challenge.
Now...think about this:  Have you ever tried listening to what God is trying to tell you when your mind is busy with the thoughts about the events of the day or you want to tell God everything that's on your mind and when you're done, you don't even try to listen?  We are bad about not listening.  We are pretty good about telling God what WE want to tell Him, but how good are we are hearing what He wants to tell us?
One of the best ways to learn is to listen....and in order to listen, it is important to be silent.  We learn from God when we are silent and listen!  Ponder that one for a bit.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

With Whom Are You Walking?

Walk with the wise and become wise;
    associate with fools and get in trouble.
Proverbs 13:20
One of the things I can remember being told, when I was MUCH younger, is "Be careful who you hang around with."  I admit that I didn't give too much attention to that.  Most of those my age thought I was a bit weird and quiet, and I was being an introvert.  But as an introvert, I had developed a habit of observing interactions with people, or "people watching" if you prefer.  And one thing I began to notice...when people are around their friends for a while will begin to take on the mannerisms and even speech patterns of each other.
Fast forward to my time in the Army, when I was with the same group of people for 8 straight weeks, 24 hours a day.  Part of the Army training was to get us to act as a single unit, think as a single unit, and one of the side effects happened to be we began to act alike and talk alike.  I didn't realize it at the time, but I had developed quite the colorful vocabulary.  This became embarrassingly clear when I saw the look on my Mom's face when, after Basic Training Graduation, I was talking with some of my comrades and the discussion she heard had gotten a bit "salty."  The look on her face broke my heart.
It was at that point that the warning of my youth replayed in my mind.  If you want to be wise, walk with wise people.  If you would rather not be wise, as was I, then just "go with the flow."  Wise people will challenge you to grow, while others will find growth too much of a hassle and discourage you from even trying.  Choose who you would rather be around. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

God's Not Angry With You

Perhaps you've heard it too, or been told, God only loves you when you are good. This is a lie!  If God were that fickle then we are ALL in trouble!  What about the statement that God loves those who love Him first?'s a LIE!  God loves people who haven't even thought of Him.  What about the idea that God is angry, cranky and vindictive?  WE tend to be angry, irritated, cranky, difficult, and vindictive, but God?  Let me assure you, it takes a WHOLE LOT to make God angry!  

You see, we've been fed these lies for so long that we forget that God IS LOVE!  God loves us even when we don't like Him.  God loves us even when we mess up (how many people can you say that about?).  God loves us before time began! 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Trust Issues

I can't speak for anyone else, but I have a condition.  You see, my condition involves my overthinking, which causes my mind take the simple to outlandish extremes.  For example, let's say I am thirsty...I get a bottle of water, drink about half, then start running through my schedule for the day.  As I am running through my schedule, I imagine the length of time it takes me to drive to each place and trying to figure how long I will have before my medication makes my body insist on letting the water leave.  Therefore, without having actually moved an inch, I have already gone to an extreme.  I am getting a little better about not overthinking as much, but it still happens from time to time.

But when we focus on God, remembering that He has everything under control and there is nothing that will EVER surprise Him, we can rest in the knowledge that He's got us.  With that level of comfort comes peace in the knowledge that we don't have to worry or stress or be anxious about anything because we can give it to Him and He will accept it.

But you see, we have the habit of giving God everything that is bothering us...except we don't want to trust Him to deal with it so we take it back and then wonder why we are still stressed, depressed and anxious after we have prayed.  Well, it's because we aren't allowing God to do His job!  Think about that.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith.
2 Corinthians 13:5 
I may have mentioned once or a thousand times before that I love history. I watch the History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, Smithsonian Channel...I am a History junkie like many others are Sports junkies.  I can't get enough learning about where we came from so we can better figure out what we need to do to NOT repeat the same mistakes.
The Apostle Paul instructs us to EXAMINE ourselves.  We are to examine ourselves as archaeologists examine their dig finds.  We are to examine ourselves as Crime Scene Investigators examine bits of evidence.  We are to perform an IN-DEPTH examination of ourselves, not merely a cursory perusal.  I found a very helpful piece which helps with this in-dept examination it is a simple 5 point directed prayer:
    Abba, I believe that at this moment I am in Your presence and You are loving me.
    Abba, You know my needs better than I know them. Give me Your light and Your help to see how You have been with me, both yesterday and today and again tomorrow.
     Abba, help me to be grateful for the moments when people have affirmed me and challenged me. Help me to see how I have responded, and whether I have been kind to others and open to growth.
    Abba, forgive me for when I have not done my best or have failed to treat others well. Encourage me, guide me, and continue to bless me.
     Abba, as i look to the remainder of this day, make me aware that You are with me. Show me how to be the person You want me to be.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Feeling Insignificant?

But Paul’s nephew—his sister’s son—heard of their plan and went to the fortress and told Paul.
Acts 23:16

Permit me to provide a bit of background here, Paul has demanded that Caesar hear his case as he is a Roman citizen and the Pharisees would rather see Paul dead.  So they hatch a plan to tell the local constabulary that they wish to clarify something with Paul and, as the guard brings Paul to the inquiry, they will kill him.

With me so far?  Well, this devotional isn't about the plot or even about Paul.  It's about an unnamed fellow who saved Paul's life.  Paul's nephew, who is NEVER identified by name, heard the plot, ran to where Paul was being held, told Paul and then Paul got him escorted in to speak with the Commander.  That is a role of HUGE importance, yet we have no idea of his name.  It's as if this nephew of Paul's was somehow considered "insignificant."

Ever feel insignificant?  I have and do at times.  Yet allow me to give you a couple of things to consider: What's the name of the person who actually stitched your clothes together?  We don't know, yet without their contribution would your garments hold together? What's the name of the person who rings up your groceries?  We see their nametags, but do we bother to remember them?  Why not?

There are so many people who make HUGE contributions to our daily lives and yet...we tend to think of them as somehow being "insignificant."  We can remember who sings our favorite songs or writes our favorite books, but what about the technician who sets of the microphones or the person who delivers the manuscript to the editor?

"Because of Christ's sacrifice, there are NO nobodies living on planet Earth. A person is not significant because of their fame or fortune or stature or publicity makes them so. Each is significant to God because GOD said so. And that includes YOU! In God's estimation, YOU ARE SIGNIFICANT!" (Chuck Swindoll - Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives)

Think about that!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Don't Rock The Boat

Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.
The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!”
Matthew 8:24-27 

A number of years ago, a friend of mine told me that he and his brother had gone fishing.  They were having a good day and they found their way into a cove where there were some trees that were over the water.  Not thinking of anything other than some shade, they paddled to a spot in the shade to fish.  Just as my friend caught a fish, they heard a thunk in the boat between them. They both turned to find that a Cottonmouth Moccasin had dropped in to investigate their activities.  Needless to say, they rocked the boat as they made their escape.  However, in their rush to exit the boat, the boat swamped and sank leaving the snake to swim away unperturbed.

The Disciples had a vaguely similar situation.  Jesus and the Disciples were in a boat when a storm came up and threatened to swamp their boat, and since not too many sailors of that time could swim, there were looking at the very real possibility of drowning.  They worried and panicked, and they found Jesus asleep!  Now this was not a nice cabin cruiser with navigational equipment and comfy cabins.  This was a fishing boat which was more like an extra large john boat.  I can tell you from experience, a john boat is NOT a comfy place to sleep.  But Jesus found it comfortable enough to take a nap during a storm.

The Disciples woke Jesus up, incredulous that He could POSSIBLY be sleeping at a time like this, and asked Jesus if He even cared that they would drown.  We do that too, don't we?  We panick and stress over things that are out of our control and then we complain to God asking if He doesn't realize how much our situation could harm us.  I am guilty of that!  

What was Jesus' response?  Somehow I can see Jesus giving the Disciples one of those eyerolls and saying, 'Why are you so bothered by this?'  Then Jesus tells the storm to go away...and it disappears, much to the amazement of the Disciples.  Let me ask you the same thing Jesus has asked me: "Why are you so bothered, stressed and panicked about this?  Don't you understand that I am in control?  Don't you know that there is nothing that will happen to you that surprises Me?"  I can't speak for you, but my faith still needs to grow! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How Valued Are You?

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to the crowd that was following him, he said, “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” And when the officer’s friends returned to his house, they found the slave completely healed.
Luke 7:9-10 

If you read the story of the Centurion's slave in Luke chapter 7, perhaps the first thought you might have is "why is this guy sending Jewish elders to ask Jesus to come heal his servant?  After all, it's ONLY a servant."  Well, that was my thought anyway.  You see, in my own arrogance, I had devalued the human being because of their standing in society!  I had devalued this human being because they were a mere servant.  And I was horribly wrong to do that!

According to Luke, this particular slave was of great value to the Centurion.  Perhaps this slave managed the household, held confidences, or maybe....just maybe, this slave and the Centurion had grown up together and were more like brothers.  Whatever the case, this Centurion cared greatly about this particular person.  And when this valued slave became ill and was dying, the Centurion needed a miracle!

This Centurion knew about Jesus and had heard about Jesus' healing others, so he sent some of the Jewish Elders to go get Jesus and bring Him to heal this valued slave.  The Jewish Elders found Jesus and asked Him to come to heal the Centurion's slave because, and here's were the "church folk" urging was uttered, "He is worthy of having YOU do this for him, for he loves our people, and it is he who built our synagogue for us."  That statement and anything like it truly irks me!  All they had to do was ask Jesus to come heal this valued slave, why did they think they had to lay on the extraneous by telling Jesus why He had to go to the Centurion's house?

Anyway, Jesus went with them.  But when Jesus got close to the house, the Centurion sent word that he was not worthy for Jesus to enter his house, which contradicted the Elders' comments, but if Jesus would just say the word where He was, the Centurion KNEW the illness would disappear.  THAT is when Jesus said that in ALL of Israel, He had not seen such faith as this Centurion (a foreigner) had demonstrated. 

When the Elders returned to the house, the valued servant was healed.  Now....if Jesus healed from a distance because of the faith of a foreigner, how much more valuable are YOU to Him?  If Jesus is willing to go to the house of this Centurion, how much more valuable is YOUR heart as a believer?  If Jesus valued this slave so much that He would come heal from a distance, how much more valuable are YOU to Him?  After all, He did sacrifice Himself for you.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Green Thumb?

The Lord will guide you continually,
    giving you water when you are dry
    and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
    like an ever-flowing spring.
Isaiah 58:11
 I'll be the first one to tell you that I have difficulty, sometimes, following directions.  Which is why I think God gave the gift of GPS to folks like me.  You see, with GPS, there is this friendly voice telling me where I'm going, how long it should take me to get there, where to turn, where the rest areas are, and such.  Were it not for GPS, I would be lost, stressed, hungry, and out of fuel.
And God is our GPS if we listen.  GPS being God's Proactive Self whereby He guides us, directs us, protects us, loves us, forgives us, reminds us, prompts us, and cares for us.  With this kind of system in place, we WILL be as the well watered garden!

Friday, September 14, 2018


The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
    both now and forever.
Psalm 121:8 
Have you ever had someone who would watch out for you?  A protector, if you will?  When I was in grade school, I was one of the tiniest people in school (stop laughing, it's true!).  As a result, I got pushed around quite a bit and bullied a LOT, until the day Ricky McCall came to school.  Ricky was a big boy!  The biggest boy in school, as a matter of fact.  One day I was being bullied, as per usual, and made fun of because I was small, when I heard a voice behind the group say, "Ya'll wanna try that with ME?"  The group turned, ready to have more "fun" until they realized it was Ricky, instead of trying anything with him they turned and ran.  Ricky picked me up and long story short, we became the best of friends.  He always looked out for me and I always helped him with his studies.

It felt so good knowing that I didn't have to face those bullies alone anymore.  It felt good to have a friend who watched out for me.  But here's the thought I want to share, as great as it was having Ricky on my side, God looking out for me is even more awesome.  "But why didn't God stop the bullies?" you might ask.  Well, in bringing Ricky to my aid, He did just that.

No matter what we struggle with, or are facing, God already has a plan and is always looking out for us.  If He didn't, then He wouldn't be God, now would He?

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How Long?

I also know that whatever God does will endure forever;
nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken away from it.
God has made it this way, so that men will revere Him.
Ecclesiastes 3:14 
I remember sitting in a geometry class thinking it would never end.  I was never good at math or geometry and it always seemed as though time not only stood still, but began to mock me as well.  When we are in situations or places we don't wish to be, time can seem like eternity.
I do enjoy history though.  Remember the Roman Empire?  The believed it would last forever and, while it did last quite a number of years, it eventually came to an end.  What about the Huns?  The conquered most of Europe and Asia.  Yet they, too, have fallen to the sands of time.  Every single empire has come and gone, yet they keep popping up believing they will last forever, but they ultimately fall.
Yet God put in place all of creation.  Creation has witnessed every empire come and go, and creation is still here.  What God puts in place will last forever!  Don't believe me?  God's love for His children is forever.  God promised that He would NEVER leave us or forsake us, and that is forever.  My mind cannot grasp the whole eternity concept, but it can grasp that day by day God is still with me.
No one can add to God's love for us and no one can take it from us.  It is FOREVER! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


But then I recall all you have done, O Lord;
    I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.
They are constantly in my thoughts.
    I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.
Psalm 77:11-12 
I don't know about you, but the older the more I am convinced that God has a delightfully weird sense of humor.  I can remember the name of my best friend from 1st grade, but have trouble remembering what I need to pick up from the grocer.  I can remember most of my lines from the very first play I was in, but don't always remember to take my medications.
There have been times when I struggle to remember a verse or passage that might be of help to someone, but the Holy Spirit reminds me of the exact thing I need to say or not say.  I don't always remember the addresses of the verses, but I remember a number of the verses. 
There have been times when my attention is so focused on the current moment of depression, anxiety, frustration of the way my life is in that moment.  I fail, in those times to remember all God has done for me.  I fail to remember the epic fails God has brought me through.  Why?  Because I am guilty of SELECTIVE MEMORY! During these times, my instinct is to go to God with anger, whining, and complaining about my current situation.  But God has this uncanny way of shutting me up by reminding me the road He has brought me and all He has delivered me from.  
Join me and look back at all that God has brought you through.  The challenges, the relationships, the sticky situations, the moments of sheer idiocy, the moments when He had to humble us, the moments when we celebrated His gifts to us.  Take a look back and remember all that God has already done.  This is the same God who promised to never leave us.  This is the same God who said, "I know the plans I have for YOU!"  This is the same God who has planned everything in the universe to fall into place at just the right time and in just the right way so His plans for you will be fulfilled.
Remember!  It's a good thing!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.
2 Corinthians 4:8 
I don't know who decided to tell people that living the Christian Life was simple, care-free, and without any bumps along the way, but they were wrong!  BOY were they wrong!  Don't believe me, ask the Apostle Paul.  You see, when he was Saul he was on the fast track to greatness.  He was a Pharisee, a Roman citizen, extremely zealous enforcer of the Jewish faith, his family had short, his life was golden.  He was admired by those with whom he worked.  They liked him.  
And then...Jesus introduced Himself to Saul and that threw a HUGE monkey wrench into the mix.  Upon his conversion, Saul lost almost everything!  He lost his reputation, his standing in the synagogue, he lost the friends he could once count on, he lost the religious leaders who would seek his counsel, he lost his mission to destroy the church.  Saul lost...or so it seemed.
What many would see as a HUGE setback, Saul saw as an opportunity!  He realized that he still had the same intense drive to to the best he could, but now his mission was different.  How many of us would take a setback and realize it could be just what you needed, whether you admit it or not?  Just because our situation may change does not mean God has just let us go!  It doesn't mean we no longer have a purpose!  We DO have a purpose, but it might be different from what we imagined.  
God has a way of working our lives so that everything is for OUR best and HIS glory!
My Grampa told me one time, "If ya ain't bumpin' into that serpent, you slitherin' right along with him."

Monday, September 10, 2018

Rule of Thumb

Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. 
James 1:19 
There are those who seem to enjoy offending people. There are those who seem to take great joy in being loudly offended.  Yet what does this prove?  That we have chosen to remain in childhood perhaps? That we choose to through temper tantrums as children on a playground?  Honestly, I do not believe that is the intent, rather, perhaps we have forgotten one simple fact: While we all occupy this blue marble in the cosmos, we are individuals who have been gifted with the ability to think and decide for ourselves.  And it would seem that we have forgotten a piece of wisdom: Be quick to listen...Slow to speak...slow to anger.
How many have decided, upon hearing some opinion, to bypass all of that and go straight to being angry.  Not just angry, but very loudly angry.  Why? Because we seem to have forgotten the truth of the matter, which is simple: If I disagree with something you post, I have the power to NOT read it.  If I disagree with someone in political office, I have the power to exercise my vote.  If I disagree with some sports personality, I have the power to simply change the channel or not attend events where that personality will be present.
We MUST learn that we must be quick to hear (which includes pondering the truth), Slow to speak (if what I have to say is not a beneficial resolution, why say it?), and Slow to Anger (what purpose does it serve if I am a hothead who becomes vocally indignant?).  We must learn that, as adults, we have been called to engage in discourse to seek mutually acceptable solutions.  The Apostle Paul said, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."  Children are prone to tantrums when they don't get their way, yet parents teach their children to learn better methods of dealing with difficult situations...or at least parents should be teaching this.
When do we stop all the bickering and learn to discuss? 

Friday, September 7, 2018

What Are You Thinking About?

If people’s thinking is controlled by the sinful self, there is death. But if their thinking is controlled by the Spirit, there is life and peace. 
Romans 8:6 
What do you think would happen if our every thought appeared in a bubble above our heads for everyone to see?  There would be a LOT of uncomfortable explaining to do, I think. Imagine thinking to yourself how you wanted to eliminate someone from their position so you could replace them, and then you suddenly remember everyone could read your thought bubble!  Imagine someone hits a puddle near the curb where you are standing and you get soaked, what would your thought bubble declare?
Imagine what would happen if you were asked, "How does my hair look?" and your honest answer pops up in a bubble above your head.  When Mom asks "How was school today?" and you realize that you cannot pull off the sullen "okay" because the truth is in your thought bubble.
We tend to keep quite a lot of information in our minds.  Our words may say one thing while our minds are screaming the truth.  Imagine how much trouble I would have gotten into when Gramma asked me who took some of her cookies?  I mean, aside from having cookie stuck in my teeth, my thought bubble would give me away.
Consider this: Thought always precedes action!  Every single time!  Or as that insightful theologian, George Carlin, once put it, "The church taught me that if you think've done it, so save your cab fare!"  God not only witnesses our every action, but He also witnesses what we think.  Scripture reminds us "We look at what we can see, but God sees what we think" (1 Samuel 16:7).
We must be mindful of our thoughts, because from our thoughts come our words and deeds.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Weight Problem?

Give your burdens to the Lord,
    and he will take care of you.
    He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
Psalm 55:22 
We have a weight problem!  There's no two ways about it, our weight problem is causing us many more problems as well!  We can deny it, ignore it, try to cover it up, but the fact is we have a weight problem and it's reaching an epidemic stage.  If we don't face it and do something about it, it will crush us from the spirit outward!
We seem to have this habit of taking on the burdens that are not ours to carry, which weighs us down and makes it more and more difficult to encourage others, be sincere, love others, care for others, pray for others, repair relationships, forge new friendships, and on and on.  We stress and strain under the weight of our burden until we become angry, bitter, hateful, judgmental, and even condemning.
What weights are you carrying that aren't yours?  How about that person you are angry or irritated with that you just can't (or won't) let it go?  How about the concern for someone else's decisions?  What about worrying about what may or may not happen?  What about anxiety over a situation beyond your control?  How about a lack of contentment?  When was the last time you actually chose not to encouraged someone?  When was the last time you complained about some situation or someone?   
Over and over, Scripture teaches us that we need to give our burdens to the ONLY one who can deal with them and us.  Jesus reminded us to "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I WILL give you rest."  Why are we so stubborn?  Why do we want to cling to our burdens?  Perhaps we have carried them so long that we have become used to them and don't know how to act if we gave them up.  Perhaps we just like being bitter and angry.  Perhaps we don't think God will handle our issues the way WE think they should be handled.  
But consider this:  If we truly trust God, who gave us life and purpose and told us to give Him our burdens, doesn't it make sense to give Him our burdens?  If you want peace, let go of that which weighs you down.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be uppity but associate with the lowly. Do not be conceited. 
Romans 12:15-16 
 Suppose something happened to you that made you REALLY happy, and when you told your friend, their response was a bored "Okay."  How would you feel?  Now suppose something tragic happened in your life and you shared it with a friend, and their response was an absent-minded "Yeah, it'll be okay."  How would you feel?
We like it when people are happy for us and with us!  We like it when someone feels bad for us and with us!  
When we live in harmony with each other, we are not conceited and we aren't uppity toward each other.  Why?  Because we are following the instruction and example of Christ by loving each other as we love ourselves.  And when we are THAT connected, we become empathetic with each other so that when one hurts, all hurt; when one is happy, all are happy.
It's truly amazing just how much Scripture speaks of caring for each other, loving each other, and togetherness of living in harmony with each other.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

All The Rage

Fools have no interest in understanding;
    they only want to air their own opinions.
Proverbs 18:2
 Have you noticed how many people are spouting their opinions on all sort of matters lately?  Suddenly, we have athletes spreading their political opinions.  We have so-called celebrities doing the same thing.  And guess what?  There are those who buy into these opinions without ever attempting to think for themselves.  

All this noise, yet no real knowledge being presented that anyone will listen to.  Why are we like that?  All this shouting and no one is listening to reason.  All this shouting and no discourse.  And apparently, all this shouting is all the rage now.  The Ragers rage, the thinkers think, never the twain shall meet, because everyone is convinced their opinions are the only truth.

But is this what God has instructed us to do?  Scripture reminds us that we are to be  QUICK to listen, SLOW to speak, and SLOWER to start raging.  Yet, how often to we see that actually happening?  

Think about this: If we TRULY believe that we should treat others as we want to be treated, wouldn't we want to have a discussion instead of a shouting match?