Friday, November 30, 2018

'Tis The Season To Be What?

Then Jesus said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”
Luke 12:15
I remember waiting anxiously for the Sears and JC Penney Christmas Catalogs to arrive.  When the postal carrier brought them, I would spend hours looking through the pages showing all the wonderful things available to me for Christmas and I began making my list(s).
Then came the words that deflated my list(s) to a couple of line items: "You have a limit of 3 items, and your Dad and I will pick from those three items."  My dreams of a room filled with brightly wrapped gifts just for me faded into a scene that my young mind imagined, a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree in a dark room with dust bunnies under it instead of gifts.  Or worse, to my mind, a Christmas of pajamas and underwear.
As I grew older, I have watched year after year the push to BUY, BUY, BUY truckloads of presents.  And I have been disgusted by the incessant display of greed and excess.  I understand more and more what my parents tried to instill in my mind.  And I appreciate it more and more!
How many people do you see on Black Friday pushing, shoving and even fighting to get buggies FULL of goodies which will be obsolete within a month after Christmas (when the "New Improved" versions will be advertised)?  Is it truly worth it?
When Jesus was born, how was HIS birth celebrated?  With a visit from some shepherds!  Yes, The Wise Men came, but they came THREE YEARS LATER!  Yes, they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh...but that's the last time we hear of their gifts.  Why?  Because the TRUE gift of Christ!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Are You Worried?

For the Lord grants wisdom!
    From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6
I hate to admit it, but I was fooled and taken advantage of a couple of years back.  I heard of a family in dire straits and sought to help even though I suspected better, nonetheless, I rendered financial assistance only to hear how happy the family was now that they had money to spend on their Christmas gifts.  I freely confess that I was more furious when I heard that, but by then I could not recover the aid that had been rendered.  And it was then God chose to remind me that I should have heeded his prompting instead of jumping in with both feet.
God grants us wisdom when we ask for it.  That's His job.  Our job is to listen and heed the wisdom He gives us. God doesn't grant us His wisdom just to have something to do.  He gives us wisdom for our own good.  With God's wisdom we can plan for our own family's well being; we can learn to discern whether a sad tale is truth or a lie.
Because I didn't heed God's prompting to take some time to think it through, I AND my family paid the price for the deception.  I'm not saying that we should not help others, please don't think I'm saying that at all.  What I am saying is that I am learning, granted the hard way, to stop-pray-listen-pray-consider-pray-then act.  I also have come to understand that I can't help everyone.  God has blessed me in many ways, but being independently is not one of those blessings. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

It's Purdy...Ain't It?

Some of his disciples began talking about the majestic stonework of the Temple and the memorial decorations on the walls. But Jesus said, “The time is coming when all these things will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!”
Luke 21:5-6
There are some INCREDIBLY beautiful churches in this world!  We see photos of them and we "oooooooo" and "aaaahhhhh" over them.  If we have the opportunity to see them in person, we are left speechless.  We admire the grandeur!  We are intrigued by the construction.  We are left breathless!
Yet, if you get down to brass tacks, it's just a building.  Let me ask you a question: Can you worship God more or less in a cathedral than in a jail cell? Jesus states quite clearly that there will come a time when Churches and Temples will be completely destroyed with not even one stone on top of another.  Which begs the consideration why we believe buildings are so important to worship?  
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy getting together with others at church to worship.  But I do know there are those who go to the church building, go through the motions of sincere worship, yet when they leave the church building you really wonder how sincere their worship.  If it is the building that causes us to worship, then we are worshiping the building instead of the Christ who is the Bridegroom of the Church. 
The most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen is the one God created in the Southwest at sunrise!  Be careful who or what you choose to worship!  There will come a day...Jesus promised! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wait Until It's Too Late?

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant.
    If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.
Ecclesiastes 11:4 
October-November was a rough time.  I officiated 3 funerals of people I had gotten to know.  While this was difficult and took a lot to be able to process, I couldn't help but remember one phrase I heard over and over: "I wish I could've told them..."  
We tend to take for granted that we will have more time.  We tend to not think about the gravity of our choice to hold on to grudges with people we love deep down but we disagree with for the moment.  God NEVER promises us even our next breath! So who are we to think we will have more time?
Think about this: If farmers waited until the rain actually started falling before they planted their you think the crop would yield in abundance? Consider this Rule of thumb:  NEVER let an opportunity pass to let others know that you love them, respect them, are glad they are part of your life!  Start RIGHT NOW!!  

Friday, November 16, 2018

It's Time!

Have you ever taken a moment to consider what kind of world we would have if people simply took that extra second to be thankful?  Instead we expend and waste more energy and time moaning, groaning, and complaining.  What about the people we work with and encounter throughout our days, do we express gratitude to them and for them?  The more I ponder this, the bigger the bruises I am getting!

Guess what happens to us when are begin to develop a thankful and grateful spirit?  We become more encouraging; we become more caring; we become happier; we become more patient; we become more appreciative; We actually GROW!

I will be on vacation until Tuesday, November 27th.  During this time, I am going to spend time learning to be grateful and thankful.  Hopefully when I return, God will have made me into a better version of me. Join me?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

What's That You Say?

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
Ephesians 4:29
Words....have you ever considered the impact our words have?  Imaging the impact when a police officer shouts "Hand where I can see them!"  How would that make you feel if you were on the receiving end of that?  How do you feel when you discover that someone you trusted was actually just using you for their benefit with NO regard for anyone but themselves? How do you think Eve felt when she realized that the serpent used his slick sounding words to convince her, not only to sin, but to convince Adam to go down with her?
You see, we are VERY adept at using words to get what we want!  Sometimes with no regard for those we use in the process.  However, be that as it may, one of the most poignant quotes from that book is: "Normally, words are sent from the brain towards the mouth, and somewhere along the line you take a moment to check them, see that they are actually the ones you ordered and that they're nicely wrapped, before you bundle them on their way towards your palate and out into the fresh air."
- The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie
Read that passage again....slowly and concentrate on what is being said.  Let's face it, if the words we spewed into the public air had would yours taste?  Even more important, how do you think God will react to the flavor of the words we release into the ears of others?
I'll leave that flavorful thought right here for our tastebuds to contemplate.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"We Few...We Happy Few"

Do not fear, for the Lord your God will personally fight for you.
Deuteronomy 3:22
These last several weeks have been one of those periods of life when words cannot adequately describe the exhaustion I have felt.  I have officiated three funerals of people I have gotten to know.  When each of them passed, it felt as punch to my spirit.  Putting together each eulogy was agonizing and left me feeling as though I had been the punching bag for a prize fighter.  I just wanted to go to bed and not wake up until next week.

This morning, during my quiet time, one of my favorite movies came to mind.  The movie is "Henry V" starring Kenneth Branagh.  The pivotal moment in the movie was the Battle of Agincourt where the outnumbered English soundedly defeated the French.  But the part that stood out for me what after the battle scene when King Henry V of England stood visibly exhausted on a cart to address his soldiers.  He was bruised, filthy, and bloody.  And I could understand how he felt.

You see, the object of that battle is to force the opponent to give up.  And I have felt that I had been fighting an seemingly endless battle.  Then God reminded me that when I fight in my own strength, it's a losing battle because my strength is limited.  But when I step back, be still, and let God fight the battle for me, His strength is limitless...not to mention He has already won the war!

Am I still tired?  Yes.  But knowing that the battle is God's to fight gives me strength.  God has let me fight until all my strength was gone, but He is always faithful to remind me that His mission for my life is not completed and until it is, it's HIS job to make sure I get there.  So I have learned this lesson once again...God is God and I am not. It is not my place to try to do God's job because I can't.  It IS my place to get out of God's way so HE can show His strength and mercy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

We Weren't The First!!

And to all the animals of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” It was so.
Genesis 1:30 
If you remember the creation story in Genesis, you will remember that People were NOT the first of God's creations.  You will also remember that before Eve, God brought all the animals to Adam so he could name them (looking for a suitable helper for Adam).
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.” - Comedienne Gilda Radner
I am convinced that God uses animals to teach us.  For example, think about the unconditional love our pets give us.  We can learn from them to GIVE unconditional love in return.  Think of the things our pets do that make us smile, laugh and say "awwww."  We can learn from them to cheer each other up.  Think of how our pets know when we are sad or upset and they try to remind us that they love us.  We can learn to do the same for others.
“If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.” - Author Phil Pastoret  
And remember that God made the animals wise.  They don't waste a lot of time working themselves do death, we are the ones who do that.  They don't waste a lot of time hoarding, we do that.  We can learn from ALL of God's creations, isn't it about time to start? 

Friday, November 9, 2018

When Did I Go Blind?

Truly God is good to Israel,
    to those whose hearts are pure.
Psalm 73:1 
"As the son of a son of a sailor
I went out on the sea for adventure
Expanding their view of the captain and crew
Like a man just released from indenture

As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man
I have chalked up many a mile
Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks
And I've learned much from both of their styles"
-Son of a Son of a Sailor-
Jimmy Buffett
I like to read.  Partly to learn things and partly to keep in touch with my sense of wonder and imagination.  I remember reading books about pirates and then spending the afternoon daydreaming about what I had read.  I read the Hobbit so many times that the pages started to fall out of it, and every time the Hobbits ate, I got hungry.  I remember looking through my Grandmother's National Geographic Magazines (she had then from the late 50s through the early 80s) and all the amazing photos of far off lands and wonderful creatures.
Then....somewhere along the way I got lost and became blind.  I lost my sense of wonder and appreciation for the world God created just for us.  I became blind to the incredible sights all around me.  I became focused on getting what I wanted instead of appreciating what I already had. I was striving to get more instead of enjoying the gift of life.
When I read the words "God is good," my heart should be filled with wonder, amazement, gratitude, humility and love.  Instead, my heart was filled with a busy schedule, bills to be paid, a boss, my hatred of other drivers who keep getting in my way, that vacation I never seemed to have time to take, the problems I was having with "church folk."  In short, I had forgotten that God created this entire universe for us and I wasn't willing to look around and be in awe of it.  I had become bored with daydreaming and my fascination with the incredible world around me had become "silly."
God has never created anything that meant to remind us of who He is and how amazing He is.  Yet, look around and see how many people have their eyes stuck to their devices (I'm guilty of that sometimes too).  What will it take for us to look around and appreciate what is all around us?  What will it take to return to that sense of wonder and fascination? 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

What's Blocking Your View?

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6 
 When I was much younger, my brother and I had the chance to spend a summer with our godmother in San Francisco.  We did all the touristy things....Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown, San Francisco Mint, enjoyed an Oakland A's baseball game...  At one point, she threatened to leave us on Alcatraz because we kept fighting (as siblings do).  But the one thing that amazed me was the fog that literally rolled in like ocean waves.  It was incredible to watch.  However, once it set in, driving became a hazard and so did walking.  The fog was so thick that even the Sun was blocked.
I hadn't thought about that trip in 45 years, yet God chose to bring it to mind this morning during my Quiet Time.  You see, I've had a LOT on my mind of late and even though I've prayed for God to take these concerns from me, they still remain.  This morning, I was praying, once again, that God would take my concerns from me so I could better serve Him.  Then the image came to mind of the fog and I suddenly got it!  
My concerns didn't drop on me all at once, they rolled in like the fog and blocked my ability to see the Son (yes, I spelled it right).  I allowed the burden of my concerns get between my spirit and God!  I realized then that I could pray for God to take them away until I was out of air to speak and it wouldn't have done any good because God won't take them from me....I have to let go of them and give them to Him!  As long as I cling to them, they will cloud my mind and heart and sap my strength (and patience).
So I started a new blank book.  Whatever is on my mind, heart and spirit gets written in the book for God to see.  Then the page is removed and burned as I pray for God to take these from me and not let me have them back.  Let me tell you, the scent of that paper burning was like incense to my soul.  I have not felt so relieved in....I honestly can't remember when.  Today served as a reminder for me to let go of the burdens and concerns and anxieties and frustrations and anger and disappointments and doubts in order that NOTHING will try to get in the way of God's love for me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How Do Others See You?

Be wise in the way you act with people who are not believers, making the most of every opportunity. When you talk, you should always be kind and pleasant so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should.
Colossians 4:5-6 
I shouldn't have said it, but I let the unkind words leave my lips unchecked.  And once words are out, the cannot be retrieved.  The way we act, the words we speak, the attitudes we choose to display...don't reflect on the person you are directing them to, they reflect on YOU!
Paul reminds us that everything we say and do is noticed; whether we like it or not, whether we intended it to be or not, Others notice.  And here's the kicker, if you are a Believer...not only do our actions reflect on us, they reflect on Christ!  And we wonder why so many have such a negative view of Jesus?  We should begin by looking in the mirror!
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." - Psalm 19:14
"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." - Colossians 3:23-24
Just something to think about.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Giant Friend

The Lord is good,
    a strong refuge when trouble comes.
    He is close to those who trust in him.
Nahum 1:7 
Michael Clark Duncan was a GIANT of a man (see him standing next to Tom Hanks).  Yet he was one of the most gentle giants ever.  He was a wonderful person to have as a friend for lots of reasons.  When he worked as a bodyguard, he was intimidating enough to be hugely successful and much sought after.
I probably mentioned this before, but when I was in grade school I was almost always the smallest in my class.  I learned pretty quickly to befriend the biggest guy in the class to avoid getting bullied too much.  You see, when I felt like trouble was headed my way, I ran to find my giant friend because I trusted him to protect me.
Now consider today's verse...God is the best Giant friend EVER!  He protects us, loves us, and comforts us when life's storms (and stormy people) come at us.  Trust in Him and you will see just how good a friend He is.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Notice Something?

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2 
I read a story recently of a teacher who went to the board on the first day of class and wrote the following:
9x5= 45
She heard laughter when she wrote the first equation and heard the whispers of how the teacher was too stupid to see her mistake throughout the rest of her display.  After several minutes of letting the giggles and criticisms continue, she turned to the class and said, "I noticed that you saw my mistake.  You laughed and criticized me for it.  Yet you paid no attention to the major portion of the table I got correct.  Is that how I should grade your work?  If you get one wrong you fail?"  The class was silent after that.
How many times are we just like that class?  We ignore the positive things others say and do, so we can judge them for a mistake?  It's in times like this that we tend to forget the words of Christ, "Do to others as you would have done to you." Think about this a little differently, would you want others to focus only on your mistakes (real or perceived) rather than your contributions?

Friday, November 2, 2018

It's A Lie!

God will always give what is right to his people who cry to him night and day, and he will not be slow to answer them.
Luke 18:7
Believe it or not, we've been lied to!  Somewhere along the line, someone tried to convince us that if we do what is right then we won't suffer.  Whoever that was LIED to us!!  We can expect to suffer when we do wrong, but when we do right?  Sadly, the truth of the matter is that we live in a world full of folks who are just like us and a prone to mistakes, errors, and even prejudices.  Life is NOT fair.  And anyone who told you that being a believer would cause your life to be one of ease and comfort has done you a great disservice! 
Honestly, I don't like suffering for doing something wrong, but I realize that it will happen.  But I REALLY don't like having to suffer for doing something right!  That's just not fair!  So what to do about it?  Today's verse is very clear, take it to God.  Not just once.  Not just twice.  Keep taking it to Him!  
"But God doesn't seem to answer."  I have said that before too.  But I can assure you that God does answer!  God's timing is ALWAYS impeccable and perfect!  When we have a burden, our first response should not be to complain about it, rather we should take it to the One who can handle the burden and bless us in the process. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

All Saints Day

We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back. 
Hebrews 12:1 
As believers, we are saints.  As saints, we are to the living example of faith in action.  Sounds rather holy and sanctified, doesn't it.  I've known people who thought themselves so sanctified that they would not deign to even gaze upon anyone who did not meet their idea of saint.  Think about this for a moment, being a saint does not mean we are perfect!  Being a saint means we know we are terribly imperfect yet we continue to go to God for help, forgiveness, grace and comfort.  Being a saint means we live the example in every day small ways.
For example, there is a story I read about C.S. Lewis:  
     C.S. Lewis and a friend were walking down a road when a beggar called out to them. Lewis turned, saw the beggar’s outstretched hand, and without hesitating, he rummaged through his pocket and gave him all the coins he had. 
      After the beggar walked off, Lewis’ friend shouted, “Why did you do that?! He’s probably just going to waste it on beer!” Without skipping a beat, Lewis calmly replied, “Well if I kept the money, that’s exactly what I would’ve done with it, too.”

Not perfect was C.S. Lewis, but honest.

Today is All Saints Day and that includes YOU!  I urge you to live the example of Christ in small ways and big ways every day!