Friday, June 18, 2021

Pick Your Crop!

When was the last time you planted flowers and got a herd of cattle instead? Okay, perhaps that might be a little far-fetched. Try this one: Have you ever planted herbs and what actually grew were peanuts?

 I know, you are thinking that I've lost my mind. But I assure you my questions are based on my own mistakes and some pretty astute observations. Have you ever been crabby and wondered why people avoided you? Ever slacked off at work and then wonder why the boss was none too happy? Ever not listen and then wonder why you don't understand the instructions?

 We do this type of thinking all the time. We gossip and wonder why no one trusts us. We are false friends and wonder why we end up getting stabbed in the back. Some will call it "karma" because, after all, Karma is a.....well not very nice. We can fool other people for a time, but God isn't fooled. 

 1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us, "God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" 

 If you want to reap a different future, change the crops you are sowing now!


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