Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Good Deeds...Why Do We Do Them?

"In the same way, the good deeds of some people are obvious. And the good deeds done in secret will someday come to light" (1 Timothy 5:25). 

Why do we do good deeds?  Because they need to be done to help others, of course. But what is our true intent?  Giving to the church is a good deed, but bringing attention to the gift defeats that good deed because it, then, becomes a show!  Remember when Jesus and the Disciples were in the temple watching the people bring their offerings?  The wealthy dropped in huge amounts, which made a LOT of noise, so everyone would know their contribution was sizable. But who did Jesus say gave the most?

When we do good things for others, we are specifically instructed NOT to bring attention to it.  When we do a good job, we are specifically instructed NOT to bring attention to it.  Why? because that turns the good into a dramatic show of "LOOK AT ME! SEE HOW AMAZING AND AWESOME I AM?"  In fact, Jesus made it a point to tell us, "When you do good for others, do not even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" (Matthew 6:3).  

Don't get discouraged when you do good things and no one seems to notice. You see, Abba is the one who sees and knows.  And guess what? He's the ONLY one who truly matters and will reward accordingly.  When we draw attention to our good deeds, the accolades we garner will be our only reward. 


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