Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Living A Life Of Illusion

Pride goes before destruction,
    and haughtiness before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 
I like music.  Well.....let me change that to "I like MOST music" because there are some genre's and artists and songs that really just make my eardrums just want to explode.  But I digress.  One of the songs I rather enjoy is by Joe Walsh and is called, "Life of Illusion" (YouTube it and give it a listen).
The reason I bring this up is because many of us seem to be living a life of illusion, and we have done it so long that we actually believe it to be true.  Then when our illusion begins to crumble, we are left devastated and wondering why.  And the simple answer is, we were living a life of illusion.  We fool ourselves!  
Look at the photo.  It would appear that this vehicle is about to take a ramp to a lower section below the street.  However, this is 3D chalk art.  It is not real.  The car will simply drive over the drawing and keep going on its way.  Yet some drivers were truly stunned and believed that they were going to be descending the ramp to another place.
We do the same thing!  Until reality is staring us eyeball-to-eyeball and the bubble we chose to live in bursts.  I have seen the toughest of the tough weeps such bitter tears because they responded to a scene where a child was involved who was near the same age as one of their children or grandchildren.  I have seen the high and mighty reveal the cracks in their facade when they are caught in an unguarded moment.  And I have seen the face in the mirror reveal failure after failure especially when I refused to admit I had failed.
It's time for us to begin, right here and right now!  Let us stop Living The Life Of Illusion and be honest and real.  Our time on this Earth is limited, so why waste it trying to be something we are not? 

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