Monday, December 12, 2016

It Only Took A Breath...

Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. 
He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, 
and the man became a living person.
Genesis 2:7
My Bride and I have a dog, Woody Bear, who loves to dig in our back yard and has running trails all around our back yard. Woody Bear is of undetermined lineage as he looks rather like a Chocolate Lab, with the head of a Pit Bull, and the blue tongue and strong curled tail of a Husky.  So he's pretty much a "Near Miss" of anything on the grid.
One of the times I was out with him in the back yard, I noticed that our yard is made of different kinds of dirt. Some sections are dark while others are light. And that cranked up the thought generator....when God gave Adam the breath of life, what color was Adam (having been formed from the dust of the Earth)?
And you know what?  The Bible doesn't tell us that, because the skin pigmentation is irrelevant!  The only thing that matters is that God's Breath of Life was breathed not only into Adam, but into everyone of us who draw breath.  God breathed into us the ability to love and the desire to be loved.  God breathed into us the ability to think.  God breathed into us the ability to be compassionate.  God breathed into us the ability to help each other.  God breathed Himself into us!
So with that within us, why do we focus on what is outside us?

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