Wednesday, December 23, 2020
So This Is What Happened On Christmas
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Not "If", But "When"
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Grace? Can It Really Be?
Grace, grace, God's grace
Grace that is greater than all our sin"
Monday, November 23, 2020
"Tossed or Sheltered?"
and stilled the waves.
What a blessing was that stillness
as he brought them safely into harbor!
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Forgiven? REALLY?
"Though your sins have stained you like the color red,
you can become white like snow;
though they are as easy to see as the color scarlet,
you can become white like wool." - Isaiah 1:18
Have you ever wondered if Abba truly forgives you? I have. I have wondered how He could love me so much that He would forgive me and give me another chance to mess things up. But He does. God is the God of second chances!
The Psalmist reminds us that Abba loves us so much that "As far as the eastern horizon is from the west, so he removes the guilt of our rebellious actions from us." (Psalm 103:12). And here's the best part, He does this every single time we confess and ask for His forgiveness! He loves you just that much...and because of His love, we can love others.
Monday, November 9, 2020
How Do We Handle Strife?
"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people."- Romans 12:18
If you've taken a look at the news, our country is in turmoil. So much anger, hatred, and strife. If we look ONLY at what's happening, we can easily forget that none of this has taken Abba by surprise. Jesus told us: "In this world you will have trouble, struggles and strife. But take hope! I have power over the world!" (John 16:33). Abba knew we would be a troublesome bunch before He spoke anything into creation.
Now...WE have a choice to make: 1. Take part in the chaos, or 2. Follow Abba's example. You see, Abba told us to focus on Him and because of that love would fill us and splash onto everyone around us. Our enemy is doing his absolute best to keep us from focusing on Abba. When we look at all that's going on in this country and world, we will begin to fear, get angry, and fall right into the enemy's trap. However, when we continue to focus on Abba and learn to pray for others (in spite of themselves and in spite of ourselves) we will know the peace that surpasses understanding!
Pray! Talk with Him! Tell Him EVERYTHING that is on your mind and heart! Empty yourself to Him! And you will find it easier to be a peaceful witness.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Respect? Even If MY Candidate Didn't Win?
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. -Romans 13:1-2
When I was in grade school, my teachers taught us about respect. We learned to respect our flag, respect our country, respect our parents, respect our government (even if we didn't agree with them), respect for our friends, respect for other people. Why? Because that is what God requires of us! How many times in Scripture are we told to love others? How are we to love others? The same way we want to be loved.
We don't have to agree in order to be respectful. We don't have to agree in order to be courteous. We don't have to agree in order to be caring. We don't have to agree!
Do you think Abba is EVER surprised by who gets elected or promoted or put into a position of authority? Absolutely not. It is our responsibility to respect those whom God has placed in authority whether we like them or not, whether we agree with them or not, whether we like them or not. And part of that respect is to pray for them! While we're at it, pray for ourselves that we will be respectful.
Think about that!
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Overthink Much?
We seem to have a habit called "Overthinking." But we don't REALLY overthink things do we?
'Well, perhaps." "
Wait....not me!" "
What have you heard?"
"Did someone tell you I was an overthinker? What did they say? How did they say it?"
This conversation would be extremely silly if it weren't true. We DO overthink! Then we begin to worry as the questions come faster and more intense; then we find we can't sleep; we can no longer focus; we become stressed; and eventually...depression and anxiety set in.
like to think things through from every angle and every direction until
we think we've got it all figured out. Then what happens? All of our
thinking blows away like smoke in the wind because what we figured out
seldom works out as we thought it would.
Now, let me be absolutely clear as I address the face in the mirror: Overthinking is an IDOL! How? Because we become so incredibly focused on overthinking that we forget that Abba has already put everything in place. ANYTHING, and I do mean anything, that takes our focus of of Abba is an idol! What do you think about that?
Another word for overthinking is WORRY! Look at today's passage: "Can all your worrying add a single moment to your life?" Well....can it? Worry adds nothing to our lives, instead it steals all the joy from our lives because we are so focused by our overthinking that we are blinded to everything Abba has given us.
Ask yourself this question when you are tempted to overthink: "Is Abba big enough to handle your situation or are we too small for Him to be bothered with us?"
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Are We Blind?
Monday, November 2, 2020
Blinded Mind
Satan, who is the ruler of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4
Have you ever wondered how people can be so blind sometimes? Why they can't seem to see the damage and destruction caused by anger, hatred and apathy? Why they can't seem to see the pain and suffering around them? And why they can't seem to see anything BUT the pain and suffering around them?
Let's face it, we live in a world where we have become blinded to the true glory of Christ. You see, because we have become blinded, we choose not to look for the Light of Christ; we choose not to share the Love that is Christ; we choose not to share...anything.
Because we have become blinded, we seek out the things that distract us FROM Christ: That new car when the one we have still gets us from point A to point B. That "Bigger and Better Job" because we would rather chase the money than establish our loyalty. We pass by people who need someone to listen, because we're "too busy." We pass people who are hungry because it's "not my problem."
Isn't it time we take off our blinders and seek the glory of Christ to share with others?
Thursday, October 29, 2020
It's TRUE!
- We give into temptation when we think we are the ONLY ones enduring hardship and lash out at God.
- We give into temptation when we have the means to help someone and we choose to be selfish.
- We give into temptation when we become proud and arrogant thinking we are somehow better than others.
- We give into temptation when we refuse to forgive (or ask forgiveness).
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
What Is This Thing Called Life?
so that we might live wisely.
I remember sitting in my Grandparents' carport shelling peas and listening to the stories they would tell about each other (never about themselves). One was about when my Grampa went camping. He set up the tent only to find he was missing a stake. Undeterred, he tied that particular rope to the trunk lid of his car. All was wonderful! Until.......Grampa needed something out of the trunk. When the trunk lid popped open the tent went flying leaving. I laughed so hard I dropped my Gramma's "pea shellin'" pot and peas went EVERYWHERE.
When I remember to good times in life, a smile appears. When I remember those whom have passed on, tears come. And when I find myself getting down, I remember something my Grampa told me: "Too many folks are dead....they just don't have the good sense to lie down."
When I get stuck in a routine, and can accomplish my routine without thinking...I have become one of those "walking dead" because I have gone to autopilot instead of living! When we choose to live we will begin to see things we've taken for granted. We will find that we actually want to be kind, courteous, considerate, and loving to the same people we have ignored or neglected.
Here's my point: We are created in the very image of Abba. He has breathed LIFE into us. If we choose to merely exist...what an insult that must be to Abba. Especially since His only Son died so we could live!
Friday, October 23, 2020
"Abba, Can You Fix This?"
Thursday, October 22, 2020
"What's That You Have?"
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Music Helps
Whenever the bad depression tormented Saul,
David got out his harp and played.
That would soothe Saul’s spirit,
and he would feel better
as the tormenting depression lifted.
1 Samuel 16:23
don’t know about you, but I like music.
Among my favorites are Vivaldi, Sinatra, Ray Charles, just to name a
few. Music helps me think. Music helps me feel better when I’m
struggling. Music helps!
at today’s passage…King Saul was being plagued by depression. I don’t know about you, but when the King is
in a dark mood…’s not going to be a good time for anyone. But King Saul had been told that David was a
skilled musician, so Saul sent for him.
When David played, Saul’s tormenting depression lifted.
you know by now, I have struggled most of my life with depression. There are days when I don’t even want to open
my eyes. There are days, I just want to
be left alone. If you have ever endured
true depression, you know it’s not “sadness” nor is it “feeling sorry for
yourself.” It is physically
painful! It can be debilitating and all
you want is to escape its clutches. And
music helps!
let’s jump to another passage where Jesus is talking with a man who had lived
for 38 years with a debilitating issue.
Jesus asked him a very pointed question: “Do you want to be healed?” Now,
that might seem to be a rather silly question, but there are implications. When Jesus heals someone, they are NEVER left
the same way there were before. Why? If you had been suffering a debilitating
condition and you were finally healed, would you still live as though you were
still suffering?
God provides us with relief, in whatever form it takes, He expects us to live
as truly relieved people. Music helps us feel better. Music helps us celebrate life that God has
given us (even if you can’t carry a tune).
The musical offering to God that our spirits raise is an amazing gift!
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
"Learning To Quiet Ourselves"
We seem to enjoy being loud and tirelessly moving about. We don't like being quiet. In fact, we don't trust quiet. However, in our world of noise and volume, God still speaks in many ways and through many people. But mostly, in my experience, God speaks loudest when He whispers to us as we make the time to quiet our soul and listen
"Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." - Matthew 11:28-30Perhaps it is time we begin to quiet our lives and accept the offer of Christ and take on His yoke, let Him teach us, and help us find rest. You see, when we quiet ourselves, Jesus teaches us amazing things.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Love is NOT Optional
I have been doing a LOT of contemplating, meditating and pondering lately. Again, let me stress that I am, in NO way, attempting to make any sort of political commentary. I simply wish to share something God has shown me.
First, look at today's passage. Jesus reminds us of the very first of the commandments given to us by God. We are to love God with every atom of our being! We are to be so focused on Him that His love fills us and showers everyone with whom we have contact! We must be so focused on Him that we see every creation through His eyes! Every single one!
Second, Jesus reminds us that we are to love others as much as we love ourselves. This is NOT a recommendation. This is NOT a request! This is NOT a "if it doesn't inconvenience you too much" suggestion! God commands us to love others as we love ourselves. It is this love that God has for us when He sent Jesus to teach us, love us, care for us, and die in our place!
"But what if they don't love me the same way?" Did God provide a caveat? Did He offer an exemption? Absolutely not. We are to love God so completely that we love others. I have struggled with loving others, and still struggle with it. However, God keeps reminding me of His love for me and keeps bringing people into my life that need His love through me.
Love is not optional!
Friday, October 2, 2020
I See the Moon and the Moon Sees Me!
which you made with your fingers.
I see the moon and stars,
which you created.
But why are people even important to you?
Why do you take care of human beings?
Monday, September 21, 2020
Guiding Light
Friday, September 18, 2020
Puzzling Pieces
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
We were playing in the garage because it was raining outside, and we knocked a box off the shelf. When we heard the breaking of plates, we knew it was going to be a bad day for us. Jim was terrified that his Mom was going to be upset with us. So we decided the best course of action was to confess it, take the punishment, and get it over with. We told Jim's Mom what had happened and we apologized profusely. His Mom looked angry for a what seemed like a month, but then she smiled and said, "You know, plates can be replaced. But I have an idea." We spent the rest of the afternoon making mosaics from the pieces.
I have a confession to make...I have trouble, sometimes, trusting that God will work everything out according to His plan. Why? Because, in my limited ability to understand and see His hands at work, I cannot fathom just how He can possibly put all the broken pieces together again. I struggle with my own understanding because I want to know what is going to happen, when it will happen, and how it will happen. And God has reminded me that my struggle is called "Lack of Faith"!
When we look at all that is going on in the world, it's easy to wonder where God is in all of this and when will He step in and make it better. Well, there's BAD NEWS and there's GOOD NEWS.
The BAD NEWS is we need to stop worrying, stop being anxious, stop wondering when and how God will work everything out. Why? Because it's GOD'S job to fulfill His promise, not ours. When we try to do God's job, we will quickly become overwhelmed and frustrated and give up. God is the one with the plan and has worked out all the intricacies of His plan long before He even put the universe together. How many times does God tell us not to fear and not be anxious?
The GOOD NEWS is that God has never lied to us or failed to fulfill His promises! And He's not about to start now. God takes the pieces and puts everything in its place so that His plan will ultimately be the result. And for that reason, we should praise Him and Thank Him!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Learning Things
- How tall was Adam?
- How heavy was Adam?
- What color was Adam's hair?
- Was Adam's hair straight, curly, wavy, long, short?
- What color were Adam's eyes?
- Was Adam right handed or left handed?
- Did he have a deep voice?
- Did he like to sing?
- Did he whistle?
- Did he laugh?
- Did he cry?
- What were Adam's hobbies?