"I'm late! I'm late for a very important date! No time to say "Hello", "Goodbye." I'm late! I'm late! I'm LATE!!"
Remember the White Rabbit from 'Alice in Wonderland'? Always in a rush! Always frantically in a hurry! Never able to slow down! Never had time to talk. Rush, rush, RUSH!
Look at your schedule...how rushed and busy are you? When you finally get home, do you find yourself exhausted?
If you are of a mind, and have the time, take a look at John 11. It's the story of Lazarus. Now Jesus was on a journey (walking), when he received a message that Lazarus was sick (verse 3). Now, one would think that since Lazarus was one of Jesus' dear friends, that Jesus would have called a cab to rush Him to be with His friend. But in verses 5 and 6 we find "So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, He stayed where He was for the next two days."
Now PLEASE don't get me wrong. I am in no way saying you should not deal with the IMPORTANT. However, we must learn to understand what is important. Jesus knew that He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, so rush back to him during his illness was not as important to Jesus as what He was already doing. You see, Jesus teaches us, not only through His words, but with His actions.
Think about it, what happens when we feel rushed? We get tense, irritable, snarky, we lash out, we tend to make mistakes... One of the best lessons I have learned recently is instead of being rushed, I can simply make a call to say I'm running a but behind but I'm on the way. I've also learned to pare down my schedule so that it's not SO full that I feel as though I am always running behind. Remember...Jesus OFTEN took time to get away to pray...not rush, not filled His calendar with more stuff, but to spent time praying, because it was HIS priority.