Monday, October 23, 2017

Skunks and Tidal Waves!

For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.
Jeremiah 31:25 
Okay, what do skunks and tidal waves have in common?  They're overwhelming!  They can wreak havoc on our lives and leave us feeling as if we are helpless.  They will suck all the energy out of us and leave us feeling exhausted. And then our focus begins to turn inward and we feel overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, helpless and depressed.

Today, I was informed of a couple of people who were struggling with feeling overwhelmed.  They were just going through the motions of their day while hiding the pain they were feeling.  Ever notice that we tend to do that?  We hide what's bothering us so no one will know we are struggling, and then we ride the spiral downward because no one helps because they don't know.

I can tell you from experience that the last thing I want to hear when I am feeling overwhelmed is someone spouting Bible verses at me. In all reality, I really want to punch those people in the face!  When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed, guess who I turn to?  His picture is attached to this devotional.  I am one of those who truly believe that God created pets to be therapeutic!  When I am stressed, anxious, upset, frustrated, angry or feeling overwhelmed and helpless, I can sit on the couch with Woody and he will let me scratch him, rub him, tell him whatever is on my mind, and he will lay there giving me sympathetic eyes and encouraging licks.  He doesn't tell me how to solve my issues, but he brings me comfort and that speaks a lot.

Once I am able to regain control, after Woody Therapy, I am more able to focus on the fact that God put Woody in my life to bring me God's comfort.  God brings comfort to us in many ways and they all eventually point back to Him.  Next time you are feeling like life is Skunks and Tidal Waves, don't hide it...let's talk about it.

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