Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ballistic Vests And Protection

Guard your heart above all else,
    for it determines the course of your life.
Proverbs 4:23 
Have you ever thought about how much gear our First Responders have to carry and wear?  If amazes me that they can even move with all that stuff.  But each item has an important purpose and that purpose is to provide protection to the First Responder.  I'm going to be completely honest, I am glad First Responders have all that gear to keep them safe, because when THEY are safe I am going to be safe.
Now here's something that I, as a Chaplain, have dealt with many times in the past and probably will continue to deal with until Jesus returns...with all the First Responders see, experience, face, and endure it shouldn't be any wonder why it is easy for them to become jaded and calloused.  It's as if they have replaced their heart with a cast iron box that nothing can penetrate.  And that makes family life difficult.
So how can we help prevent having a cast iron heart?  By protecting it!  "GUARD YOUR HEART ABOVE ALL ELSE!" Can't get much clearer than that.  Guard your heart so that you can remember that "thou art human."  And here's the fun part, those of us who are not First Responders can help with the heart guarding by being grateful and encouraging.  Thank a First Responder.  Perhaps, if you feel generous, purchase their meal.  Help your children to share their gratitude as well.  I have to smile every time I see the posts on Facebook of Richland County's "High-Five Fridays" where the Deputies go to the schools and high-five the children as they come in.  
It isn't difficult to be an encourager, it just takes a little thought and time.  Remember, we are to do to others as we want done to us.  Encourage to be encouraged.  Share gratitude to be shown gratitude. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

What's That You Say?

Let everything you say be good
and helpful, so that your words
will be an encouragement
to those who hear them.
Ephesians 4:29
We talk too much about meaningless stuff, don't we?  And we get upset about pointless issues?  Our brains are so full of useless information that it's amazing that we can think at all anymore.
What is the longest word that, when written forward or backward, remains the same?  REDIVIDER
What is the only bird that can fly backwards? HUMMINGBIRD
You see your nose all the time, but your brain chooses to ignore it.
We like games like Trivial Pursuit and other games that contain pointless information.  Let me ask you something, when was the last time you sat down with a friend or a family member and had a deep and encouraging conversation?  When was the last time you took the time to genuinely encourage others?  
Deep discussions tend to make us uncomfortable.  It's rather like having your boss come to your office to "discuss a few things."  But they don't have to be uncomfortable.  Being honest and encouraging doesn't have to be a difficult conversation.  It only takes being brave enough to be honest...with yourself, with the person you are talking with, and with God.  Prayer is also a deep conversation with God, which is why so many don't want to pray.  We like being superficial and insincere.  But God knows us!  He knows everything about us!  Why try to hide from Him that which He already knows?  Take time this week and have a deep conversation!  

Friday, October 27, 2017

And I Am Still Breathing...

Taste and see that the Lord is good.
    Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8 
The year was 2005, I had been experiencing some rather odd sensations in that my left arm would tingle when I exerted myself.  I ignored it figuring it was nothing more than a minor annoyance.  My bride and I moved into the house in which we reside now and during the moving process, the tingling turned to pain every so often.  Once we had everything in place, we decided to start walking, partly for exercise and together time but also so we could get to know our neighborhood. It was during one of these walks that my left arm stopped tingling and simply went numb.
Coincidentally, I had my annual physical the following week.  I described my symptoms to my doctor, who decided that further investigation was needed so he put me on a treadmill for this thing called a "stress test."  Let me tell you, the stress I was enduring at work during this time did NOT need testing, it was real and it was horrible.  Each day, I forced myself to go to work and could not wait to get home.  Sleep was elusive and I became grouchy (ok, grouchier) and then there were the digestive issues that came with the stress.
It was during the stress test that I heard the doctor say, "Hmmm. You're not going home." And I was driven to the hospital for a heart cath.  Now, laying on the skinny metal table with dye being injected into my arteries, two things I struggled with: 1) Not falling off that REALLY skinny table and 2) Hearing the Cardiologist viewing the monitors say, "Hmmmm."   Jump to the night before quadruple bypass surgery (at age 45), and when I was in my room in the dark praying, I honestly did not expect to come out of surgery at all.  But it was in that silence that I felt a calm come over me like I had not felt in a LONG time and I knew, whatever happened, God had everything under control.
Even when we are enduring the worst times of our lives, God reminds us that He's already brought us through every single one we've endured before.  You'd think we'd learn to rely on Him after all that, but we still struggle with that, yet God is still there to remind us that He has everything under control!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Burden Trap

I took my troubles to the Lord;
    I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer.
Psalm 120:1 
I learn a lot from watching  Animal Planet and the other educational channels.  One of the things I learned was the method used by some tribes in the Amazon to capture monkeys.  They take a gourd and make a hole in one end just big enough for a monkey to get his hand in, and then they put berries and nuts in the gourd.  The monkey wants the goodies inside the gourd and reaches in to get them, only to discover that when he grips the goodies, his fist is too big to pull out.  
Now, in our minds, we think "Why doesn't the monkey just let go of the goodies and pull his hand out?".  Good question!  However, since we aren't monkeys....   
In all reality, we are like the monkey in our refusal to let go so we can be rescued.  Let me ask you, how many grudges are getting carried when it would be so much less stressful to let them go?  How many hurts do we keep instead of letting them go so they can heal?  How many situations that we have no control over do we still gripe about?
Whatever burden we carry, Jesus understands and is willing to carry our burdens to God's heart....if we are willing to: Let....them....go!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Blessing for YOU Today!

Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.
Jude 24-25
I am discovering something that I should have figured out a LONG time ago, which shows that God is extremely patient with hard headed people like me.  The blessings I have found in the Bible have incredible power!  No matter what kind of day I am having; no matter what struggle I am facing; no matter what's going on...these blessings renew my faith and remind me that I'm in the hands of the ONLY one who makes a difference.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Just Wanted You To Know

‘May the Lord bless you
    and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
    and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor
    and give you his peace.’
Numbers 6:24-26
 This morning, I woke up early for no particular reason.  I went to sleep last night contemplating this blessing from the book of Numbers and it brought me peace, comfort, and gratitude.  Thus, I wanted to share this with you as a reminder that every single moment of every single day is a blessing if we choose to make it so.
Choose today for yourself to be blessed and be a blessing!  

Monday, October 23, 2017

Skunks and Tidal Waves!

For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.
Jeremiah 31:25 
Okay, what do skunks and tidal waves have in common?  They're overwhelming!  They can wreak havoc on our lives and leave us feeling as if we are helpless.  They will suck all the energy out of us and leave us feeling exhausted. And then our focus begins to turn inward and we feel overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, helpless and depressed.

Today, I was informed of a couple of people who were struggling with feeling overwhelmed.  They were just going through the motions of their day while hiding the pain they were feeling.  Ever notice that we tend to do that?  We hide what's bothering us so no one will know we are struggling, and then we ride the spiral downward because no one helps because they don't know.

I can tell you from experience that the last thing I want to hear when I am feeling overwhelmed is someone spouting Bible verses at me. In all reality, I really want to punch those people in the face!  When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed, guess who I turn to?  His picture is attached to this devotional.  I am one of those who truly believe that God created pets to be therapeutic!  When I am stressed, anxious, upset, frustrated, angry or feeling overwhelmed and helpless, I can sit on the couch with Woody and he will let me scratch him, rub him, tell him whatever is on my mind, and he will lay there giving me sympathetic eyes and encouraging licks.  He doesn't tell me how to solve my issues, but he brings me comfort and that speaks a lot.

Once I am able to regain control, after Woody Therapy, I am more able to focus on the fact that God put Woody in my life to bring me God's comfort.  God brings comfort to us in many ways and they all eventually point back to Him.  Next time you are feeling like life is Skunks and Tidal Waves, don't hide it...let's talk about it.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Just Can't Seem To Get It Right

I cried out, “I am slipping!”
    but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.
When doubts filled my mind,
    your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
Psalm 94:18-19

I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people who have stretches of time where I can't seem to do or say anything right.  I just can't seem to get it right, no matter how hard I try and no matter my intentions, I feel like the Apostle Paul when he declared: "I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate" - Romans 7:15.  Such times create a lot of stress and turmoil, and I pray that these times pass quickly.

Look at the Psalmist's words: "I cried out, 'I am slipping'."  He cried out to God in his time of challenge and disappointment.  Then look what God did in return, "but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me."  God's love for us NEVER changes, it never diminishes, and it never leaves us.  God is supportive.  God is encouraging.  God is the only one who can prove His unfailing love for us.

One of the things I struggle with during the times I can't get it right is doubt.  I doubt myself.  And, honestly, I even doubt God's love for me at times, especially when I get a "dressing down."  But there always comes a time when God's support and love bring comfort which renews my hope and cheer.  You'd think I'd have gotten this right by now, but I still struggle at times.  This is why God brings people into our lives, so we can encourage each other and remind each other of God's love for us and His comfort. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Stand By Me!

But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear. And he rescued me from certain death.
2 Timothy 4:17

Ever had to stand up for what you believed?  Paul did frequently.  Paul liked to argue and debate and was quite good at it.  However, sometimes Paul had to face his challengers without the help of his friends.  This would intimidate most people.  I'll admit I get pretty nervous when I have to face someone or some issue without the support of those I trust.  But that really didn't trouble Paul.  You see, Paul had a secret weapon.  Read today's verse: But the LORD stood with me and gave me strength!

In the face of his challengers and detractors, Paul relied on God to stand with him when no one else would.  And here's the great thing about that situation, we have that same God in our corner when we rely on Him.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Restoration Project

My Bride and I used to enjoy the show "American Restoration" because the artists (because that's what they are), would take some old piece of rust and return it to 'like new' condition.  That always amazed me how they could do that and I told her I wanted her to take me to see them to see what they could do with me.  All I got in return was a snort and an eyeroll (perfect day).

But when we feel like we're broken, when we feel as though we are coming apart, when we wonder what could possibly go wrong now, God is there!  Not only is He there, but He will restore us to to 'like new' condition and He will make us into something amazing!  The only thing we have to do is have faith that He can do what He promised.

God has never broken a promise yet, and He won't start with you!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Believe It Or Not!

Ever have times when you felt as though you could do nothing right?  It was as if your every word, look, sound, even the clothes you wear, and every though or action was wrong?  Frustrating, isn't it?  It's sometimes enough to make you wonder "why bother?".  Sometimes you may even feel that everyone wants and expects you to fail.

God has been teaching me, as He most often does, that these times will come.   God has been teaching me to rely on Him even when I don't understand these times.  Why?  Because God is teaching me more and more that He is the one in control of ALL things and ALL people, therefore, when I surrender my situation, and those involved, to Him I am trusting His plan, which is to allow me to have life and to have it abundantly.

Never does the Bible say we have to like every thing that happens to us, but we are to let God have His way with US and in so doing, we are promised that everything will work out for our best and His glory.  We have to let God do His job without our trying to do it for Him.

Monday, October 16, 2017

When It's Too Much!

He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.” Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. 
Mark 14:33-35

With everything we deal with every day, is it any wonder that we feel overwhelmed by it all?  The deadlines, the kids and their schedules, the repairs that need done to the car, the carpools, the boss' expectations, traffic is going to make you late, and then there are the trains...  

Even the things we enjoy can overwhelm us. How many of us take time off from work for this thing called "vacation" which ends up being another entire ordeal of scheduled activities with little rest?  

If you look at today's passage, you will see that even Jesus felt overwhelmed.  Especially when He was facing His trial, punishment, and crucifixion.  Yet Jesus gives us three key ways of dealing with feeling overwhelmed:

1. Jesus was completely honest about how He felt: "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death"

2.  Jesus solicited the help of friends: "He said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”

3.  Jesus prayed! He took His burden to His Father: "He fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from Him."

This is good counsel to help with the feelings of being overwhelmed.

Friday, October 13, 2017


The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
    I will advise you and watch over you."
Psalm 32:8 
I don't know about you, but I wish God's path for my life was more of a straight line instead of an obstacle course.  There are days when I don't even want to get out of bed, days when I don't even want to breathe, days that I wish were over before they began, then there are days I wish would never end.  God proves over and over that He has a sense of humor, don't believe me? Look back at your life and see all the times He has brought you through when you didn't think it possible.
God knows what He's doing all the time.  And the thing I am still learning is that I only have to take one step at a time because that's usually all God chooses to show me.  Imagine if He showed you everything you would face and deal with in your life all at once and then asked you "Still want to do this?"  Would you?  Most of the time, we must walk by faith trusting that God will direct us and advise us as He promised. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

You Have A Purpose

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.
    Before you were born I set you apart
    and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 
Remember being asked "What do you want to be when you grow up"?  My answers included such things as "cowboy" and "pirate" or "mad scientist" and such as my young mind tended to bounce from thought to thought.  Never did I ever think that I would be where I am and doing what I do now.  BUT God had planned His purpose for me before I was even a thought.
I've heard many people ask "Why am I here?".  While I can't tell them their purpose in life, I can tell them that God does have a purpose for everything and promises that everything will work out for our benefit and His glory.  
So.....what's your purpose?  Let's start with a few of the daily purposes we have: encourage others, share our lives, serve others, bring comfort where needed, add to the celebration as needed, build each other up, listen, care, love.  These are just a few of our daily purposes.  God has promised that He has appointed a purpose for each of His children.  We miss opportunities to help others when we focus on trying to figure out what God's ultimate plan is for us, when that answer is simple...to accept His grace and mercy; love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love others as we love ourselves.  God will bring the rest to pass at the right time.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Changes In Attitudes

“When you are invited to a wedding feast, don’t sit in the seat of honor. What if someone who is more distinguished than you has also been invited? The host will come and say, ‘Give this person your seat.’ Then you will be embarrassed, and you will have to take whatever seat is left at the foot of the table! “Instead, take the lowest place at the foot of the table. Then when your host sees you, he will come and say, ‘Friend, we have a better place for you!’ Then you will be honored in front of all the other guests.
Luke 14:8-10 

Have you ever noticed that Jesus teaches that we should be humble; we should not seek the spotlight; we should honor others more than ourselves; we should remember that we are all equally sinners in need of God's grace and forgiveness?  Yet what are we bombarded with every single day?  We have the message poured into us that we are the only ones who matter and everyone else should be glad if we condescend to acknowledge them. And, sadly, this is the message we pass on to our children.  

Even Jesus taught us that we are not the most important and that we should be servants first and foremost:
     "42 So Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. 43 But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:42-45 

We have been called to be servants!  When we remember that, we will be much better off.  Better it is to be asked to move to a seat of importance than to be asked to move to a seat of disgrace.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The human spirit can endure a sick body,
    but who can bear a crushed spirit?
Proverbs 18:14 
When you think of Depression, what comes to mind? Someone who is down? Someone who is having a rough day?  Someone who is struggling with some decision?
Depression is not merely sadness.  Depression is much more than mere sadness...it is the complete feeling of hopelessness and it can be physically debilitating!  It can lead us to making decisions we would not ordinarily make.  It can become the devourer of our very life; the destroyer of all joy; the eliminator of all joy; and can become our executioner.
I realize this is not a happy topic to discuss, and for some this is quite a painful thing to read, but I have prayed long and earnestly about this subject, which is still "taboo" to bring up.  We aren't supposed to talk about it while it slowly devours our soul to the point that we are so beyond hope that we can only see one way out of the misery.  
There are many triggers for depression (situational depression): 
Loss of a job
Ending of a relationship
Loss of a loved one
Passed over for promotion
Being told that you "aren't good enough"
Depression can also be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.  Medication can help improve the balance.  
My point is this: PLEASE, I am begging you, if you are dealing with depression TALK about it!  Face it head on!  You ARE NOT alone and there are those of us who are willing to listen and help.  PLEASE.

Monday, October 9, 2017

What's That You Said?

The wise see danger ahead and avoid it,
    but fools keep going and get into trouble.
Proverbs 22:3
Did you know that our words can hurt more than our actions?  When I was younger, I wasn't exactly the perfect child (hard to believe, I know) and when I did get in trouble, the punishment was horrendous!  Why?  Because I got "the lecture" which made me feel like I had a belching contest in church during prayer!  I would rather have endured the whipping (which usually preceded the lecture so as to "get my attention") than have to endure the lecture.  Words hurt!
Have you ever had someone tear you down with their words?  It cuts deeper than any blade!  However, the wise see danger ahead and avoid it.  That means if we are wise, we will do everything we can to avoid getting the lecture or avoid contact with those who wish to destroy us by their cruel words!  We are foolish if we keep walking into the same situation and hope it will get better.  
Albert Einstein described insanity as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."   If we keep going back into the situations where we will be beaten up by the words of others, then we are idiots!  We have the choice....make it wisely!

Friday, October 6, 2017

All Is Not As It Seems

So then, let us pursue what makes for peace and for building up one another. 
Romans 14:19

If we pay attention to the news, some might think God has taken His hand off of us and is letting evil run rampant.  However, that is not the case.  God is alive and well and still in control of ALL things (even when we don't understand what He's doing).

We strive with each other and God reminds us through Apostle Paul to pursue what makes for peace and for building up one another.  The world and all its wars and chaos will become heavy burdens if that is where we focus our hearts and souls!  But God... there should our focus be!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

We Can Work It Out!

This is what you do if one of your brothers or sisters sins: go to him, in private, and tell him just what you perceive the wrong to be. If he listens to you, you’ve won a brother. 
Matthew 18:15 
When you have a disagree with someone, how do you handle it?  Do you publicly call them  out?  Do you make a huge deal about the fact that you feel or think differently?  Or do you go to that person, in confidence, and try to work out the differences?
Keeping in mind that we are called to build each other up and encourage each other, there will be times when we will disagree.  Believe it or not, the disagreement isn't the issue, how we handle that disagreement IS the issue!  
I admit that there have been times when I have handled a disagreement VERY badly.  I have apologized to those who got caught in the explosion, and trust that forgiveness has been granted.  But from these events, I am learning that one of the foundational traits of a Chaplain is CONFIDENTIALITY!  Handle things between you and the other person.  If you can reach an agreement (even if it is to agree to not agree, and also not discuss it further), then you have saved the relationship.
There are benefits to reaching a resolution between the two of you....each of you gets to "save face" because no one else will get dragged into the issue; between the two of you, it's easier to discuss calmly; between the two of you, you realize that neither of you is perfect and perhaps even a change of perspective will result.
Let's face it, good relationships are very difficult to cultivate.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.
Hebrews 13:16 
 Which are you likely to remember more...someone who is nice to you or someone who ignores you?  How about that person who nitpicks everything you do so that you feel scared to say or do anything?  How about that person who, for no reason in particular, does something for you that brings a smile?
God tells us that we are to be DIFFERENT!  We are to be the person who encourages and build up others!  We are to be the people who are so weird because we actually care about each other!  While the rest of the world is hung up on the negative, we are to be the example of positive.  
Just a thought to ponder today!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why Wait?

"Never Stop Praying" - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Why do we wait for some tragic event to occur before we start advertising that we are or ought to be praying?  The fact of the matter is that we should be in constant prayer.  As I've said before, prayer isn't saying nice things to God in Ye Olde English that we think He wants to hear.  Prayer is a conversation.  There are no special words to use in a special way, just talk to God in the same way you talk to your closest friend.
Sometimes it's easier to write prayers than to voice them.  I keep a notebook with me and sometimes I'll write a letter to God (especially if I want to remember what we discussed).  
Prayer isn't difficult.  
It doesn't take a special posture.
It doesn't require a special place.
You can pray while you're walking, working, driving, talking with someone else...you can pray while doing anything.
So why do we wait to pray?  Go ahead and start the conversation.   

Make the MOST of Today

Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.
Colossians 4:5-6
When you think of "making the most of every day," what comes to mind?  Do you think about how YOU can get ahead or do you consider how you can help others?  Make the most of every moment of every day!  That might sound like a lot of work because our natural instinct it to look out only for #1.  Have you notice that the message of the Bible is often in direct conflict with how we naturally think and act?
When you have conversations, bring out the best in others!  That takes focused effort.  Is it worth the effort?  Absolutely!  You see, when we are able to bring out the best in others, not only does that reflect on us, but it is much appreciated by others AND those who hear the conversation will see you in a more positive light.  It's truly a win-win prospect.
Now...on the other side of that coin, when we put someone down or just leave them out of the conversation altogether (even when they are standing right there), that also reflects back on us and those who hear the conversation will see you in a different light.  A light we may not appreciate.
If you notice, I spend quite a bit of time talking about encouraging others and building them up and reaching out to help them.  Why?  Because the influences of our society hammer us with the opposite message day after day!  Take a moment, right now, and lift someone up that you normally might not.    

Monday, October 2, 2017

Today's Gift Just For You

This is the day the Lord has made.
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 
How many of us have ever heard the alarm go off, only to realize it's Monday, and we seriously consider dismantling the alarm clock?  Have you ever felt like you just wanted to crawl back in bed instead of getting up to face the day?  When did our perception of the day change from one of celebration to one of dread?
When I was a tyke (stop laughing), I liked getting up in the morning because I didn't know what the day held in store but was anxious to find out.  Such is the mind of an innocent, unjaded, inquisitive mind.  Somewhere along the line of life, the thought of having to get up and do something has become a curse.
Consider this: God made today just for you!  You have a part in this day!  You are important to the way today will play out.  God loves you so much that He made this day especially for you!  That's a gift worth being glad and even being happy in.  Today....is YOURS!