Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wisdom Is Sometimes Painful

Words from wise people are like sharp sticks used to guide animals. They are like nails that have been driven in firmly. Altogether they are wise teachings that come from one Shepherd. So be careful, my son, about other teachings. People are always writing books, and too much study will make you tired.
Now, everything has been heard,
    so I give my final advice:
Honor God and obey his commands,
    because this is all people must do.
God will judge everything,
    even what is done in secret,
the good and the evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:11-14 

I can only speak for myself, and from what I have seen in others, humans aren't exactly the most excited about learning from other humans.  Case in point, parent tells a child "don't throw the ball in the house."  How does the parent know throwing a ball in the house is a bad idea?  Usually from experience.  In my case, have the belt of knowledge applied to the back pockets for breaking things with the thrown ball.  However, each generation is told the same thing and one would think we would hear it enough for the logic to become incorporated into the genetic make up of each human.  

In ancient times, cattle herds were moved from one place to another with the caretakers prodding them along with pointy sticks.  And, quite honestly, that would make me move along as well.  Do you thing the cattle thought being poked was fun?  Or a good idea?  One would think the cattle would learn that the appearance of the stick meant to MOVE.

How about the person who simply will NOT stop talking?  No matter how many hints, loud sighs, eye rolls, or watch checks you give, they just keep on talking undeterred.  One would think that a person who has received SO many hints to stop talking would actually.....stop talking.  (I have found that a water spritz will sometimes get the point across).

We, as a species, tend to have to learn things the hard way.  Adam and Eve did that by eating the forbidden fruit.  They learned that their choice was the wrong thing to do, and we have been having to learn that lesson ever since.

We aren't very good at learning for the most part.  But some of it gets through.  Solomon was the wisest person of his time, and he wrote an entire book on his journey.  After all of his trying various paths to truth and wisdom, Solomon came to the conclusion that God will judge everything done in secret, good or evil. Therefore, the wisest thing to do is: "Honor God and obey His commands." Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? Thank Jesus for taking our place before God to speak on our behalf! 

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