Friday, April 8, 2016


Fear God, dear child—respect your leaders;
    don’t be defiant or mutinous.
Without warning your life can turn upside down,
    and who knows how or when it might happen?
Proverbs 24:21-22's that time again.  The gloves and muzzles come off and the mudslinging begins.  And we hear many, Many, MANY variations of "Yes, I'm awful and not very good, BUT THEY'RE WORSE!"  And then there are those who want to "speak truth" by hiding behind a mask...and we're supposed to just take their words at FACE value from a hidden FACE?
Let me be extremely clear: my political beliefs are mine!  I know there are those whose political views are different from mine, and I accept that.  I am not here to try to convince anyone to think as I do about politics.  I just want to ask a question: "When did being respectable get removed from the looked for qualities list?"
Each election we see the tantrums, we witness the disruptions, we hear the name calling, we find out the dirty laundry of the participants, and we are even beginning to hear how one candidate is the lesser of the evils running for office.  
Believe what you will, but know that we are commanded by the Bible, so many tout as their political source of inspiration, to RESPECT your leaders (whether you like them and agree with them or not).  We are also told over and over to PRAY for each other and to LIVE IN PEACE with each other.  My sympathy to our candidates who seem to have forgotten that, and for their supporters who embody that forgetfulness.
Isn't it time we return to the point where we pray for each other, our country, our leaders, and thank God for His provisions?  

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