Friday, February 26, 2021

"It's Hard To Be Humble..."

The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:11-12

You've probably heard that old song "Oh Lord, It's Hard To Be Humble When You're Perfect In Every Way."  (You were probably singing it in your head.)  But ask yourself, why do we find it so difficult to actually BE humble?  Could it be that we just want to seem important so we find the need to tout our accomplishments, achievements, daily actions in order to receive the accolades of others?  

When you hear the word "Humble" what comes to mind?  For many, being humble means you have to put yourself down. But that's not truly what it means.  Let me share with you the definition that makes the most sense to me. Humble: "a virtue which needs to be developed and entails being down to earth, honest and truthful. It is being grateful for the blessings and opportunities that Abba gives you and recognizing that your gifts, talents and accomplishments have Abba as their singular source."

Think about that for a moment...Being grateful! Recognizing that Abba alone is the reason we are able to do anything!  You see, we need to be careful to develop a humble spirit because Abba has a way of taking the proud down a notch or two.  Ask Saul. Abba took him all the way down to helpless before building him back up as Paul.

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