Friday, May 8, 2020

This Child

I am working on my 58th year of life, and I still have a LOT of questions.  My mind has always been inquisitive, but not always able to figure out the reasons why certain things happen.  For example, why is it some people like vegetables and others...not so much (I am in the "not-so-much" category)?  Why do some people have natural athletic abilities while others, like me, can barely stand upright? 

My most burning question, however, is this: Why would God choose someone like me to be His child?  Could it be that God felt sorry for me?  Nope.  Could it be that He found me humorous? Hardly.  Could it be the ONLY reason that is plausible...BECAUSE HE WANTED TO?  BINGO!!!

No matter what is going on in your life; No matter what struggles you are working through; No matter what ANYONE tells you...remember this:

  • YOU are God's CHOSEN child!
  • NOTHING can EVER change His love for you!
  • God didn't just choose you, He planned a mission for you.  He also put all the pieces in order so His mission for you would be completed.
  • God didn't just choose you, He chose you ON PURPOSE!!!
  • His love for YOU put His Son on the cross to pay for your sins.
So....ALWAYS remember, when your world seems like it's crumbling...quiet your mind and listen for God's voice tell the Universe: "This child is MINE!"

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