Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
James 1:17
I have always been cautious of the "Name-It-And-Claim-It" theology, because I know that I have the propensity to develop a greedy attitude if I am always given everything I ask for. Think about it, what happens to a child if you give them everything they want?
I have had to learn the hard way that God gives me exactly what I need, rather than whatever I wanted. You see, I have prayed hard for the health of someone I dearly loved to be restored, and ended up attending their funeral. I have prayed with deep groans and heart wrenching utterances for a relationship to be restored, and instead, the distance between us grew ever wider. I have prayed with all that is within me for the salvation of a dear friend only to be informed by that friend that I need to save my breath because he is fully prepared to face "whatever lies beyond."
But God gives us gifts every single day that we probably don't consider:
* Every breath you take.
* Every moment of sleep.
* Every moment we get to spend time with our loved ones.
* Every opportunity we have to make new friends.
* Every opportunity we have to tell others that we love them.
* Every opportunity we have to laugh with others.
* Every tear we shed with someone in pain.
God showers us with blessings every single moment of every single day. Focus on what God has given. Thank Him for all these blessings and for the learning moments. Let's grow and learn together.
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