For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
Fresh Start....sounds good, doesn't it? As we approach the new year, some will be making "Resolutions" whereby they resolve to make some changes in their lives.
Here's a good change to make: Let go of the past! You cannot get a fresh start by clinging to the past. Can any amount of worry, frustration, fussing, cussing, or banging your head against the wall going to change anything that has already happened? No. So what are we to do with the past? Learn from it and keep moving forward.
Want to make a fresh start? Accept that you are imperfect. Beating ourselves up because we don't conform to a certain image will drive you mad, so stop it! Accept that you are imperfect AND accept that everyone else is imperfect as well. When we become accepting instead of judging we will see that fresh start.
Want to make a fresh start? Invest yourself in others. You see, when we invest ourselves in others then they will take part of us with them. When we "pay it forward" it will go a LONG way and have more of an impact than we could ever imagine!
Want to make a fresh start? Focus on the important. Why is it that we disagree over the most idiotic things? Ask yourself, is this important enough to impact my life a year from now or will I even remember it next week? Save yourself a LOT of grief and aggravation by focusing on the things that are important.
I've given you just a few ways to make a fresh start in the coming year. I will be taking several days now to rest my mind (if possible). May God bless you and your families!