We seem to have a habit called "Overthinking." But we don't REALLY overthink things do we?
'Well, perhaps." "
Wait....not me!" "
What have you heard?"
"Did someone tell you I was an overthinker? What did they say? How did they say it?"
This conversation would be extremely silly if it weren't true. We DO overthink! Then we begin to worry as the questions come faster and more intense; then we find we can't sleep; we can no longer focus; we become stressed; and eventually...depression and anxiety set in.
like to think things through from every angle and every direction until
we think we've got it all figured out. Then what happens? All of our
thinking blows away like smoke in the wind because what we figured out
seldom works out as we thought it would.
Now, let me be absolutely clear as I address the face in the mirror: Overthinking is an IDOL! How? Because we become so incredibly focused on overthinking that we forget that Abba has already put everything in place. ANYTHING, and I do mean anything, that takes our focus of of Abba is an idol! What do you think about that?
Another word for overthinking is WORRY! Look at today's passage: "Can all your worrying add a single moment to your life?" Well....can it? Worry adds nothing to our lives, instead it steals all the joy from our lives because we are so focused by our overthinking that we are blinded to everything Abba has given us.
Ask yourself this question when you are tempted to overthink: "Is Abba big enough to handle your situation or are we too small for Him to be bothered with us?"
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