Thursday, October 31, 2019

Be Succinct

Don’t shoot off your mouth, or speak before you think.
Don’t be too quick to tell God what you think he wants to hear.
God’s in charge, not you—the less you speak, the better.
Ecclesiastes 5:2 
I read a story recently about an older pastor who wanted to mentor a new pastor to take his place so he could retire.  There were four who wanted to be the pastor's protege.  He instructed each of them to write out a sermon, which he would read and critique. Afterwards, each would deliver their sermon and he would then make his selection.
Three of the four worked for a week on their sermons spending many hours in the library digging through theology books, sermons by great preachers of old, reading countless articles and delving into the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures.  The day came for them to turn in their sermons.  Three turned in sermons which were 50 pages or more.  The fourth turned in a single page.  The older pastor looked at the fourth skeptically and said, "Are you sure this is your sermon?"  The fourth simply nodded.
The day came for them to deliver their sermons.  The first stood and delivered a 45 minute fire and brimstone sermon.  The second stood and delivered such a passionate sermon, he was sweating profusely by the time he finished after an hour.  The third stood and spoke with such eloquence that one would have thought him a Shakespearean actor, after 90 minutes he finished with a flourish, bowed and returned to his seat.  The three were quite proud of themselves, and chuckled among themselves when the fourth stood and walked to the pulpit.  He put his hands on either side of the pulpit, took a deep breathe and said, "According to Scripture, Jesus said God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die in our place.  Jesus also told us to love and pray for each other.  THAT is what we are on Earth to do."  And he sat down.
The old pastor said he had reached his decision.  He told the first, "You did an outstanding job of researching your topic.  Your delivery was truly memorable."  He told the second, "I can tell you put your heart into this project. Your delivery was truly emotional."  He told the third, "YOU did an magnificent job making certain your thoughts flowed together.  Your performance was nothing short of elegant."  Then he told the three of them, "While I appreciate all the effort and investment your have put into this project, you forgot the very simple fact that Jesus talked with people in ways THEY could understand.  He didn't brow beat anyone.  He didn't belittle anyone. He certainly didn't try to intimidate anyone with his wisdom.  Therefore, none of you will be my student."  Then he spoke to the fourth, "You clearly understand what I was looking for, a simple message with truth and brevity."
Some say little with many words, while others speak volumes with few.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Words, Words, Words

The right word spoken at the right time
    is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.
Proverbs 25:11
Words....believe it or not, words are powerful. Words are wonderful in that, with them, we can express ourselves beyond the grunts and pointing of our ancestors. Okay, maybe THAT part was a bit of a stretch, but words have power.  Think about it...when you greet someone with "It's really nice to meet you" they feel good because of your words. Our words can hurt as well as heal.  When someone tells us that we are worthless or 'not good enough' those words feel like harpoons into you very soul.  Yet when someone tells us that we have done a good job or how much we are appreciated, it brightens our outlook on life.  
George Carlin, while not a family friendly comedian, had a fascination with words.  In fact, one of his routines expressed words you will probably NEVER hear spoken: "Please be so kind as to hand me that piano", "If someone says 'penny for your thoughts' and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny", "Please pluck that bridge up and place it over there."  While these phrases, and many more, sound ridiculous we have to remember that it's the words that are put together that are important.
When we think of words, consider today's verse.  Have you ever been devastated by a loss and had someone come to you and simply say "I'm here for you"?  How about when you've been hurt and the person who hurt you comes to you and says "I'm sorry"?  How about when you are the person who did the hurting and you apologize only to hear "I forgive you"?  Think about when you do something and you hear "Thank you" or "I REALLY appreciate you"?  Then there are the three most powerful words in the Universe, "I love you."
My Gramma used to tell me, "If you can't be nice, then be quiet!" Our words should be uplifting and encouraging.  Let's pledge together to use our words in that way.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Today's lesson is simple, yet profound:  With God as your protector, woe to anyone who tries to do you harm!  Why? Because God has NEVER been defeated and WILL NEVER be defeated.  Because He loves us so much, He protects us. Let that peace fill you as you take this moment to thank Him for His love for you.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Line Up

“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt?"
Matthew 7:1-3 

I have come to a decision...I'm going to stop reading political posts, articles, arguments, because they make me cynical and I have found myself judging others because they present themselves as the answer to all our issues.  

As a matter of fact, after I came to my decision, I found notes from a sermon I heard many years ago that I truly believe God put right where I could find it just at the moment I needed to be reminded of it.  You see, growing up the Biblical characters were portrayed as so gleaming holy that the Sun reflected their purity.  As I got older, and to be honest a bit more jaded, I gave up trying because I could never measure up.  Until I heard a sermon at age 30 that changed my way of thinking.  

Consider this:
Jacob lied to Abraham so he could steal the birthright from Esau.
Peter lied about knowing Jesus even to the point of using profanity to emphasize the point.
David had an adulterous affair and had one of his best friends killed.
Noah got drunk when God let them out of the ark.  Honestly, if I was cooped up with that crew for 40 days and 40 nights...
Jonah ran away from God so he wouldn't have to do what God told him.  Didn't work out so well.
Paul was a murderer, a criminal, was arrested several times, tortured people and had a temper.
Miriam was a gossip
Martha was a worrier
Thomas doubted and refused to believe without Jesus coming to prove His resurrection. 
Sara was impatient and even went to far as to laugh at idea that God could fulfill His promise.
Elijah dealt with depression, self doubt, fear.
Abraham was old.
Lazarus was dead.
And God, in His wisdom, used each of these and more to fulfill His purposes.  So, who am I do think badly of anyone?  God uses the most unlikely people to reach others.  If God can do that with THIS bunch, WE are in good company.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Forgive Like Christ

I normally do not like sharing someone else's devotional, but today is different.  This devotional touch my mind and my soul with the need to share it.

"Scripture says, 'Br kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you' (Ephesians 4:32).

"It was the eve of the Crucifixion and Jesus' followers final meal with His followers. Jesus stoop up, hung His cloak on a hook, wrapped a towel around His waist, and poured water into a basin.  He washed feet. Jesus used some of His precious final moments in this silent sacrament of humility. 

"The disciples pledged to stay with their Master.  But, later that night when the soldiers marched in, the disciples ran out.  When they looked at their feet in shame, they realized that they had betrayed Him.

"Hasn't Jesus done the same for us?  We each have a basin. We've each been wounded. But before we knew we needed grace, we were offered it.  THIS is how happiness happens."

I pray that this touches you as it did me.  I love the way Max Lucado shares and this devotion is one he wrote.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Guard Duty

Be careful what you think,
    because your thoughts run your life.
Proverbs 4:23 
Have you ever stopped to consider what you allow into your mind?  Do you allow hate and prejudice in?  Do you allow anger and revenge in?  Do you allow harmful thoughts access?
What is the purpose of a guard?  To protect!  To keep danger out!  To keep intruders from gaining access!  Solomon tells us that we must be careful of what we think it comes......what we think comes out as words and actions.
Think about something I have mentioned before, Our bodies do absolutely nothing unless the brain tells it to. This includes "instinctual" functions as blinking, breathing, and keeping our heart beating.  Therefore, what we allow into our minds will eventually come out as words and actions.  Putting a guard on our minds will help change how we think, act and speak toward each other. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Keep Your Heart!

Do not let mercy, loyalty, reliability, kindness and truth leave you,
 instead let these qualities define you;
Bind them securely around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:3 
I must admit, the wisdom God gave to Solomon blows me away.  Look at today's verse.  These are traits that we look for in others, at least I do, because they are traits that build up and strengthen relationships.  Imagine if we had friends who exhibited these strong would that friendship be?  

The word used for "Mercy" literally translates into Grace, Kindness, Charity, Favor and Goodness. Add to this Loyalty, Reliability,and have the best possible relationship ever.  We want these traits, but to we also exhibit these traits?

We are told the tie them around your neck....let me ask you something, if something is around your likely are you to forget it's there?

We are told to write them on the tablet of your heart...quite literally carve them into your mind.  Solomon is telling us that these traits should be who we ARE!   If someone hears your name, THESE traits should come to mind.  Honestly, I have more work to do!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Are You Struggling?

 Prayers offered in faith will restore them from sickness and bring them to health. The Lord will lift them up from the floor of despair; and if the sickness is due to sin, then God will forgive their sins.
James 5:15 
I don't know about you, but when I am struggling, and those times do come, I'm leery of letting others know about my struggles.  Why?  Because I don't want to hear anyone's opinions. I don't really want to hear anyone's philosophies.  Most situations with which we struggle don't have any quick fixes.  
Let be be blunt, I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. And I have had people criticize me, judge me, condemn me, and give me all kinds of advice on how to "overcome" this struggle.  I have been told (unsolicited, mind you) "if you want to lose weight, stop eating", "if you want to lose weight, eat only green vegetables", "if you want to lose weight, try hypnosis", "if you want to lose weight, do a fast".  The advice was free, not helpful, and not appreciated.
Think about this, when someone is struggling with a marital issue, do you REALLY think they need our unsolicited counsel?  Let me share something thing with you, if I hear of someone enduring a struggle I have learned to simply ask if I can help.  If my offer is refused, I don't take offense.  If my offer is accepted, I do NOT rush in with lots of advice. I pray for them.  I ask they would like to talk about what's on their mind, listen to what they are saying, and then ask if them how I might walk with them through their struggles.  
Are YOU struggling?  Do you know someone who is struggling?  The first thing we need to do is pray for them, that God will give them hope and peace.  Then we need to pray for ourselves, that we will listen completely and be able to understand their struggles.  Advice and counsel should be offered so that it brings hope!  Try it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Are You Re-Wiring Your Brain?

As someone thinks within himself, so he is.
-Proverbs 23:7
I like to learn, as I may have mentioned once or 12 times before, and I like to learn in order to improve the person others meet.  One of the things I have been learning, with a LOT of prompting and more than a few pokes between the eyes, is that I need to rewire my brain.  Now, that might sound easy enough, but have you ever tried it?  

Part of rewiring the brain involves rewriting what's already in there.  There are thoughts, concepts, ideas, judgments, preconceptions, anger, prejudices, and all other kind of critters hiding in the recesses of my cranial goop.  Dr. Caroline Leaf, in her book 'Switch On Your Brain', states: "As we think, we change the physical nature of our brain. As we consciously direct our thinking, we can wire out toxic patterns of thinking and replace them with healthy thoughts."  Therefore, whatever I am putting into my mind is changing my thought patterns.  Thus, when I focus on anger or judgments or revenge or all the negative thoughts, I am, quite literally, rewiring my brain to think that way.

If I want to change the WAY I think I must change WHAT I think about. In order to change WHAT I think about, I need to follow Jesus' teaching in Matthew 4:17 - "Jesus picked up where John left off: 'Change your life. God’s kingdom is here.'”  Think about this more practically...if you find your favorite shirt has a stain on it, do you keep wearing it or do you wash it to remove the stain?

God has given us a GREAT gift...our brain.  With that great gift comes a GREAT responsibility...our attitudes, thoughts, responses, thoughts, kindnesses, thoughts, concepts, thoughts...get the picture?  Is it time to rewire?

Friday, October 18, 2019

"The Great Exchange"

This morning, I found a series of photos which, when viewed in sequence, share a POWERFUL lesson!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Conflict Resolution Day

Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.
Romans 12:17-18 
Today is International Conflict Resolution Day.  If you had friends, siblings, cousins, or human contact of any sort, you are well aware that there will be conflicts.  My brother and I had MANY conflicts from "He's looking out of my window" to physical altercations.  Needless to say, our parents took a very hands on approach to our conflict resolution.  There were several times, on family vacations, when Dad would actually pull to the side of the road and run us until we were too tired to continue with our conflict.
For the longest time, I viewed Conflict Resolution as getting MY way because, after all, I believed it was the correct way of viewing life.  However, the older I have gotten, I have learned that Conflict Resolution is not about getting ones way, it is about resolving the conflict so that the issue is no longer an issue.  What an eye opener that has been on this journey through life!
Think about this, when an issue arises where the result is a conflict, it is best to consider if "getting my way" is worth destroying a friendship, marriage, family, or potential friend.  You see, when our first response is to attack with all guns blazing with the determination to utterly destroy the person with whom we are in conflict, how will we be viewed from that point onward?  As a person who is difficult; as a person who is best to avoid; as a person who does not care on iota about anyone but themselves.
Now think about this: We may not always agree with the way God guides our lives, should we howl and rage at Him?  Oh, He'll listen, and then, as He told Job: "Put on your adult britches and listen whilst I explain it to you."  
There's an old adage well worth remembering: "Before you start a war, seek to reconcile, for it is best to have a potential ally than a permanent adversary." 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why Be Pushy?

As a child, I was not a fan of green veggies.  To be honest, I'm still not a fan of most of them, but I have made some progress.  I remember my Mom doing her best to force me to eat my broccoli with little success.  She would make me sit at the table with no dessert until I ate my broccoli.  And wait I did.  I once sat at that table from lunch until supper because I disliked broccoli that much.  Oh, Mom tried to make it more appealing by smothering it with cheese sauce, chopping it up very fine and sneaking it into a chicken pot pie.  I was just adamant about not eating broccoli!  My bride will tell you that I STILL don't like it and won't eat it.

Where am I going with this?  Well, it may be a bit of a stretch, but if you will allow me some license, you will see.  Believe it or not, there are people who want to hear the Gospel message about as much as I wanted to consume broccoli.  And there are also people who are so determined to get nonbelievers to believe that they will go about presenting the Gospel pretty much the same way my Mom tried to get me to eat broccoli.  This conflict gives believers a bad reputation, "Don't shove your religion down my throat!" "If I wanted to hear your judgmentalisms I'd join your church!" and other such expressions are what we hear.

Remember what Jesus said in the "Great Commission"?  Did Jesus say for us to force the message on others?  Did Jesus say to tell people "You're going to HELL unless you believe"?  No!  What Jesus said was "Go into all the World and make disciples!"  We are to share the message!  THAT is our responsibility!  Not force it on others....not judging others.....not condemning others. 

So how do we do that?  Simple: Let every person you meet be a NEW person in your mind.  You see, Jesus built relationships and in those relationships He shared the message of truth.  He didn't force it on anyone!  He shared through relationships  Also: We have got to resist the urge to "hammer it home."  When we are tempted to become aggressive with the message of salvation...the message is no longer the "Good News" rather it become the "Aggressive Argument."  Remember, what Paul said in Romans 14:4 - They are God’s servants, not yours. They are responsible to Him, not to you. Our job is not to try to BE God!  Our job is to present the information through building relationships!

One final point: In building relationships, we are to BE the example of Christ we want others to see. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Forget about what’s happened;
    don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
    It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?
Isaiah 43:18 
I talk with people pretty much every day who seem to be focused on the past.  Now....I'm a huge fan of history and one of my favorite television channels teaching a LOT of history, but here's something we seem to forget...we don't live there anymore!
Several people have told me "But you don't know how bad (insert offender's name here) hurt me!"  This is usually said with much anger and volume. Here's my question (and I have to ask this of myself as well): "Okay, that was then, why are you letting them control you NOW?"  You see, we have a habit of trying to carry the past with us into the future.  We fuss about it, get angry every time we replay a situation in our minds, yet we can't or don't want to let it go and stay in the past.
Imagine how much less stress we would have if we chose to focus on where we are and where we are going instead of where we've been?

Monday, October 14, 2019

When You're In Over Your Head

When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.
Isaiah 43:2 
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the stress was SO heavy you had trouble breathing?  Felt as though you were drowning?  Boy howdy, I have!   
Here's something God brought to mind just now, when I have been under so much stress and pressure that I feel as though I am drowning, guess who is the last one I ask for help? guessed it.  In those moments, my thoughts become "what now?" instead of "Okay God, You brought me to this, please get me through this."  But I'm learning!  And here's something else...when God does bring me through it, I need to be grateful and thank Him. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Got A Minute?

Got a minute? Think about everything God has done for you.... When was the last time you took the time to say "Thank You" to Him?  When was the last time you shared with others what God has done for you?

Think about these:
     You have air to breathe
     You have the ability to touch
     You can think
     You can communicate
     You can love
     You can see the stars at night
     You can see God's creation
     You can smell the scent of flowers as the wind gently blows
     You feel the heat of a fire as you enjoy camping 
     You hear the sound of the stream and are relaxed
     You hear the laughter of children playing
     You feel the soft warmth of your pet.
     You taste and enjoy
     Your heart beats.
     You learn
     You think

The list is absolutely endless.  God has done and continues to do SO much for us....take a minute and thank Him.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

What IS This Thing Called 'Prayer'?

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 
The Apostle Paul tells us that we are to talk with God without ceasing.  Well, how do we do that?  Let me ask you do talk with your best friend?  The one who knows you best, the one who has been with you through your worst times.  The one who has been with you during your best times.  The one who knows your secrets and still wants to hang with you.
The one you share inside jokes with. 
I struggled with prayer most of my life because I thought it was some ritualized formula that had to be done with certain vocal inflections, using certain pious words and postures, and if you enjoyed it, you were doing it wrong.  Then I came across a quote from a Medieval Monk named Francois Fenelon that opened my eyes.
"Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one’s heart, its pleasures and its pains, to a dear friend.  Tell God your troubles, that God may comfort you; tell God your joys, that God may sober them; tell God your longings, that God may purify them; tell God your dislikes, that God may help you conquer them; talk to God of your temptations, that God may shield you from them: show God the wounds of your heart, that God may heal them.  If you thus pour out all your weaknesses, needs, troubles, there will be no lack of what to say.  Talk out of the abundance of the heart, without consideration say just what you think.  Blessed are they who attain to such familiar, unreserved intercourse with God." –Francois Fenelon  
His point?  Prayer is a conversation with God!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Barnabas the Superhero

When Saul came to Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him and rejected him because they didn’t trust him one bit. Then Barnabas introduced him to the apostles and stood up for him, told them how Saul had seen and spoken to the Master on the Damascus Road and how in Damascus itself he had laid his life on the line with his bold preaching in Jesus’ name.
Acts 9:26-27 
Have you ever been rejected?  It's discouraging, disheartening and, honestly, feels as though you've been gut punched. If we know what it feels like, why would we do that to another person?  The Apostles knew what it felt like to be rejected and looked down on by others, even by those who were once their friends.  You see, when we become fearful, we become just like those who rejected us. The Apostles not only rejected Saul because they knew what it felt like to be rejected, and had become like those who had rejected them, they also rejected Saul because of his past.  Who doesn't have a past?  Who hasn't done or said things they regret?  Anyone?  Anyone? 
Enter the superhero we all need....Barnabas! Barnabas took the time to encourage Saul and took him directly to the Apostles.  Not only that, Barnabas stood up for Saul to the Apostles explaining that, yes Saul had a past, but look at all the GOOD he had been doing!  Barnabas focused on the positive side of Saul and stood up to the rejecting Apostles on behalf of Saul.
Barnabas is someone we should emulate!  
Take time this very day to BE the encourager someone else needs!  BE the one who stands up FOR someone else who has been rejected.  BE the one who finds the positive!!! After all, didn't Christ stand up for YOU?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


God, our Father, has loved us so much that we are called children of God. And we really are His children. The reason the people in the world do not know us is that they have not known him. 
1 John 3:1 
 Have you ever stopped to consider just how much God loves His children?  The same God who spoke everything into creation; who created the mountains, the seas, the plants, the animals, the fish, the planets....THIS is the same God who created you, loves you and calls you by name.  THIS is the same God who loves you so much that He knows our every thought, hurt, joy, hair, breath, and life.  THIS is the same God who loves you so much that He wants to talk with us just as a child does their parent.  OUR Father is God!

Monday, October 7, 2019

God Will Bless You!!

People will insult you and hurt you. They will lie and say all kinds of evil things about you because you follow me. But when they do, you will be blessed.
Matthew 5:11 
Have you ever noticed that the teachings of Jesus always seem to fly in the face of our natural reactions?  Let's face it, it's rather difficult to be nice to someone who seems bent on making you miserable, yet Jesus tells us we are to pray for those who treat us badly.  Why would we want to do that?  Could it be that He expects us to be the example of kindness to those who are unkind?
In today's verse, Jesus comes right out and tells us that some people will be out to get you, to discredit you, to ruin your reputation, to put you in a bad light for others.  The reasons for doing such things....Jesus doesn't consider them worthy of mention.  Instead, we are supposed to focus on OUR actions and attitudes.

Friday, October 4, 2019

God's Appointed

I will place the key to the house of David on his shoulder. When he opens the door, no one can close it; when he closes the door, no one can open it. 
Isaiah 22:22 
God told Isaiah that He was going to summon His servant Eliakim, and when He did, God would put the key to the put the Key of David around his shoulder.  And guess what kind of authority Eliakim was being given by God?  Whatever door he opened, NO ONE could close it.  Not only that, Whatever door he closed, NO ONE could open it!
You see, God's power is such that when God opens a door for us, there is no power that can close it! And when God closes a door to us, there is no power that can open it.  God opens the doors for us to fulfill His plan for us!  That is encouraging.  God also closes doors that lead us away from fulfilling His plan for us, no matter how much we beg, no matter how much we want it. And that is also encouraging. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
James 5:16

When we confess our sins, we are admitting to God that we are imperfect.  When we repent (which literally means: to change direction) we change our path.  When we pray, we are having a conversation with God.  We have access to converse with the Creator of EVERYTHING! So why do we find it so difficult to talk with Him?  We claim to be "too busy" but is that really the truth?  My own struggle has been feeling intimidated talking with the One who knows EVERYTHING about me.  Yet when I face the fact that while God knows everything about me, every speck of dust in the hidden corners of my being, and still loves me so much that He WANTS to talk with fear vanishes.

You can pray for every single person you meet.  You can pray for the person who hands you your breakfast through the drive-thru.  You can pray for the person you pass in the hallway.  You can pray for the person you notice in a class who looks dejected.  Prayer is extremely powerful! Prayer can change someone's world; it can change our perspective; it can change our own life...let's learn to pray by talking with God.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Shocking! Can It Be True?

Do you know where your fights and arguments come from? They come from the selfish desires that war within you. 
James 4:1
 It's true!  Why do we argue?  Because we think we're right and they're wrong and nothing can change that!  And guess what?  We are WRONG to believe that.  We argue because we want our way!  We argue because we are selfish!  We argue because we simply like to argue!
One of my favorite Monty Python Skits is called "The Argument Clinic" because it involves a man who simply wants to have an argument. The fact of the matter is we simply have such a difficult time being open, calm, and willing to see the other side of the situation.  But there's good news, Scripture gives us the perfect method for arguing: "Do to others as you would have them do to you."  Sound familiar?  Try it and see how well it works.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What Are You Thinking?

Be careful what you think,
    because your thoughts run your life.
Proverbs 4:23 
I've been reading a book about Cognitive Therapy which is extremely interesting.  According to the author, our bodies can not function without a command from our minds.  Even our "automatic" functions such a breathing and blinking require a command from our minds.  Our moods are a decision we make, believe it or not. If I want to change my mood, I have to make the conscious to not only change my thinking, but change my actions as well.  If I need to change a habit, I must make the conscious decision to replace that habit with a better habit.
Given that our minds are so powerful, shouldn't we be careful what we allow in?