Thursday, February 21, 2019

Let People In? Seriously???

Over the weekend, I happened upon an 80's Movie Marathon (stop rolling your eyes). The movie that caught my attention was "The Breakfast Club."  If you've never seen it, the plot is about 5 high school students who were "condemned" to a Saturday of detention in which they were confined to the library.  These high school students represented the different cliques in the typical 80s high school, and, yes, I remembered these cliques quite well.
There was the Prom Queen, the Jock, the Nerd, the Wasted, and the Outcast.  Each had their own learned behavioral walls they had perfected.  Over the course of their day in detention, they argued, they fought, they laughed, and they picked on each other.  However, they FINALLY allowed their walls to drop and were brutally honest about their lives and situations that brought them to detention.  THAT was the moment that made the movie memorable for me.
You see, when we are genuine and honest, people will see who we really are.  We can pretend to be whoever we choose, but remember:  Walls require a LOT of maintenance!  It's easier to be genuine and honest about who we are.  Will there be people who won't accept us?  Yes!  But that's not our problem, let God deal with them.  Will there be people who will hurt us?  Yes!  But that's not our problem, let God deal with them.  Will there be people who will take advantage of us?  Yes!  But that's not our problem, let God deal with them.
We are to let our love be GENUINE!  You cannot have genuine love hiding being the walls of false bravado!   

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