Thursday, November 15, 2018

What's That You Say?

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
Ephesians 4:29
Words....have you ever considered the impact our words have?  Imaging the impact when a police officer shouts "Hand where I can see them!"  How would that make you feel if you were on the receiving end of that?  How do you feel when you discover that someone you trusted was actually just using you for their benefit with NO regard for anyone but themselves? How do you think Eve felt when she realized that the serpent used his slick sounding words to convince her, not only to sin, but to convince Adam to go down with her?
You see, we are VERY adept at using words to get what we want!  Sometimes with no regard for those we use in the process.  However, be that as it may, one of the most poignant quotes from that book is: "Normally, words are sent from the brain towards the mouth, and somewhere along the line you take a moment to check them, see that they are actually the ones you ordered and that they're nicely wrapped, before you bundle them on their way towards your palate and out into the fresh air."
- The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie
Read that passage again....slowly and concentrate on what is being said.  Let's face it, if the words we spewed into the public air had would yours taste?  Even more important, how do you think God will react to the flavor of the words we release into the ears of others?
I'll leave that flavorful thought right here for our tastebuds to contemplate.

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