Thursday, December 15, 2016

You Mean Decisions Have Consequences?

Those who trust their own insight are foolish,
    but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe.
Proverbs 28:26
 It was a clear summer morning.  A couple of friends and I decided to ride our inner tubes down the Saluda River, I mean it was summer break and we had a whole day to ourselves.  So off we went.  I will tell you that the water in the Saluda doesn't really get warm except in certain places and in certain circumstances.  While we were floating along, one of my friends spotted what appeared to be a fire hose wrapped around the limb of a tree.  Upon closer inspection, it turned out to actually be a fire hose that had been used to swing out over the water and drop in.  So my friend decided this was something he could not pass up.
He began to unwrap the hose and after about the fourth turn he found himself face to face with something that didn't like being disturbed and let him know that his decision was a VERY bad one.  My friend came very close to walking on water that day.  As it turned out, the critter was a bat.
But think about some of our decisions.  Perhaps it was a tattoo you got and now regret.  Perhaps it was the person you chose to marry, and now you spend most days happily enjoying being together.  Maybe you made a decision to call in sick when you really weren't just because you wanted a day off.  Maybe you said something to someone that hurt them (like the first time I was told that I reminded someone of their grandfather; or the time I was given the "senior discount" without being asked to provide identification).
Understand that our every decision will have consequences, good or bad.  So let us learn to use the wisdom we have been given and if to trust those who are wiser than us, even if we don't agree with them.  You see, when we begin to think things through, we are on the path of wisdom.

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