Friday, July 29, 2016

Yes, You Have A Gift!

I remember your true faith. That faith first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and I know you now have that same faith. This is why I remind you to keep using the gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. Now let it grow, as a small flame grows into a fire. 
2 Timothy 1:5-6
 Believe it or not, each of us has been gifted in some way.  True, some gifts are more obvious (singing, instrument playing, drawing, painting, and the like), but each of us has been given gifts that we are expected to use.    You see, God put each of us on this Earth on purpose and for a reason, and we have been given gifts and talents that we are to use.
I cannot count the number of times I have heard, and said, "I wish I had a talent."  We are fooled when the deceiver whispers in our ears that we have not gifts; that we have no talents; that we have nothing that could help others that would make a difference.  The TRUTH of the matter is that, although some talents and gifts are easily spotted, there are some we may not even consider to be gifts and talents.  
For example: 
     *    you have this uncanny ability to remain calm in the most stressful of situations, that's a gift. 
     *     you have compassion for the suffering of others, that's a gift!
     *     you feel comfortable speaking in front of groups, that's a talent.
     *     you have a knack for cooking for the purpose of sharing with others, that's a talent.
     *     you are able to sit quietly and listen while someone else pours out all that is on their mind and heart, that is a gift.
We can see the talents and gifts in others, but we often don't recognize them in ourselves.
Max Lucado, one of my favorite writers, explained it this way: "God doesn't judge you according to the talents of others. He judges according to yours.  His measuring stick for faithfulness is how faithful you are with your own gifts and talents.  You are NOT responsible for the nature of your gift or talent.  But you ARE responsible for how you use it."
How will you use your gifts and talents today?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

What's Your Purpose?

But it is a spirit in people,
the breath of the Almighty,
that makes them understand.
Job 32:8

Remember Moses? He led quite the charmed life for a long time as the adopted son of the Pharoah.  He was privileged and enjoyed all the comforts and courtesies of being a Prince of Egypt.  And then he killed an Egyptian slaver driver for beating an Israelite.  So he ran away to the desert to hide.  While he was there, he settled into the rough, but routine life of a shepherd tending the flocks of his father-in-law.  
Then God stepped in and told Moses, "Your purpose is to go to Egypt, tell Pharoah to let My People Go, and then lead them to the land I promised them."  That's a pretty hefty purpose!
How many times have we tried to figure out why we are here?  How many times have we tried to determine our purpose in life?  Some people wander around the world trying to "find themselves" or trying to "find my true path."  Some people search for their purpose for their entire lives without accepting it.  That's right, we tend to reject our purpose because it's not grand enough, or flashy enough, or popular enough, or because no one will notice, or, and here's the usual suspect, we don't want to do it!  It might make us uncomfortable.  It might mean we actually have to step out of our comfort zone.  It might mean we have to speak to people we don't particularly want to deal with.  
Moses was full of excuses trying to tell God, "I appreciate the offer, but I really don't want to do that!"  God didn't take NO for an answer from Moses, from me and He's not taking NO as an answer from you either.
When I knew beyond a doubt that God had called me to ministry, I said "NO" many times and in as many ways as possible.  Guess who won that debate?  God then pushed me to minister to Law Enforcement, again, being stubborn, I said "NO" many times and many ways, and still God won.
There have been times when I have been faced with a situation that I found overwhelming and I was expected to help the officer involved.  In my heart of hearts I shook my fist at God and shouted, "YOU DID ME TO THIS!  SO NOW WHAT?".  The Apostle Paul refers to the "peace that defies our understanding" and he wasn't kidding.  In the midst of all of my feeling overwhelmed, God's peace washed over me like a tidal wave and I learned (and am still learning) what it means to rely on God and not my own understanding.
Job wrote that it is the very breath of the Almighty, the same breath that brought to life, that brings us to understanding that God has a purpose for us and is not going to stop directing us toward that purpose until it is fulfilled.  No matter how long it takes.  If took me 43 years to actually surrender to God's call to ministry.  Took another 2 years to realize that Law Enforcement was where God wanted me to minister.  And I'm still learning!
What's your purpose?  

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fired Tested

This brings you great joy, although you may have to suffer for a short time in various trials. Such trials show the proven character of your faith, which is much more valuable than gold—gold that is tested by fire, even though it is passing away—and will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  
1 Peter 1:6-7 

Ever have one of the "Tested By Fire" days?  You know the ones.  The ones where, if it can go will not only go wrong, but it will explode in your face.  The ones where you wish you actually a Star Trek Transporter to get you away from everything and every one?  The ones where you are just so exhausted and angry that you are about half a heartbeat from becoming a news story?  

How about the days when everything you had planned for, worked for, prayed for, hoped for, and sacrificed in order to achieve has just come crashing down around you?  Perhaps not all at once, but, much like dominoes, the crash is eminent.  Or perhaps that very dream you have invested yourself into achieving is given to someone else or perhaps even you to do the work but others are given the credit?

The examples of being tested by fire are endless.  The "WHY ME GOD!" moments in life!

Gold is tested by fire to remove impurities, yet Peter is reminding us that, as valuable as gold is, we are even MORE valuable to God! And while we are being tested by fire, it is not to punish us, it is to purify us.  Think about this:  When we are under stress (tested by fire) how do we react?  I admit I lose my cool more than I care to admit.  But I am learning.

God allows us to be tested in order to reach us, teach us, or example us to others!

I am learning, ever so slowly and stubbornly, that when God wants my attention, He's going to do WHATEVER it takes to get it!  The best thing I can do is listen!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Change? Why Should I Change?

Be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and to put on the new man who has been created in God’s image—in righteousness and holiness that comes from truth.
Ephesians 4:23-24

I have found that keeping up with the news is not only depressing because of what people are willing to do to each other, but it's also taught me that I am the one who needs to make some changes if I want to make a difference.  But for the longest time, I was had no idea how to make any changes that would make any sort of difference.  And, true to form, I was awakened well before my alarm was set to go off, and sensed that I needed to pray about several situations and several people.
So, I sat in my chair with my coffee, and worked on a B.U.B.B.A. while I prayed, listened, and pondered.  The more I prayed and listened, my pondering began to take a new direction.  I know that I cannot control other people or their actions.  I can only control my response to other people and their actions.  And while I was in the midst of Quiet Time this morning, it hit mind had changed!  I had become jaded!  I had become frustrated!  I had become who I didn't want to be.  So, I began to ask God to not only transform my thinking, but give me a new mind! "Create in me a NEW heart, O God, and make my spirit right with You again" (Psalm 51:10).
Are there still people who frustrate and irritate me?  Absolutely!  But keeping the conversation with God ongoing about them and LISTENING to Him has changed how I think about many of them (it's an ongoing process).  
But the thing I have learned the hard way, because I'm stubborn like that, is that when God is my focus my mind is changed, my perspective is changed, my thinking is changed, and, thus, I am changed. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

New Math

Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
Matthew 6:27 
I was never very good at math.  Once I ran out of fingers and toes, I was done.  And the ever dreaded Word Problems..... forgive me the nasty little flashback.....I just heard in my mind, "If a train leave from Boston traveling to Dallas at a rate of 85 mph, and another train leaves from Portland traveling to Baton Rouge at a rate of 73 mph, what color is the dog in Phoenix?"  I wondered how a train just suddenly begins its journey at such a high rate of speed!  I also wondered why anyone on either train would wonder why Phoenix apparently had only one dog.  So you can imagine how excited my math teachers were when I would raise my hand to ask a question.

One of the joys of my job is that I have the opportunity to teach new police officers...impart some of my wisdom, if you will.  Okay, I get to share with them from my years of screwing up life...but it's still pretty exciting for me.  One of the classes I am allowed to teach is Law Enforcement Stress Awareness, whereby these new officers (some of them actually stay awake) that you WILL encounter stress in your lives.  Huh......who would have thought that we will encounter stress in our lives?

And here's the kicker, what causes me to worry and stress might not bother you at all.  BUT if you are a good friend, you'll notice that it is bothering me and, at the very least, sit with me to let me voice it.

Now comes the dreaded "Word Problem."  You are having a great day.  Then you receive some news that you don't like (insert your own worrisome issue here).  Now have a choice, let that news item consume you and you spend sleepless nights and zombie-like days worrying about the issue; or you can change what you can and accept that you cannot change some things.
Worry will steal you joy if you let it.  I learned, and am still learning, that it's my reaction (how I handle) the situations of life that will determine if my joy is stolen from me or not.   All my worrying will not add a single cent to my bank account.  All my worrying will not heal a single health concern.  All my worrying will not make me taller.  All my worrying will not make me better looking.  All my worrying does is steal my joy.  Worry takes our eyes off Christ and THAT is when our joy evaporates!


Monday, July 18, 2016

Be Helpful!

And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.
Hebrews 13:16

I have read several Facebook posts lately of people going out of their way to help others. While that warms my heart, and makes me feel good about those doing these random good deeds, my mind, which tends to seek out such questions, pondered why these good deeds seem to be the exception instead of the rule?  I mean, if these good deeds were a given, then we would not need to point them out.  But we, as a culture, are very quick to do and point out the negative, thus making the positive on occasional gesture.

Start THIS week by doing good for others, even if they don't return it to you.  Always remember, someone will see it and will be grateful.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Time? Who's Got Time To Look?

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1

You all know about my love affair with coffee. Yes, I firmly admit it, I love coffee and drink copious amounts.  But this morning, I was challenged on this by, of all people, the person selling me my 7th cup of coffee.  She said, "How much do you have going on in your life that you need so much coffee?"

And THAT started the thought process.  We consume Monster Drinks, Red Bull, 5-hour Energy and so many other products that give us that boost when we begin to feel run down.  Then we wonder why we also have so many products that help us sleep.  

Why is that?  Is it because we truly HAVE so much we must accomplish in our day that we just cannot get it all done so we can get enough rest before having to get up and do it all over again?

I am convinced that God has given us this entire world to learn from and we spend more time ignoring it.  When a dog, cat, gerbil, pig, cow, goat or any other animal gets tired, what to they do?  They rest!  When they need to get up and go, they move.  But the fact is THEY do what WE should be doing.  We have been given time to do what is NEEDED!  Yet we choose to cram our time so full that the very thing that is NEEDED (rest) gets booted out of the boat.

Then we wonder why we get stressed (for which there are countless pills and elixirs to help) why we feel anxious, depressed, exhausted, and defeated.  Time Management is the key.  For there is a time for EVERY matter under heaven...we just have to decide what matters enough for us to invest our time. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

"If It Weren't For Them....!"

Be wise in the way you act with people who are not believers, making the most of every opportunity. When you talk, you should always be kind and pleasant so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should.
Colossians 4:5-6

I hear this, and have said this, time and time again: "If it weren't for those _______ (vindictive, fake, hypocritical, ignorant, stupid, lying, insert your own grumble) people there, I might attend that church, group, meeting, soire....  

Mohandis Gandhi was said to have stated, "I would be a Christian....if it weren't for the christians."  While we might chuckle at such a claim or perhaps be aghast by that statement, it rings so very true. Christians have a reputation for being judgmental, arrogant, hypocritical, ignorant, intolerant, fake, vindictive, and so many other things, and the sad part is, that reputation is well deserved!  We have earned that reputation!

And here's the kicker, bad reputations aren't limited to Christians!  They run the gamut of every aspect of life.  People see how we treat each other and they are either appalled or intrigued.  If they are appalled, then our reputation takes a hit.  If they are intrigued, our reputation gets a star.  But our actions MUST be genuine!

One of the things I have learned from dealing with people for most of my living years, is that you can wear a mask for a while, but masks have the tendency to slip off and your true self is revealed.  Believe it or not, we CAN change aspects of ourselves without surgery or having to purchase some "system."  It takes practice!  Want to be nicer to people, then consciously practice being nicer to people.  If you slip up, apologize and keep on practicing.

Everything we do, everything we say, every act we commit, is observed by someone and they will see when your mask slips.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Change Begins In The Mirror!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

I'm not a huge fan of change.  In fact, I will say that there are some changes that will meet great resistance from me.  For example, over the last 12 weeks, I have been working on a program through the insurance company, that was supposed to help me do a better job with my eating habits and my exercise habits.  And I will tell you, I hated every minute of it.

My eating and exercise habits have become ingrained over the course of YEARS, because I like what I like and I dislike what I dislike.  I tend to stick with the things I like and am not very open to changing that. However, through this program, I have begun to open up (somewhat) to making minor alterations (not "changes" but alterations) to my habits.  For example, I have learned that there are some vegetables that I actually like, and should be eating them with more frequency.  I have learned that Citrus Beer does NOT count as a fruit! That humus on really is rather tasty.  Also eating an entire pizza should not be something I strive to achieve.

The same thing applies when dealing with people.  Yes, there are some people who are like asparagus to me and, thus, I will avoid them as much as possible.  But there are people who, once they facades have fallen, are some of the most incredible people ever.  And there are some people who can only be taken in small amounts.  But there are also people who think the same way about me.

If I have habits that are bad or unhealthy, perhaps I should consider making changes.  We want changes in our society...then we must begin with the face we see in the mirror.  We cannot expect or demand from others what we are unwilling to do.

Change.....TRUE Change begins with us!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Are You A Peacemaker?

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9

I have seen this used by Law Enforcement as one of their motto verses.  And it is true that one of the duties of Law Enforcement Officers is to make, and keep, the peace.  But guess what?  Jesus didn't say "Blessed are only the Police for they shall be called children of God."

Guess who is eligible to be a Peacemaker?  YOU!  That's right, YOU are eligible to be a peacemaker!  Just as YOU are eligible to be called a Child of God.  

Peace Makers are just that...makers of peace!  They aren't riotous! They aren't destroyers!  They don't demand their own way!  Peace Makers realize that, while each of us is different, we can all still work together and get along.  

I've watched some of the demonstrations across the country on the news.  Some are very peaceful, but some are, for lack of a better way to say it, a riot looking for a chance to explode. And when these demonstrations explode into rioting, what does that accomplish? Businesses pull out of those areas, thus jobs are lost; property is damaged or destroyed thus insurance rates go up and the cost of living also rises.

I remember watching movie about Gandhi.  He helped bring about MASSIVE change to India without riots, destruction, and violence.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped bring about MASSIVE change to the United States with his dream of people being united and living in peace.

Somewhere along the way, we seem to have lost that desire for peace.

Friday, July 8, 2016

If It's Pointless, Why Bother?

The Teacher says,
    “Useless! Useless!
Completely useless!
    Everything is useless.”
What do people really gain
    from all the hard work they do here on earth?
Ecclesiastes 1:2-3

Please bear with me here.....

"What's the point?"  "Why bother?" "Why should I try?"  We've all thought or even said these (and similar such things) at some point of our life, and usually with some degree of frustration.  If nothing is new, why should we bother?  If all our work here is just a continuation of everything that has happened before?

If we think hard enough, we will discover that, while automobiles are wonderful and can take us places really fast, airplanes are faster.....but they both are just forms of transportation, just like walking.  We build buildings.  Taller and taller buildings.  More luxurious buildings.  Yet they are the are just a roof over our heads like caves.  We like to think the things we do are new and fresh and unique.  But they're really just variations on what's already been said and done.

But before we give up and just stop trying, there is one thing that is different about endeavor...YOU!  You see, we are made in God's image and none of us are exactly the same (can I get a Hallelujah!).  And the point Solomon is trying to make here is that, while all of our actions here are mere variations on previous versions, WE are different and those who believe Jesus' words know that He promised to come back and get us to take us to be with Him.  Why would He do that if we were pointless and useless.  

What we do here on Earth may seem pointless, but someone will see your actions and realize that YOU are different.  They will want to know why YOU are different (your attitude, your outlook, your happiness, your uniqueness), and THAT is where you get to share your story which can make all the difference to that one person.

We tend to get bored very easily and quickly but it's our perception of our life that makes the difference.  Change your perception; Change your perspective; and you will change your life.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

What Do You Mean "CHANGE"?

If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!
2 Corinthians 5:17

One of the programs my bride and I like to watch is called "Fixer Upper" where a couple (and their "behind the scenes magic elves") take an often old, run-down, sometimes junker of a house, and they restore it to life in a new way.  The transformation is really amazing for most of the homes. per mind began to wander....

Think about this, we go through our lives just doing what we do.  We are happy when things go our way and we are not happy when they don't.  Some of us reach the point where we aren't sure why we were even put here.  Some of us just go through the routine of existence because we don't know anything else to do.

Have you even seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?  There are lots of stages that have to be endured, but the end result is an amazing transformation.  The same thing happens when we become Christians, a transformation begins and continues for the rest of our lives.  Does becoming a Christian mean we no longer have struggles? Nope, we still do.  Does it mean that all our problems will be immediately resolved? Nope, not always.  Does it mean everyone will love us and be nice to us?  Not by a long shot!  In fact, many will hate you.

So what's the purpose?  Because as a truly transformed Child of God, you begin to see the world from your true perspective.  God began a project for your life before time was time, and that restoration (yep, you're a "Fixer Upper" just like me) takes place you will truly BE a new creation. You will begin to see life in a new way. You will begin to realize that the grudges you've held onto for so long, don't really matter.  You will realize that you truly ARE worth it! You will begin to understand how everything in all the Universe and time was orchestrated just for this moment in YOUR life.

Welcome to the family!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Why Is It 'Haters Gonna Hate'?

Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14

We hear some form of it almost every single day: "If you don't agree with my choices then you are a ______ (racist, bigot, hater, idiot, insert your favorite insult)". We claim that everyone who disagrees with our stance on an issue, decision of  life, or anything else that makes us unique, hates us and we want everyone else to hate them too.  

Yes, people are going to hate things that are different, because different makes people uncomfortable.  Think about this, I don't have to like a person's choice or decision!  That's read correctly....I don't have to like their choice or decision or lifestyle or hairstyle or food choices or anything else they choose!  Chances are, people don't like some of my choices or decisions either.  

Believe it or not, I know they don't in the way they treat me (ignore me, suddenly stop talking with I walk by) as if I am somehow going to judge them and blast them with hellfire and brimstone. No, I am not one who chooses to Crossfit.  Yes, I do have a sense of humor (and it seems to surprise quite a few people). I am a human being, just like you, and ALL humans (yes, even me) are social beings who enjoy being part of the society in its various forms, sizes, and formations.

But I am commanded by Scripture to love others as I want to be loved.   Scripture also commands me to live in peace with all, as far as it is within my power.  Now this does not mean I will surrender my beliefs or my choices, if means we may agree to disagree.  But it is not MY place to judge any person! And it's not YOUR place to judge any person either!  Even if you don't like their choices, actions, styles, or even if they just rub on you like sandpaper underwear!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Under Construction

The Lord will work out his plans for my life—
    for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.
    Don’t abandon me, for you made me.
Psalm 138:8

She looked at all she had accomplished up to this point.  She saw the plaques and awards.  She saw the newspaper clippings and the certificates.  She saw them exactly for what they were...mere moments in time...and she wept because she knew there had to be more to life than a pile of memorabilia.  

Think about how may times you have seen someone's name on a highway or a road or some monument and you have NO idea who that person could possibly be (and probably aren't exactly too concerned about the fact you don't know them).  Old black and white photos with no name on them smiling back as if they should be familiar, yet we have no clue.

If you feel there's more to life than mere externals, then you are correct.  Life is not about the monuments or awards or trappings of fame.  Life is about moments!  Those moments when you know you are loved.  Those moments when you realize that you can help someone who needs help.  Those moments when you are terrified to say anything so you say nothing, yet your presence is what the person in crisis remembers and appreciates!

You see, God plans our lives to be moments! And more moments are coming your way, because you are still under His construction!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Responsible Freedom

You are free from the law, but that doesn’t mean you are free to do wrong. 
Live as those who are free to do only God’s will at all times. Show respect for everyone. 
Love Christians everywhere. 
Fear God and honor the government.
1 Peter 2:16-17 

July 4, 1776 was declared Independence Day.  Every year we celebrate being free.  We have more freedoms than most other nations of the world.  Yet every single day, we hear of our freedoms being misused or abused.

As Christians we are to live as free people!  BUT freedom also brings responsibilities, and we don't like that.  You see, freedom does NOT mean we get to do what we want, when we want, and no one can tell us otherwise. Some even believe that freedom means we are not responsible for anything regardless who we hurt or what we damage or destroy, after all, "This is a free country! I can do and say what I want."  

Freedom also includes respecting others! (I heard you gasp).  Freedom also means we love others ("are you KIDDING me?  Have you met ____?").  Freedom also means we humble ourselves before God (He did create us, by the way), and we also honor the government WE put in power (want to change the governing body, then vote).

We have incredible Freedoms that cannot be taken away from us!  Celebrate the freedoms by accepting the responsibility of living in harmony with the rest of us.