Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Let It Nourish

Let my teaching fall on you like rain;
    let my speech settle like dew.
Let my words fall like rain on tender grass,
    like gentle showers on young plants.
Deuteronomy 32:2 

Ever notice how much we moan, groan and complain when the forecast calls for rain on the weekends?  I used to work with a person who, quite literally, ranted and yelled when the weekend forecast called for rain.  Some people hate rainy days.  I, personally, like rainy days (except having to be on the road with people who have no idea how to drive in the rain).  Rainy days are times of reflection and contemplation for me.  

Think about this now, how many people don't like to think?  One would imagine that number would be fairly small, but quite the contrary is true.  Need proof? Think of all the people who go through the motions of their daily routine without ever once thinking about much of anything.  I confess, I can usually do that until the third cup of coffee kicks in.

What does rain do for us?  Well, it cleanses.  It washes pollen and dust out of the air.  It also cools us. It releases nutrients in the earth that help plants grow.  Rain refreshes!  

Now, what does Scripture do?  Well, it cleanses. It clears out our hearts and minds when we focus on God.  It refreshes the anxious, depressed, and weary spirit.  Scripture REFRESHES!
Let God's teaching fall on you like rain!
Let God's love settle on you like dew.
Let God's words fall on you like tender grass, 
like gentle showers on young plants. (Feeding, nourishing and restoring you).

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