Thursday, August 31, 2017

Be Genuine!

Therefore, humble yourselves under God’s power so that he may raise you up at the right time.
1 Peter 5:6 
I like words.  I like finding out how they came to be and I enjoy writing them (although Auto-correct and I are not on speaking terms currently).  When I read today's verse, the word "Humble" stuck out for me.  So after some careful and diligent research, I discovered that the word translated as "humble" means: "to have a modest opinion of oneself; to behave in an assuming manner."  In other words, "Be genuine under God's power so that He may raise you up at the right time."
Be genuine!  Be authentic! Be real! Be honest!  Sounds easy, doesn't it? We all know people who seem to be chameleons changing according to the crowd.  But God has called us to be genuine!
Genuinely Care.
Genuinely pray!
Genuinely listen!
Genuinely speak!
Genuinely love each other!
One of my favorite authors shared a thought I found profound: "Religious stuff doesn't make us makes us more religious."  Being "religious" is not genuine.  It is not authentic!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Cleaning Our Perspective.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
I must confess that almost all of these devotionals are written as self-talk, reminding myself of just how awesome God is and just how I miss out on that fact more often than not.  Take today's verse for example.  When I read this verse (for the umpteenth time so far in this lifetime), I was struck with the fact that I need to clean up my perspective!
Here's something I need to deal with: Yesterday will never return! Let it go!
You see, I tend to cling to things that happened in the past.  We are supposed to learn from the past, but not try to live in the past or cling to the past. Thus, I need to clean up my perspective about the past.
Here's something else I need to deal with: Tomorrow isn't here yet!  I remember as a child, having to get a shot for some sort of illness.  The doctor would always tell me, "Now this my sting just a little."  And I would tense up in anticipation.  And before I realized it, the shot was over and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated.  Tomorrow isn't here yet, but God has already been through tomorrow, so there's no need to try to do God's job by getting all tensed up about it.
Finally, yes there's a third point, I need to deal with the fact that I am still breathing right now.  Therefore, God's not through with me yet!  My job is to go through today and welcome the people who God brings across my path; Help those who are in need of my help; and love others like I want to be loved.
Jesus has never and will never change.  We will, so we need to have a perspective clean up fairly regularly.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

There's A Reason You're Weird

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2

 Yesterday we discussed getting rid of all the garbage that we accumulate in our lives and letting it go because Christ took it all to the Cross.  Yet we sometimes tend to miss how quickly and subtly we can slip right back into the old habits and our old ways of doing things.  We begin to act like we did before we became a Christian, and even though we TELL people we are Christians, no one would know it or believe it because we don't act like it.

Now......I'm not saying you need to adopt the attitude of piety whereby you walk about pompously saying "Bless you" to everyone you pass.  Follow the example of Christ, even though he hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors, and the rejects of society, He never became like them.  We can talk to *gasp* sinners, because we ARE one and because Christ has changed us.  

If you read closely what Paul writes, you will see that quite a bit of it deals with the focus of our thoughts.  Why?  Thought always precedes action!  Therefore, when you focus your thoughts on God, then your actions will follow.  When you focus on the love of Christ, your actions will reflect that.

We are called to be weird for a reason!  

Monday, August 28, 2017

Replace Your Load!

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:31-32

I'm guilty of it, and if I'm guilty all of us are.  We have some sort of disagreement or we get upset with someone and we hang on to it, all the while putting on the appearance that we have a halo and are angelic in our conduct.  And we lie to ourselves.  We're not lying to God, because He already knows we're full of.....well.......garbage.  And we are broken. We need help to become unbroken.

We think things and say things that can damage someone, destroy their reputation, crush their ministry, and not think twice about it because "they deserved it."  Honestly, thinking back, I don't know what, if any, effect this might have, but if I have said or done something that has offended you, or hurt you, or caused you grief, please accept my apology. 

As Believers, we are to BE the epitome of verse 32.  We should be so kind to each other that others wonder why we're so weird.  We should be so tenderhearted that we are the first to apologize, and we should also be so tenderhearted that we are the first to forgive.  Why?  Because of the example of Christ who took our garbage with Him to the Cross. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Behind the Scenes

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25:40 
 There was a quite distinguished Professor who had quite a number of advanced degrees and was a much sought after speaker.  One this particular day, he sat through and almost 30 introduction detailing his many degrees, accomplishments, his numerous awards in academia, and on and on.  Finally, the time came for him to speak.  He walked to the podium, very dignified, took some papers from his coat pocket, put on his spectacles, looked at all the esteemed and eager audience members and then simply asked, "Who cleaned this room?"

The audience all began whispering and the President of the University was embarrassed and apologized profusely and said he would find the janitor and fire him at once.  The Professor, looked sternly at the President and asked him, "Are you embarrassed because you believe I disapprove of this room or because you haven't taken the time to learn his name?  I wanted to know who cleaned this room because that person did an immaculate job and I wanted to congratulate him and take him to lunch.  You would have discouraged him and, in firing him, destroyed one of the best at his job."
What's the purpose of this story?  To remind us all that there are people we don't even notice most of the time who may be having the worst day of their lives and just need a word of encouragement.  There are people who perform tasks that make our lives easier and more tolerable, that go unrecognized and unnoticed and unthanked.  Are we truly so high and mighty that we have forgotten that when we breathe out last breath, we will be in the same dirt as the person we never bothered to speak to or thank or appreciate!
Again, I have a prayer challenge for us:  Find someone who doesn't normally get recognized for the job they do and thank them.  Pray for them!  They too are God's children!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

What's That You Say?

Read the words of the Scripture carefully.  We use a LOT of words throughout the day, don't we?  Some of us love to talk and some prefer to listen more than talk, but we all use a LOT of words.  
Have you ever given thought to the words we use? Do we use our words to tear down another so we can "look good"?  Do we use our words to build our own reputations up, whether they are true or not?  Or do we use our words to truthfully build up others?  Do we used our words to truly encourage others?
Here's an honest slap in the face that I have felt: "What's in your heart will be expressed by your words!" Let's take it a step further: When Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment; Jesus' response was "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and the second is like unto it in that you should love others as you love yourselves."  Therefore, should we not use the same words with others that we would want used on us?  Speak words of encouragement.  Speak words of love.  Speak words of comfort.  Speak words of healing.  Speak words of caring. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pray for Peace Makers?

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9 
 How many times have we gone through the motions of our day without every praying?  Are we thankful for waking up?  Are we thankful to have a roof over our heads, food, water, clothing, people who love us?  What about the people who protect us?
We have SO much to be thankful for, and today I as that you join with me in praying for our First Responders (naming the ones you know by name).  Pray for their safety.  Pray for the strength and courage to do their jobs.  Pray for their families.  Thank God for their dedication to face the ills and evils of society we don't want to face.
I'll be honest, there are days when I am so wrapped up in what I'm doing or thinking that I don't notice the police cars, ambulances, and the EMTs who work them to save lives.  Please forgive my oversight.  I have become more aware and if I see a face I recognize, I will pray specifically for them right then and there.  If not I will sill pray for them right then and there and hope to make a new friend.
So I ask you, will you join me?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Armor Up!

Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
Ephesians 6:11 

Way back when I was in the Army, we would salute our First Sergeant as an indication that we were geared up and ready for action. And WOE to the one who was not ready for action...just sayin'. 
Yesterday, we talked about being prayed up before beginning our day.  Consider today's verse: "Gear Up and Be Ready."   This is where we support each other!  If you know someone who is not Geared up and Ready, pray for them.....pray with them.....pray over them get ready for action, even if that means taking them off the line for a while.
Let's face it, we are all part of the same Army, so let's be about the work of functioning in such a way that God's Mission for us is completed!

Monday, August 21, 2017

What Gift Can We Give?

The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.
1 Timothy 2:1-3

We hear a lot in Scripture about praying.  But what exactly is prayer?  It is an ongoing conversation with God.  It's when we tell Him about our hurts, joys, concerns, unload our irritations and's when we tell God EVERYTHING that's on our hearts, because, let's face it, He already knows but wants to make sure we know as well.

Look carefully at today's passage, the FIRST thing the Apostle Paul tells Timothy to do is begin with prayer.  Start the conversation: "Father, before I head off to work today, thank You for loving me and my family; Thank You for the opportunities You will set before me today; Thank You for the parts of my job I don't like; Thank You for the fact that You have already gone through today and are always with me during the day.  Keep me alert.  Keep me strong. Keep me safe." 

Then, as you go through the day, pray for others who come to mind.  God brings people to our minds for a reason, just as He brings people into our lives for a reason.

My pledge to ALL who read this is my prayers for our First Responders are daily!  When one hurts, ALL bear the pain! 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
    His mercies never cease.
Lamentations 3:22 
When I was much younger, we our family vacations would take us places like Mt. Rushmore, Wall Drugstore, Carlsbad Caverns, Bandolier Cave Dwellings, the Grand Canyon and even Yellowstone National Park.  Being the constantly curious child, these places fascinated me.  The one thing that impressed me at Yellowstone, aside for seeing bears, was watching "Old Faithful" which would spew its plume of hot water every hour.  
God's faithful love should be our example! God loves me even when I think, say and do dumb things.  He loves me when I put my foot in my mouth.  He loves me when my acid tongue takes aim.  He loves me when I feel horrible.  He loves me when I am afraid.  He loves me when I try to please Him.  And God not only loves me but He grants me His unending mercy!  That means no matter what happens, God loves me and makes sure that everything will ultimately be good for me.
When my Grampa was sick and in the hospital, I prayed and prayed and prayed that God would heal him.  I prayed that He wouldn't take my Grampa from me (yes I was selfish like that).  And when I was told that Grampa had died, I was heartbroken!  I couldn't believe God would do that!  I remember being so angry at God for taking my Grampa.  I walked in to the woods behind our house determined to have it out with God.  And in the midst of my angry tears, I didn't hear it but I knew it was spoken to me: "My child I love you more than you know.  And I know you are hurting now, but your Grampa is with me now completely healed and you will, one day, be with him again.  And always remember, the same life-breath I blew into him, is also in you." 
Always remember, God's love is faithful and His mercies NEVER cease!