Friday, August 26, 2016

Life Ain't About YOU!

Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
Philippians 2:3-4

We all know people who like to try to impress others with:
     *  who they know
     *  what they have
     *  what they can do 
     *  how much they are "suffering"
You name it and someone is trying to impress others with it.  But we tend to forget something, we were not put on this Earth to impress anyone!  God certainly is not impressed by anything we have, can, or will do.  Because without Him, we can do absolutely nothing...not even breathe.

Imagine how different our lives would be if you turned our attention to others instead of focusing on us.  Let's face it, God created people LAST!

I scroll through my Facebook feed every so often, and after about the fifth or sixth "I'm awesome because..." or "Feel sorry for me but I won't talk about it" post, I just stop.  

Permit me, if you will, to be blunt...we all have a brief time on this earth.  A date of birth and a date of death.  Life is determined by how we use the time between the dates!

God created each of us with unique talents and gifts that we are expected to use to help others!  When do we stop trying to be a big deal and start making a big deal out of using out gifts and talents to help others.  AND those who want to only soak up the gifts and talents of others need a real change of heart!

Okay...time for more coffee.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Don’t be anxious or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
Philippians 4:6-7 

Ever been anxious?  I'm not talking about being nail-biting upset.  I am talking about paralyzing anxiety that makes you fearful to do anything because you feel it might be the wrong thing to do which would make the situation worse.  I am talking about the anxiety that makes breathing a struggle and you feel as though your heart will explode.

Let me be completely honest, when someone is enduring an anxiety attack (and enduring is the closest word I can use to describe it), the absolute worst most worthless thing to tell them is "Calm down" or "What have you got to be so upset about?"  

One of the best things those who deal with anxiety can do, is keep an ongoing conversation going with God.  Time after time, God reminds us that He has ALREADY made a way for us.  God is ALREADY aware of out situation.  God has ALREADY heard our spirit's cry and has ALREADY set His plan for us in motion.

Let me give you a few practical things you can do to help someone enduring an anxiety attack:

1.  Remain calm.  Speak to the person in a calm and reassuring tone.
2.  Remind the person to breathe.  To take slower breaths.
3.  Do NOT touch them without their permission.  Ask them, "May I sit next to you?"  "May I hold your hand?"
4.  Ask the person to focus on your face and your voice.  Reassure them that you are going to stay with them until the attack subsides.
5.  Ask them to Help You Understand what is going on with them.
6.  Pray for them silently as you listen.

God reminds us over and over that nothing surprises Him.  So the anxiety attack doesn't surprise Him.  As a matter of fact, God may even allow you to be around someone who is having an anxiety attack to teach you. 

God is practical like that.    

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Are You A Lifter?

Anxiety in a person’s heart weighs him down,
but an encouraging word brings him joy.
Proverbs 12:25 
I'm still a student, believe it or not, because there's always something to learn.  I may have mentioned before, I thrive on encouragement.  No, not the "cheerleading" kind, but the "let me in the muck with you and we will get out together" kind.  
I'll admit it, I haven't been to the gym in quite some time for a multitude of reasons.  Mainly, when I am focusing my mind on something, everything else gets pushed aside.  And the other reason is rather mundane, I just don't like going.  There is truly nothing about the gym that interests me.  But when I was going, it was because it wasn't just me...there was a group of us that went.  We did our exercise routines and encouraged each other because we did it together.'s devotional is not about going to the gym, it's about encouraging each other.  It's very easy to be a "cheer leader" who merely shouts "you can do it" or "you are awesome."  However, true encouragement is ACTION!  It is a verb!  Encouragement is what you actually DO!
True, there are those who will always want someone else to do FOR them, but will not do for themselves.  And, to be honest, I will help up until (and sometimes beyond) the point where I really have nothing left to offer.  
Remember the story of the Adulterous Woman the Scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus?  Jesus encouraged her by standing up for her to the Scribes and Pharisees who wanted to kill her.  However, if you remember, Jesus also made it clear that SHE had to actually DO something....stop committing adultery.  
The best counsel on encouragement I ever got was from an old homeless man who lived in the parking garage where I used to work.  He said, "If you need encouragement, help someone else, because then you will see that you have if better than others."
Encouragement is a VERB!  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Luke 23:43 
When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he told one of the criminals that "Today you will be with Me in paradise."  Have you ever wondered what Paradise would be like?
I can't prove it, because I haven't been there, but I personally believe Paradise is going to be spectacular!  Individually Spectacular!  God made each of us as individuals, and each of us have different tastes, different likes, different ideas of 'wonderful'.  How boring would it be for someone who loves the beach if they were welcomed to a paradise that was made for someone who loves the Southwest?
Jesus reminds us that in His Father's house are many mansions.  He never said they were all going to be the same.  What you might find to be a mansion might be obnoxious and gaudy. 
Do you truly think that the same God who created us so uniquely would put us all in something cookie cutter?  I firmly believe Paradise will be individual where we will be ever inspired to praise God and be grateful to Him! 
But that's just me. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Time To Strip Down!

We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.
Hebrews 12:1

In the days of the original Olympic games, the athletes participated in their events without any sort of uniform, or with any clothing at all for that matter.  Why? Because it was considered to be more fair and equal to run without any sort of hindrance or burden.  Look at our Olympic athletes today, especially the runners.  They wear as little as possible and it is as lightweight as possible so as to not be a hindrance to their performance.
Yet as we stroll through life, many of us struggle to walk because of all that we are carrying.  Marital issues, family discord, financial burdens, job struggles, emotional struggles, health issues, addictions, arrogance, laziness, not doing what we know is the right thing....they just seem to keep piling up.  Eventually, we are barely able to claw another inch forward.  Our lives become more of a burden than a joy.  And we wonder why.
The writer of Hebrews tells us that we should RUN the race that is our life and NEVER give up.  How can this be possible?  By removing, letting go of, dropping ANYTHING that holds us down and especially any sin that burdens us.
Think about this:  This means we need to let go of what we cannot control (which is pretty much everything) and allow God to help shape our lives so we can run with the Grace that He offers us.  That means we will have to make some changes, especially in ourselves.  It also means we cannot keep those around us who drain us.  

Friday, August 19, 2016

Perspective of Clarity

We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
1 Corinthians 13:12
I used to love going exploring.  Once when wandering through the woods, I happened upon an old cabin that was extremely old, and extremely unoccupied (except for the spiders and that not-so-nice swarm of flying bugs).  I wanted to see inside yet couldn't because the porch roof had collapsed and blocked the door.  However, there was one window I could just barely reach.  Trying as hard as I could, the window was just so dirty that I couldn't make out what was inside. (I did, however, come back the next day with Windex and paper towels.  Cleaned the window and saw the cabin was just a big empty room).
Now that I have reached the point in life where my arms are too short for me to read with any accuracy, I have succumbed to having to wear reading glasses.  I am learning, though, the importance of keeping the lenses free from finger prints, the dog's nose prints, and just general grime.  Having to clean them every time I actually want to see what I'm reading can be a bit tiresome, but the result is that my perspective has changed because I can see with clarity.
Think about this: As we toddle through life, bumping into the walls and other such obstacles, it's usually because we're trying to hurry through without having the perspective of clarity.  Hmmm....  Perspective of Clarity!  What a novel way to travel!
Now....consider the Perspective of Clarity when God allows us to see just the next step He has set for us to take.  We, being stubborn and defiant, don't like the direction He has made clear for us, so we try another path and end up bumbling about like a giant bumbling blind thing.  God gives us the Perspective of Clarity.  True, sometimes we have to ask Him to point us in the right direction and sometimes we have to wait until He has gotten us ready for that next step.  But isn't that much easier and much less painful than trying to blunder our way through?
If you need to see the next step, ask God for the Perspective of Clarity!    

Thursday, August 18, 2016

When You Walk Through A Cattle Pasture...

So submit to God. But resist the devil and he will flee from you. 
James 4:7 
The question was asked of me, "If I have forgiven someone who has hurt me, but when I come in contact with them, I get angry and upset all over again, does that mean I haven't truly forgiven them?"  Forgiveness is not forgiveness unless it costs you!  End of story!  Forgiveness will cost you the "right" of revenge.  Forgiveness will cost you the "right" to slap on a happy mask and pretend everything is okay.  You see, forgiving someone does not mean the scars are gone.  And if someone has hurt you, then forgiveness might even cost you a relationship with that person.
One thing to consider, Forgiveness does not remove the temptation to let our humanity show.  Take for example if I get a bottle of water, and that water is scalding hot, the wise thing for me to do is not touch that bottle until I can handle the heat.  The same applies when others hurt us.  We can forgive them, but the wise thing to do is to not be in proximity of the person who hurt us until we are completely able to handle their company without being fake.  Why? Because once you have forgiven someone who has hurt you, you don't want to be tempted to be hurt by them again or to become angry with them again.  You should distance yourself from them until that hurt within you has healed completely.
If you are familiar with cows, they are quite prolific in the manufacture of manure and aren't too particular where they leave this gift.  I don't know about you, but I've never seen anyone who works with cows walking through a pasture without shoes, boots, waders, or some covering.  Why? Because once you've stepped in it, you learn it's not something you want to step into again.
Think of it this way, if you know that where the traps are, wouldn't it be wiser to walk around them rather than step into them.  We are told to resist temptation.  When Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, His approach was to remind us that the temptation to do wrong begins in the heart.
Therefore, if you want to avoid the temptation, sometimes you have to separate yourself from the place where your temptation lurks.  The enemy knows where you struggle and sets traps for you, avoid them!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Are You An Exhibitionist?

Be careful! When you do good things, don’t do them in front of people to be seen by them. If you do that, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
Matthew 6:1

Ever known anyone who was so self-important that they wanted EVERYONE to notice all the good things they have done?  Ever known anyone who make a great show of doing good, not so much because they are doing good, but because it will draw attention to them?

Yeah, I know a few like that too.  They are everywhere and, sadly, churches are full of them.  They cannot do a good deed without letting as many people know as possible.  And sadly, the "good" act is almost always a one-and-done situation where the act is done, applause, applause, camera flashes, lots of smiles, and then they are off to the next attention getting act.

In today's passage, Jesus is reminding us that we ARE to do good things for others, but we are NOT to do them for the purpose of self-promotion!  If the only reason we do good is so we can receive accolades, then we are doing it for the wrong reason and the accolades are our reward and we are nothing more than exhibitionists.

You see, IF we truly love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, then we will love others as we love ourselves, and THAT will make doing good things naturally be part of our normal personality.  But if we have to do good for the purpose of making sure others know we have done good, we need to make sure that we aren't trying to take God's place.  

In the Old Testament, Jeremiah writes: More than anything else, a person’s mind is evil and cannot be healed. Who can understand it? Which means it is our INTENTION that will reveal our true purpose.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Gandhi Got It Right!

Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2 

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "You my BE the change you wish to see in the world."   Have you looked at the world lately?  Chaos is becoming more and more prevalent.  It's as if the whole world has gone insane, and our leaders seem helpless to bring about change because they are too afraid of offending people who might just vote for them.  And our world seems to be on a downward spiral.  What are we to do? Is all lost?  Are we helpless?

Have you ever wanted to make a positive change that would have lasting effects?  Ever want to change the world...until you look at the world and that challenge seems to be such a daunting task that you just cannot fathom how you, being one person, can make a difference that will matter!

John Mayer performed a song called "Waiting for the World to Change."  The song itself is one I enjoy, but think what would happen if WE wait for the WORLD to change?  How long would we have to wait?

You see, Gandhi got it right!  WE must BE the change we wish to see in this world.  And we begin this process with the face in the mirror.  Our prayer should daily be, "Clean my heart and soul, Father, and help me SHOW You to others."  

Just as a point to ponder, a few weeks ago, someone (or group of someones) stocked one of the Department Substation's refrigerator with Gatorade as a way of just doing something nice and to tell the deputies "Thank You."  Was that a big effort?  To some it might be, to a group perhaps not.  The response to that effort was tremendous!  How do I know?  Because the deputies drank all the Gatorade and were so thankful for such a thoughtful act.

Consider this.....kind acts are not "one and done" acts.  Acts of kindness should be ongoing.  Eventually, people will ask you "why do you do that?" and you can tell them that you're weird like that. There are some who think this would be the moment to hammer the Gospel message, but I disagree.  We are called to plant seeds, not pound stone.

Small acts of kindness, have a huge impact!

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Rest Of The Story

The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.
Deuteronomy 29:29 
I was reading an article, by one of my favorite author's, this morning and at first I didn't like his perspective, his point or his point of view.  However, the more I pondered it, the more I realized what a complete idiot I have been for so long.
When God is silent, I figure He either is not interested in talking with me or I've "lost my touch" so to speak.  Because sometimes, not matter how many words I use to get my point across to God, I hear only silence. But I discovered something about myself this morning....silence can be deafening.
One of the things the article stated was that God doesn't give us the whole story, because we could not handle it if He did.  Can you imagine if God told you how long you would live, what you would face during your life, and the exact moment and method of your passing?  I think my response would be "Okay, that's pretty horrific, so can we just go ahead and end me now?"  
God has knowledge that we don't need to know.  But we are stubborn little cusses who think we need to know everything about everything.  We are IDIOTS!  
I've shared with you before that during my quiet time, I crochet, using each stitch as a prayer.  Normally, I have no idea what design, if any, to use and I have no idea who to give it to, but God does.  And usually, when I get to the last few stitches,  God doesn't say a word, He merely puts a face in my mind and then I know.  I don't know their story and don't need to.  What I DO know is that in God's Silence, He knows who needs what and when.

God is not silent because He's ignoring us.  God's silence is protecting us because He loves us too much to tell us everything.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Life Is Tough! But God...

When doubts filled my mind,
    your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
Psalm 94:19 
I love my job!  Not because it is glamorous; not because I get showered lots accolades; not because it brings lots of attention.  I love my job because it is what God has called me to do.  When issues or problems or hurts arise, God allows me to bring His comfort as best as I can. 
Now....I work with mostly Law Enforcement Officers.  These are tough individuals who are accustomed to being in control and in charge.  So when calamity strikes, and it does, they "suck it up and drive on."  Which works fine for them.....for a while.  Eventually, after months or even years of stuffing down their feelings...cracks begin to show.  Perhaps, they are more argumentative and don't understand why their squad, family, spouse don't like being around them.  Perhaps, they begin numbing their feelings with alcohol or other ingested methods.  Perhaps, they just quit altogether.  Perhaps they act out. Perhaps they have become so jaded that they hate everything and everyone.
Want to know something interesting?  What I described about Law Enforcement Officers applies to humanity as a whole.  We don't want people to think we are weak.  We don't want people to see that we are vulnerable.  We don't like NOT being in control. 
Fact:  We AREN'T in control!  God is the one in control.  So when doubts fill out minds, and they will, God will comfort us and renew our hope.  And guess what?  Usually through people who have endured something similar and has come through on the other side.
God comforts us in ways we don't expect and through people who truly do care.  Don't be afraid to be real and honest.  There will come a time when YOU will be able to be God's comforter for others.
As a matter of note:  I often counsel others to "Take care of yourself; because if you don't take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others."  I am going to be taking my own advice, as difficult as that is, and will be off the grid until Monday.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Wind

Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue but in deed and truth. 
1 John 3:18 
A boy went to the stream to get a bucket of water for his grandfather's garden, but every time he got to the garden his bucket was empty.  He did this over and over with the same result, always the bucket was empty by the time he got to the garden.  Finally, in frustration he sat on the ground by the garden and yelled, "I DON'T GET IT!"
His grandfather came from the other side of the garden, looked at the bucket, then hugged his grandson and said, "Go back to the shed and get the bucket without the hole in the bottom."
 Think about this, our empty words are like that bucket....they just don't work.  How many times have we said, "I'm sorry" and those words were nothing more than empty air.  How many times have we said, "I'll pray for you" and were forgotten the very moment they passed out lips. 
We are VERY good with using words. Some are extremely eloquent.  Some can offer beautiful words that would convince us of their absolute sincerity, except for one thing...their actions!
You've heard the old adage that "Actions Speak Louder Than Words."  It's true!  There was a time when a person's word was their honor, bond, reputation, and was more valuable than gold itself, because when a person SAID they would do something...they PROVED it by DOING it! 
And yes, I have a bruise between the eyes on this one too: If you aren't willing to do what you say, then don't say it. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Nothing Can Stop You!

And after you suffer for a short time, God, 
who gives all grace, will make everything right. 
He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. 
He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever. 
1 Peter 5:10 
What have you faced in your life?  Financial stress?  Divorce?  Job Stress?  Just can't seem to catch a break?  All of the above?  
Here's something we tend to forget (and so do I), stress, anxiety, worry and fear are NOT Problem Solvers!  They make the problem worse in our minds.  You see, our minds have the nasty little habit of taking a situation, adding worry, stress, anxiety and fear to it, and making a debilitating soup that makes us, not only feel defeated, but makes self defeating people.
It's not bad enough that the issues we face are tough on us, add to that the fact that, while your supposed to be dealing with the issue you have to slap on the "happy face" for everyone else while your mind begins taking side trips down "Worst Possible Outcome" Lane.  And thus begins the spiral.  
Meanwhile, we forget the most important part of this process.  You see, you're still here.  That proves you are stronger than you give yourself credit.  God has brought you through every breath of life so far and you are still here!  

Let me ask you the same questions I have had asked of me:
     *  How much money will all your worry, fear, anxiety, and stress put into your bank account?
     *   How much longer will all your worry, fear, anxiety, and stress extend your life?
     *   How much happier will all your worry, fear, anxiety, and stress add to your life?
God has not called us to be fearful.  He has called us to be afraid.  He has not called us to be stressed or worried.  God has called us to be His Children!  And as His children, HE takes care of us!  And we WILL come out stronger, in spite of what we face, because nothing and no one can change His plans for us!   

Friday, August 5, 2016


Do not gloat over me, my enemies!
    For though I fall, I will rise again.
Though I sit in darkness,
    the Lord will be my light.
Micah 7:8 
"This has been one of those weeks, Padre.  I feel like I have been in a battle with a horde of angry wives." 
"I feel like I have been gut punched."
"I can't remember when I stopped caring about anything."
"I feel like I have nothing left in me."
These are just some of the things I have been told JUST THIS YEAR!  They sound depressing and distressing.  These folks felt as if they had been defeated.  Why?  Because this year has not been a good one for them.  Because of the deadlines; the headlines; the acting out of idiots; the constant onslaught of the of family struggles, daily pressures, financial had become overwhelming.
Ever feel overwhelmed and defeated by life? Ever feel like the enemy is laughing because you've been knocked down?
Read carefully Micah's words!  "Do NOT gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I WILL RISE AGAIN!"  And why will we rise again?  "the LORD will be my light!"
Here's a fact that has never been proven to be wrong:  The darkest of darkness CANNOT hide a single light.  God truly is our light and our strength and our salvation!  We may get knocked down, but as God's children He will never allow us to be defeated.  We may feel overwhelmed, but as God's Children He pulls us from the depths of despair!
When life comes at you, and it will, talk with God!  It also helps if you already have an ongoing conversation with Him.  If you're not yet on speaking terms, don't be too stubborn to start speaking!